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Printing of Track Plans

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In a quiet moment I decided to print my current track plan, all well and good - at 100%. I wondered what would happen if I printed at the other magnifications and after being personally resonsible for the demise of another small forest I wondered if anyone else had a similar eperience or if the issues had been discussed elsewhere? I couldn't find a similar thread, but then my glasses are almost always absent from my nose. Less than 100% and part of the track plan gets misssed off the right hand edge, but any text is huge. Greater than 100% and you get enough sheets of paper to wall paper a small loo! R-

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If you navigate to your RailMaster program folder and look for a file called "TrackPlan.BMP". In my case, I found this file to be a .BMP file of my default track plan. You can then load this file into an image application of your choice (one of course that supports .BMP files) and print from there. This is something I did to create a small A5 landscape sized mimic diagram, but you of course could print any size that is supported by your chosen application. A4 landscape for instance.


The BMP image (in my case) was yellow track on a dark grey background with overlayed text in white. Once in my image application I could customise it with extra elements, like point addresses for example before printing.

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Further to my reply above (edit window expired).

I see from the RM manual that track printing is shown as a 'ProPack' feature. So my solution above should work for anybody who is using the standard RM as well, as I am.

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Hi Chris - thanks for this. I am happy with the 100% print but just though I would point out that printing at the other magnifications produced an unexpected result. Having followed your advice (Photo Viewer > Paint) I have to say I prefer the grey background. R-

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