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Outstanding problems with RM

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I've started this thread so people can list those problems they still have with RM (before the latest fiasco only please so as not to confuse the matter any more than it is).

Hopefully with a full picture of peoples' problems HRMS may be able to get the thing back on the rails.

1. Function buttons do not match when large throttle is opened - discrepancy between large and small throttles and loco state.

2. When large throttle is opened and all functions are shown using red arrow to open larger function screen. If I scroll the functions by click and drag the throttle will often fly up into the top of the screen masking both the throttle close and RM normal exit icons. I can only close RM using the X. HRMS has told me how to fix this by deleting a file but it's a problem that shouldn't happen.

3. Often when I open the loco settings screen I find my loco pictures have been transposed between locos.

4. Problems seen after auto-matic update requiring direct download to fix.

5. Not all TTS locos are in the database.

6. Some decoders are not recognised and so the RM CV reading list is incorrect for the decoder in hand.

All of these have been reported in to HRMS using both RM internal and direct reporting methods

In my opinion given the problems so often seen by users after updates it is obvious that beta-testing between revisions to prove they work properly before release is inadequate.

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Hi RAF, Just regarding your point 6. BTW, luckily(!) I didn't take the option to upgrade to latest revision when it was offered to me yesterday.


I have found for a while now that not all decoders are recognised by RM, even the same one on different locos will be read on one and not the other and a window pops up to say it's not in the RM database. Nonetheless, if you click on the Green Tick icon it will happily continue to read the rest of the CVs in. In this case the CV descriptions are not updated BUT so long as you know what your particular decoder CV parameters are you can still read and write to them using the CV number and ignoring the description. Hope that makes sense.

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Hi RAF, Just regarding your point 6. BTW, luckily(!) I didn't take the option to upgrade to latest revision when it was offered to me yesterday.


I have found for a while now that not all decoders are recognised by RM, even the same one on different locos will be read on one and not the other and a window pops up to say it's not in the RM database. Nonetheless, if you click on the Green Tick icon it will happily continue to read the rest of the CVs in. In this case the CV descriptions are not updated BUT so long as you know what your particular decoder CV parameters are you can still read and write to them using the CV number and ignoring the description. Hope that makes sense.

All makes perfect sense TWD.

Yes I have done the carry on regardless read method as well and you get some info but its a pest having it say - 'cant read that do you want ot carry on' at each CV read. Takes longer than waiting for LD to come out. The annoying thing is when 2 decoders are the same and as you say 1 does the other doesn't.

I tried RM this morning after having read the thread intending to refuse the update but I wasn't offered it, so I went to the download link and it reported page not found error so they obviously pulled it.

It really doesn't pay lately to grab these updates from RM as soon as they appear.

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Regarding the 'decoder not in the database' error message. I too have seen this happen on decoders that I know are in the database (Loksound V4 for example). I did report this via RM, but my report was completely ignored by HRMS (yes I did get the auto acknowledgement reply).


I found if I disconnect the DCC track BUS from the track output of my Elite, leaving just the programming track connected, then all my loco decoder CVs are read perfectly. Bit of a hassle I know to keep disconnecting and connecting the track BUS, but CV reading is something done just on odd occasions.

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It would be interesting if the eLink only boys can get the same result Chris. Too much hassle for me to swap my controllers over to try it.


Damn, that's the second time this morning I've read something wrong!  I thought you said disconnect from e-link track, not Elite. I'm an "e-link only boy" and could give it a try later (disconnect the e-link track output that is and just leave the program track connected)

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Regarding the 'decoder not in the database' error message. I too have seen this happen on decoders that I know are in the database (Loksound V4 for example). I did report this via RM, but my report was completely ignored by HRMS (yes I did get the auto acknowledgement reply).


I found if I disconnect the DCC track BUS from the track output of my Elite, leaving just the programming track connected, then all my loco decoder CVs are read perfectly. Bit of a hassle I know to keep disconnecting and connecting the track BUS, but CV reading is something done just on odd occasions.


This was not ignored and you should find that the 1.61 release has resolved this.

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Well it would have been nice if I had received some form of personal feedback that it was being looked into. All I got was the automated receipt response. For all I knew it had just been put to the bottom of the 'too low a priority to deal with' pile.


I reported it so long ago, I can't even remember when. Fairly sure it was before Christmas. It's no wonder I assummed it had been ignored.


I'm not having a go at HRMS, far from it. When things go badly wrong you appear to be there at all times of the day and night. I see on the PowerPOS web site that the core company business is retail Point Of Sale (POS) software with a 24 x 7 support service. Presumably hence why HRMS are available for so many hours of the day and at weekends.


Take this button issue. Again I reported via RM on 20th Feb, got the automated receipt mail. Got one follow up mail asking for clarification that I responded to. Then zilch, nothing, a black hole. Knowing you read the forum I requested an update on the button issue to be posted in the thread - request ignored.


I just suggest in the role of playing 'devils advocate' that if a little bit more two way communication was forthcoming, then perhaps all the negativity comments could be nipped in the bud and avoided.

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To correct a misconception, RailMaster has nothing to do with PowerPoS Systems.  Files are merely hosted on those servers and some resources are shared.  RailMaster is produced by a separate Research and Development company for Hornby

Once again, we never ignore customer emails or Help Requests.  We provide a support service well outside normal working hours, including Christmas Day and bank holidays.  We have a sophisticated system in which Help Requests are processed where we can offer the highest quality of service, always resolving issues.

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I don't think I have any problems I just don't use it anymore I'm quite happy with my select maybe invest in a elite in the future I just couldnt adjust to elink and RM also I found the manual really hard to get through it was like your an employee where you have to do this and that and apparently it only takes an hour to read it took me about four hours to get through it, it didn't seem friendly. The select which is much less capable is easier to use the manual was better.

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Yes HRMS you do do work all the hours there are and eventually resolve many issues. But I must agree feedback could be better and the word"Sorry" would not go amiss occasionally. That said I still think your doing a great job!



I had been in the process of writing a great big long reply to HRMS last response to my previous post. In the end I decided that it was a pointless exercise to engage HRMS in further debate as they were obviously in denial and defense mode and so I hit the delete key instead of the send key. My browser returned to find your comment posted during my absence. You just put into three lines what I had spent half a page composing and far more effectively than I could have put it myself. I thank you for it.


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I dont think anyone is critical of the hours they put in, i would not like to work them., but it does seem to put them in bad temper and defence mode. Most of our comments, given these updates are free, are well meant, but sorry and thanks, dont seem to be in their vocabuary. john

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Agreed in toto. I have done that many times and pressed delete, then thought  - NO I need to say this on behalf of those who won't and I willingly take the flak on their behalf. If they are reading this then they should take note of other than me dissent in the ranks.

HRMS are so far into defence mode they appear to have lost the plot re just getting on with the job of mending a pretty good product. Yes it has problems - so just fix them as fast as they are reported in. Their support it has to be said is very good, but is it effective to the actual improving of the product.

 We can all work our butts off, but do we achieve anything or just spend all day making muddying the waters with as they say 'diatribe'.

I'm surprised to find out that RM is not a product of Powerpos. Powerpos website indicates its in their portfolio of software capability. If not then who is "RM". Obviously it is subbed out by Hornby to a 'software company of choice'. I don't suppose Hornby (Adam) will make usefull comment on this either. 


With that  - I give up and I will go to bed now and I will travel to UK in the morning and Adam willing I will be back late rin the week to give more comment (if allowed).

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One final comment from me regarding the statement that HRMS has nothing to do with PowerPOS. I just say this because I found it strange.


When I was browsing the PowerPOS site there was a page in particular that had some screen shots of some PowerPOS Point Of Sale software. The image was quite small and I had to do a double take as I had convinced myself that I was looking at a RailMaster screen shot. After looking again I could see it was not, but it looked so similar. Also, there was a lot of references to handheld Point Of Sale device development (still sound familiar). Regardless, of what HRMS say, there do seem to be certain similarities in their product lines.


I daresay this will prompt HRMS to come back with yet another unneccessary denial - let sleeping dogs lie I say.

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Just as a possible point of interest, the word is flak, not flack. Flak is the abbreviation for the wonderfully long German word "Flugzeugabwehrkanone". Flugzeug meaning aeroplane, Abwehr meaning defence or warding off, Kanone meaning canon. Heil graskie!

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Here are some of the faults I have reported which are still outstanding:-

1. When a Traintech signal is switched from within a Railmaster program, an extra "Signal stop" command is sent to the address which is the next lower multiple of 4.

2. During startup, ALL signals are initialised, not just those which have a Startup position configured.

3. If a Railmaster program contains two or three "Chain program" commands, the execution clock (red numbers on a black background) starts 6 or 7 seconds into the running of the merged program, and in the next few seconds RM tries to obey very quickly all of those commands which should have been obeyed in those 6 or 7 seconds.

4. In a Railmaster program which contains a "Repeat ... End Repeat" loop, the next command after the Repeat command is only obeyed first time through the loop. The End Repeat command causes the next command to be obeyed to be the 2nd command after the Repeat command.

5. The Acceleration and Deceleration commands operate at different rates depending on how far into the program (timewise) they are executed.


I have just checked that these are still present in v1.60 Rev 2. I am about to take the plunge and download v1.61. I'll report back if any of them have been fixed.


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One final comment from me regarding the statement that HRMS has nothing to do with PowerPOS. I just say this because I found it strange.


When I was browsing the PowerPOS site there was a page in particular that had some screen shots of some PowerPOS Point Of Sale software. The image was quite small and I had to do a double take as I had convinced myself that I was looking at a RailMaster screen shot. After looking again I could see it was not, but it looked so similar. Also, there was a lot of references to handheld Point Of Sale device development (still sound familiar). Regardless, of what HRMS say, there do seem to be certain similarities in their product lines.


I daresay this will prompt HRMS to come back with yet another unneccessary denial - let sleeping dogs lie I say.

Have you looked here:-





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Thanks for the confirmation of the update guys, not shown at the top of the forum?  Yet!


What I find frustrating is HRMS lack of updates to issues reported, they may not always have a positive answer but time runs on with no notifications.


I was going to add an update after the weekend but will download the latest version tomorrow and test the items again. 


Great idea having a thread for reported items still waiting for replies.



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