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Version 1.61 Function buttons

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... I will often leave a reply until the next day to ensure I extract the issue and leave the emotion behind ...

I totally agree and that is a policy I adopt.  I remember once, someone who worked for me asking me to look at a memo he had written to another Department to ensure I agreed with it.  I read it and suggested that he put it away for the night and read it again in the morning and to tell me if he still wanted to send it.  The fact is - he didn't send it!


@RAF96, we have had some excellent exchanges over the last months but I must say I have been disappointed with your comments and apparent attitude on this particular subject.  OK, HRMS have issued some software that contained bugs but from what I can see, everything possible has been done to correct the situation and in very quick time as well.

I think we have seen many times that constructive criticism is welcomed by HRMS and we all know that we have suggested some changes that have been incorporated in the version we now operate because at the end of the day, all we all want is a product that enhances the way we can run our model railway and I am delighted with the facilities that RailMaster has allowed me to enjoy.

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RDS,  i think you would have needed to be sitting at your layout with locos chuffing, uncontroleably, and horns blaring, while function buttons did nothing, to appreciate the   frustration involved, having just downloaded a program designed to help a known function problem. No one underestimates the hours and devotion of HMRS, its just occasionally, the, (its not the end of the world) response, rather than regret, that grates.  At the end of the day, as WTD, would have said, its only model trains, but the excellence of the programme, and normal glitch free updates,  have tended to lull me in particular into a sense of calm expectation, which, fell very short this time. This, coupled with the fact that for once, i was not tale end charlie, and had stolen a march, on my very experienced fellow DCC posters, was particularly irritating. . Just goes to show that i must remember my place in future, and revert to trailing behind. john

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Pj, high, thanks, i have tension headache tablets, should i circulate some of them. Went back to playing with my recently neglected Large DC layout last night. 13 locos, all running at once, beautifully. Very stress relieving. Thats what this forum should be about, playing trains. john

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If i knew how to work them, maybe. We have an ipad, and a kindle fire. I would NOT be allowed to use ipad, for fear of losing Daily Mail, app, which keeps my wife sane. Kindle fire, is a little small. All very exciting now with my shiny new elite. All i need is a 38 page memory, to understand what it will and wont do. Have a new layout, in mind for the winter, involving 2 helixs, just a question if i can bear to dismantle what i have. Fortunately, have 20x15 workshop, so would be able to build in  dismantable bits, 6, perhaps. Also my layout was governed by height of ping pong table, and looking to make 2 tier, @1.20 metre high. this of course, is health, and budget permitting. We are doing well at moment, due to dropping value of euro. rock on. john

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Thank you for updating the forum for the latest RM version.

We appreciate this is an addition job, more as a favour to forum users,  we also accept if updates are made available at a weekend it may not be updated at the top of the forum until after the weekend.



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Sorry to open up old wounds but having just installed version 1.61 from the above my function buttons are now intermittent. I do realise microsoft have a lot to answer for and various items conflict with windows(using 8.1) but have reinstalled version 1.60 .2 and all is now OK.The issues I was experiencing with 1.61 were sounds when using the F keys on various locos.The overall engine sound was not affected just the depressing or touching of the F keys.

Gizmo04 Rob

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Hi Rob

You may want to wait until you hear from your submitted message now, but you could always try this link for the latest download.

They should be the same but this is not guaranteed. Adam adds the lnk for Hornby as a favour to forum users, the link below is HRMS direct download link.


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Hi Rob


You may want to wait until you hear from your submitted message now, but you could always try this link for the latest download.


They should be the same but this is not guaranteed. Adam adds the link for Hornby as a favour to forum users, the link below is HRMS direct download link.



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Hi, i dont think any blame can be attributed to Microsoft, as they would not know about Railmaster. but windows 8 is a  known diabolical  system, which will be solved in about 4 weeks with windows 10. Railmaster works best of all, on XP, and several on the forum, have a dedicated old laptop, just for rm. Its also, perfect on windows7. As PJ says, report it, as you appear to now be the only one affected, and there are several windows 8 users, quite happy. john

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Thank you John


I do agree Windows 8 had lots of issues but 8.1 seems to have fixed them. I am one of the happy 8.1 useers that willl get Windows 10 Free. Although I won't be rushing to download it.



Hi John I share your thoughts on Windows 10.I cannot share Yelrows conidence that all problems will be resolved with this new windows version and I m not refering to Railmaster.My thoughts on Microsoft were not just mine, infact I was trying to be fair by adding that it might not be Railmasters fault at all, Hornby and many others in these threads have stated it too.Throughout computer history Microsoft just issue a release albeit beta tested and everyone else has to fall in! I suppose the big people have all the say! I have used windows 8 and 8.1 with my e link for sometime now with no issues.My point was that revision 1.61 caused ME some intermittent issues which 1.60.2 did not and does not on a reinstall. As far as I am concerned Bill Gates and windows 8/8.1 is in the clear on this occasion FOR ME 1.61 at the moment is the rogue and maybe there are others out there? I will report as suggested.Thanks for everyones input.

Gizmo04 Rob

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Hi Rob


Ifyou don't mind me saying, when youo add your reply you need to click your cursor below the yellow box. Items in the yellow boxes are previous messages and many will skip over this.


Having said that, you don't need to pick up the reply just add your message in the blank box at the bottom of the page .


It is just a comment to help you, it is easy to type in the yellow box and not know it. Many have done it before.



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I have no complaints with railmaster or the support provided, which is excellent. This post is just to confirm rob brewer's comment above that, even with latest update to 1.61, some function keys are behaving strangely and intermittently for sound functions. I'm using an old version of microsoft, so it isn't to do with windows 8.1 for me and all function keys worked well before first version of 1.61 was installed. Update to 1.61 is much better but on one or two locos the response to sound function key pressing is now intermittent,  whether on side or large control screen. I haven't raised directly with railmaster support as it's nothing too serious. I did start to wonder about dirty track being cause but after some work, I am now sure it is railmaster. Post is just to inform fellow users so you are aware. I suspect next version will sort this small problem out and I am happ

y to wait. 

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I have no complaints with railmaster or the support provided, which is excellent. This post is just to confirm rob brewer's comment above that, even with latest update to 1.61, some function keys are behaving strangely and intermittently for sound functions. I'm using an old version of microsoft, so it isn't to do with windows 8.1 for me and all function keys worked well before first version of 1.61 was installed. Update to 1.61 is much better but on one or two locos the response to sound function key pressing is now intermittent,  whether on side or large control screen. I haven't raised directly with railmaster support as it's nothing too serious. I did start to wonder about dirty track being cause but after some work, I am now sure it is railmaster. Post is just to inform fellow users so you are aware. I suspect next version will sort this small problem out and I am happy

to wait. 


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Hi Rcik

If you are having problems adding a message scroll to the white box at the bottom of the page. You will find this easier I think, many have.

It looks like your first message was done that way and your second was after using the Reply button in the message.

The white box at the bottom of the screen is simplest method.


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