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Esu SwitchPilot Servo Works With Railmaster

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/media/tinymce_upload/ESU_to_Rmaster1.jpgFor those who have been frustrated trying to get the ESU Switchpilot Servo decoder to work with Railmaster, I can advise that the following should work, as it does on my Elite/Railmaster set-up.


  1. Create a new signal or point icon in Railmaster design. Right click to populate the settings eg, decoder port number and select the R8247 decoder from the drop down list. Save.
  2. Load the new plan design into Railmaster, so that it starts up with this design plan.
  3. Close Railmaster.
  4. Prepare electrical connections as in diagram above, connecting “Power A” on the decoder to Track A on the Elite etc, but do not insert the now wired plug into the decoder yet.
  5. Start & connect the Elite & PC, then re-start Railmaster.
  6. Insert the now wired-up plug into the ESU SwitchPilot Servo decoder..the decoder is now powered up.
  7. To program the chosen address to the decoder, hold down the Program button (it’s on the far left of the unit) for about 2 seconds, the LED beside it will start to flash on-off-on-off slowly – this indicates that the decoder is now in “Learing Mode” and you can now send / program the address to it.
  8. Click on the newly created signal or point icon in Railmaster, this will send the address to the decoder which now will illuminate the LED continuously, the LED will then switch off – the decoder is now back into operation mode.
  9. Now try clicking the new icon in Railmaster again, the servo should move one way, then click again to move it the other way.
  10. The 1st servo port should now be programmed.
  11. To fine adjust the movement of the servo motor to set positions A & B, hold down the Program button again, for longer this time, so that the LED flashes intermittently with short abrupt flashes – the LED above Prog 1 will illuminate and allows servo movement start / stop positions to be set.
  12. Start position - Use the Value + and – buttons to set to desired position.
  13. End position - Press Program button ,use the Value + and – buttons to set final end position..then press the Program button to save.
  14. Press the Program button again to set the servo travel speed, use the Value + & - buttons to adjust.
  15. Press Program button to save.
  16. The 1st decoder port is now programmed. The 2nd Prog LED will now illuminate. If no other servos are to be set at this stage, then keep pressing the Program button up & down until all the LEDs all      switch off. The servo programming should now be complete and operational with Railmaster.

N.B. a further 2 positions can be set (C & D) per servo, allowing further movement for example at the end of travel, thus replicating “signal bounce”. These 2 additional positions should be set up using  CV’s, as explained in section 10.3 on page 22 of the decoder manual.










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Will appear soon if you were posting pictures.  But if you have run foul of the language filter, accidentally or otherwise, you will likely never see it again, so it would be a good idea to repeat your question.  Also check other recent threads that have a lot of coverage on the Switchpilot

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It helps, especially when starting a discussion if it has pictures attached and its a weekend, to post a lead in description saying pictures are on their way and post them afterwards.

We kind of guess now that a blank post is held for pictures.

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Will appear soon if you were posting pictures.  But if you have run foul of the language filter, accidentally or otherwise, you will likely never see it again, so it would be a good idea to repeat your question.  Also check other recent threads that have a lot of coverage on the Switchpilot

Hi Fish,

I wasn't asking a question this time, I was trying to post a comprehensive guide to assist all those who have been trying to use a SwitchPilot Servo decoder via Railmaster. Yes I have seen various suggestions posted on the web, but none that have been stated actually to work with Railmaster, nor with any wiring diagram and step-by-step instructions of what to do. So, having got mine working (with some kind assistance from Mark in Railmaster Support), I decided to write the instructions up and include a wiring diagram to avoid any confusion. There is only 1 photo in my post and its a wiring diagram, so it should not be contentious.

Just trying to help fellow modellers who may wish to use servos with Railmaster for signals etc..



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Did you manage to download my document in the end Pete?

Hi Teedouble,

Sorry no, I haven't seen your document yet, as I think it requires me to register on a photo site ?

Did you get the decoder working by twiddling the cv's ?.....that could be very interesting !?


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Did you manage to download my document in the end Pete?

Hi Teedouble,

Sorry no, I haven't seen your document yet, as I think it requires me to register on a photo site ?

Did you get the decoder working by twiddling the cv's ?.....that could be very interesting !?



Hi Pete,  There is no need to register or open an account when viewing a shared link on Dropbox. The only reason I can think you can't read it is you may need a MS Word reader on your PC as this is the format of my document.


I am posting it again HERE so making it available to a wider audience.



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  • 11 months later...

hi pete172 , I have bought a ESU switch pilot V2.0 for the turnout.

This decoder is able to control also 2 servo motor. (port 5 and 6 of the decoder)

With the railmaster is possible to detect this 2 port and program them for a servo motor?

Can you help me to program the decoder for servo motor?


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Hi Caponord,

Yes I think it can be done, though my instructions at the start of this topic are for the ESU Servo decoder, I guess it may work the same for setting up the points decoder that you have.

Do you have any of the points working using Railmaster via your decoder ??, if so then you will be aware of how to set them up in the RM software. If that's the case then I would suggest you just place a signal icon on your track plan & program it the same way as you did for points, but this time its for a servo /signal. Otherwise try following my instructions , as they may well work for the points decoder that you have...

Let us know how you get on.


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