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Version 1.61 Function buttons

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Just downloaded v 1.61 and all my function buttons have gone haywire

function 0 button is off when it should be on 

funtion 1 button just does not work cannot turn sound on/off unless i click on loco control box and make it big 

anybody else having same problem or is just me

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Roger, Keep up, 1.61, download offered at 14.00, today. Have put it on, and its fine, sounds work as before. Dont ask what it does, you know me, dont read small or large print. john

Sorry John - will take lines "Must keep up". Seriously though I was out at a local hostlery making merry. R-

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It is all locos f0 is on when off and off when on and i have nothing on f1 f2 f3 f4 and so on

if i double click on a loco control box and make it big f0 is the same  but all other f buttons are fine

will send a help request with more info

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... Slightly frustrating that the link at the head of this thread is not updated and does not work...

I think the link and information is put on by Adam in admin, almost as a favour to us, in response to a request from this forum.  

We should not expect him to update it instantly, especially at weekends and given the almost constant hours that the HMRS team seem to operate.

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The download link at the top of the RailMaster forum page works for me OK.


RogerB, try it again. The 404 Error might have just been a temporary glitch with your internet browser. It may show 1.60 Rev 2 in the on screen text, but the underlying URL is not version specific and should download whatever is the latest version. In this case 1.61 The underlying URL is in fact the very same URL that Fishman gave. So if that one works, the link on the Forum page should work too.


Obviously Adam isn't around at present to update the download link text displayed on the RailMaster forum page.


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... Slightly frustrating that the link at the head of this thread is not updated and does not work...

I think the link and information is put on by Adam in admin, almost as a favour to us, in response to a request from this forum.  

We should not expect him to update it instantly, especially at weekends and given the almost constant hours that the HMRS team seem to operate.

Absolutely fair point RDS. Subsequent posts suggest that the error is something to do with Windows, so my laptop playing up it seems. R-

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We haven't received your Help Request tibrahim.  Would you, and anybody else with the function buttons issue, send an email to us at support@rail-master.com and attach your resource.mdb file from the RailMaster program folder so that we can see your locos and try to replicate what you are seeing.  In your email please explain fully what is happening with named locos and function buttons.  We made improvements to the function buttons and it is possible that something on your systems has now been highlighted as a result.  If you can let us have those files we can sort this out ASAP.

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Hornby Railmaster Support, sorry , but at the risk of being a killjoy. i have no idea what Mdb file is . let alone how to attach it. Until i downloaded, what i thought was a trustworthy update, all my sound locos, functions worked from small screen. Now they dont. Function 0, an1, have gone grey. Would it not be better to revert to previous function system.. Failing that, you have my log, presumeably, you would be able to see from there. It is not my wish to be difficult, but us laymen, talk a different language than you guys, and presumeably what you have tinkered with to cause the error, can be re- tinkered wiuth. john 

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John, idiot's guide to file names.  Can I take it you know how to open Computer de Moi to see the files you have and what they are called?


Do you know how to find your Railmaster folder?  On your C: drive, there is a folder called Program Files which will show that it contains heaps of folders alphabetically, one being Railmaster.  Inside that folder, there is a file called resource.mdb, that's the one you are looking for.  It might just be showing as resource, without the MDB, depending how your file display is set.  And that folder just might be called Program Files (x86), depending on your Windows version on your laptop.


Now when you open your email to send one to support@rail-master.com, you must have a button somewhere, often with a paper clip in it, which allows you to attach a file to your email.  Click on that button, then find your way back to the Railmaster folder and attach the resource.mdb file.


Now I realise some of you will think this is sucking d'oeuf de grandmere, but john likes things spelt out.

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