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Point indicators

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I have a passing loop with a set of left and right handed points both have point motors both are wired into one port of a ads8 one is wired opposite to the other both have the same port number all is fine

my problem is i cannot get the point indicators to show for main line or the loop at the same time one is set for loop other is for main line can anyone help please

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Are you talking about the grey/blue line that changes according to the route selected? If so it just means you have not positiioned your point icons correctly. In the design part of RM move the icons away from where they are now and move them back to where you want them. They should appear to "snap" into place where the vertical and horizontal lines cross. If you mean something else please let us know. R-

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Yes the little blue lines sorry

The buttons are in there snapped position but because one is wired in the opposite direction to the other the blue line on one is showing the wrong way 

Have tried moving the buttons but rm insists on putting them in there rightful place 

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There was a problem with this a while back and I can't find the post for it.

As RogB says to get the points 'red/green buttons' positioned correctly just drag them over the point on the design plan and they will snap into the correct position. If you try to place each red/green button where you think you want it, they won't snap and errors may result.

I presume you have already got both motors physically changing in synch and its just the RM trackplan that is showing an opposing indication.

Waiting for your update.

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After following that link from Ray - it seems to me that the basic RM product is definitely not fit for purpose if it can't correctly configure a simple thing like a passing loop, but if you buy the Pro-Pack we have fixed it - sort ofif you fiddle about with this and that.

Come on RM get a grip and sort this one out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am experiencing a problem with the blue point indicators. After an operating session of 40 minutes plus they stop working. The points still switch on command but the indicator doesn't move with them. I've redesigned my track plan and made sure the point indicator clicks into place, but this has not cured the problem. The last time it happened I went into the design screen, saved it, and then came back into operating mode where the indicators resumed working as they should! Can anyone offer any help or advice? Thanks.

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In RailMaster, you normally place the RED point icon on the left hand side of the point entry. So in a crossover configuration (I know the OP has a passing loop, but bare with me for a moment) when you give two crossover points the same address, clicking either Red icon will show the correct route (blue line) as will clicking either Green point icon.


In a passing loop the RED point icon needs to be on the left hand side of the point entry on one of the passing loop pairs, but on the right hand side of the point entry on the other point of the pair. With the pair in question given the same point address. This will result with the blue point indicators for the passing pair points being correctly synchronised when either of the Red or Green point icon are clicked. Then all is needed, is to ensure the points are then wired to throw the correct way i.e one point reversed compared to the other. The issue is however I am not sure if RM track design allows the Red icon to be placed on the right hand side of the point entry. I assume it will, but it is not something I have tried myself.

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Edit window expired.

As a follow up to my post above. I have reviewed some other posts on the subject and it does appear from what has been reported elsewhere that you cannot place the Red point icon on the right hand side of the point entry. Still worth trying though as such a configuration in track design might just be accepted.

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Further to above.

I have just tried creating a passing loop in track designer. I could not place a Red point icon on the right hand side of the point entry. At least not one that clicked automatically into position. The only other solution that I can think of (without going the ProPack route) is to wire each point to its own dedicated decoder port, give each point a unique address and use RM 'routes' feature.

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I am experiencing a problem with the blue point indicators. After an operating session of 40 minutes plus they stop working. The points still switch on command but the indicator doesn't move with them. I've redesigned my track plan and made sure the point indicator clicks into place, but this has not cured the problem. The last time it happened I went into the design screen, saved it, and then came back into operating mode where the indicators resumed working as they should! Can anyone offer any help or advice? Thanks.


I've had sessions in the last few days a lot longer than 40 minutes, and I haven't experienced your problem. Have you downloaded the latest version of RM? Do you operate your layout from the screen or via programs? I wonder if they work properly from a program after they have stopped working from the screen. All I can suggest is a fault report through the RM help system to HRMS.


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I am experiencing a problem with the blue point indicators. After an operating session of 40 minutes plus they stop working. The points still switch on command but the indicator doesn't move with them. I've redesigned my track plan and made sure the point indicator clicks into place, but this has not cured the problem. The last time it happened I went into the design screen, saved it, and then came back into operating mode where the indicators resumed working as they should! Can anyone offer any help or advice? Thanks.


I've had sessions in the last few days a lot longer than 40 minutes, and I haven't experienced your problem. Have you downloaded the latest version of RM? Do you operate your layout from the screen or via programs? I wonder if they work properly from a program after they have stopped working from the screen. All I can suggest is a fault report through the RM help system to HRMS.


Thanks for the quick reply Ray, sorry I've not responded earlier, I've been busy this week. I have downloaded the latest version as you suggested but it hasn't solved the problem. I operate my layout via the screen, incidentally. When the indicators stopped working, a quick jump into layout design, save and then back into operation mode and everything works again? It's very weird. I've contacted the support team as you suggested but, in the meantime, you think of anything else please get in touch. Des


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I have had a similar problem with just one point.   After repeated attempts to delete and replace it seems ok now. 


As with the using two points together it seems to depend also on setting the left and right in the correct way.

My problem is that the points don't function.  In Dc mode they do.

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Hi Peter, welcome to the forums.  Please note I have suggested that your question be answered here and not where you accidentally "reported" in the DCC forum and Admin has included your question.  Also in future, can I suggest you start a new thread for a new topic, not post at the bottom of another thread as here, particularly as Des's problem is yet to be resolved.  It gets confusing with 2 topics running in the same thread.


So Peter, can we assume you've programmed your decoders to the port numbers you want and in Layout Design you've set up your points, snapped the red and green buttons into position on them and programmed them to the same numbers as the ports?  Then have you wired them using the same common wire to the centre port connection as you were using on DC, and to the correct port number as you've programmed?  After doing all of that, they should work so let us know.  Oh, and have you programmed the same point number for both in your crossover and wired them to the same port?

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