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Outstanding problems with RM

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Following my earlier post, I have now installed v1.61 of Railmaster. Of the 5 faults I mentioned earlier, only the fourth one seems to have been tackled. All of the commands inside a Repeat ... End Repeat loop now seem to be obeyed. However, there seems to be quite a long pause (8 - 10 seconds) between reaching the End Repeat command and then reaching the start of the loop. When running such a program in the Main Window, the execution clock (red numbers on black) actually goes back to -9 (minus nine) seconds, when the Repeat command is at time 0.00. If the Repeat command is located at time 15.0 seconds, then the clock goes back to 6 seconds. I'll need to sleep on this feature to decide whether it is acceptable or not :-)


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Following my earlier post, I have now installed v1.61 of Railmaster. Of the 5 faults I mentioned earlier, only the fourth one seems to have been tackled. All of the commands inside a Repeat ... End Repeat loop now seem to be obeyed. However, there seems to be quite a long pause (8 - 10 seconds) between reaching the End Repeat command and then reaching the start of the loop. When running such a program in the Main Window, the execution clock (red numbers on black) actually goes back to -9 (minus nine) seconds, when the Repeat command is at time 0.00. If the Repeat command is located at time 15.0 seconds, then the clock goes back to 6 seconds. I'll need to sleep on this feature to decide whether it is acceptable or not :-)



Hi Ray


I see you braved the download. I looked at all the comments and decided to leave it until today. There are always going to be small issues from time to time with upgrades due to the complexity of the software and variety of computer systems with endless anti virus, phishing and similar software prevention in them. It just confirms to me tensions are running high on  here.


By the way, thank you for your suggestion of simulating LD with RM, full credit to you.



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I've just downloaded 1.61 revision 1 - I haven't tested it but it has not fixed myoutstanding problem which is a really basic colour signal control problem, described below:

In my layout I have a 2 aspect distant yellow / green colour signal defined (port 5).  I have a program sg5yellow which sets the yellow colour correctly, but program sg5clear sets the colour to the next in the "sequence" i.e if it is green it sets it to yellow and it is is yellow it sets it to green.  The only way to force it to green it to set it to yellow first then setting it to green will always end up green. 

[program sg5yellow: signal single yellow]

[program sg5clear: signal clear]

Also it appears you cannot set the colour of a "sequence" signal using OTHER POINT/SIGNAL settings.  I have set a semaphore signal 1 so that if it is green it should set signal 5 to green and if it is red it should set signal 5 to "red" (yellow) but it does not work.  Nor can you set a "sequence" colour signal in a route or so it seems.

To be fair I only reported this a month ago, but the problem is outstanding which is the theme of this thread.

Good news, the long standing (very minor) issue of the touch screen icon remembering it's position has been fixed.  Hurrah!

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I have just installed 1.61 v Revision 1 and tested one of my Loksound V4 locos on the programming track and still find the CV's are not read properly, read back value 255 on majority. So this issue has not been resolved as stated by HRMS. My workaround of disconnecting the main track does still allow me to read CVs correctly. So for me at least 1.61 does not provide a fix. Since I have a workaround, a proper fix is a low priority for me, but it would be nice if RM functioned at least 99% with an aspiration of achieving 100%. On a positive note, so far I am very happy with the way the function button synchronisation now works. It does look as if that particular bug has been nailed.

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Well said HRMS. 


I must say however, negativity has been increasing month on month from before Christmas.


Some of it is down to certain individuals appearing as they run the show, some is down to ongoing frustrations, lack of stock last year was the start of it, signals still not working how they should and of course Loco Detection. I also feel some frustrations are passing faults to HRMS and getting No feedback. We know you are busy, we know it some items, signals in particular are complex but, an update now and then would go a long way? As we now have a thread for outstanding faults, hopefully it will keep things together and hopefully we may get an update now and then from HRMS.


In general the forum is not as good as it was and I personally feel It sad to say that.


Admin edit: 'admin' is me and Hornby RailMaster Support is HRMS. We are different people and post on our different Forum accounts.

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Outstanding problems with RM

I have reported two Train-Tech signalling problems in the past.

This is one of them and is still outstanding.



Set up and addresses are:

1 - Branch off main line consists of a Train-Tech 2 aspect double head signal

main line signal address 145 --- Set RM Stop

branch line signal address 150 --- Set RM Clear

I think this is probably the only even number address used but it is not divisible by 4


2 - 3 @ 2 aspect signals for 3 sidings, viewing them they are

Left siding - single dual aspect Train-Tech signal - address 121 --- Set RM Clear

Middle siding - left hand of a dual 2 aspect, 2 head, Train-Tech signal - address 155 --- Set RM Stop

Right siding - right hand of a dual 2 aspect, 2 head, Train-Tech signal - address 157 --- Set RM Stop


TEST-1 note aspect of above signals

Alter RM to NOT set points and signals on start up

Re-start RM --- Result --- Train-Tech signals did not change, they remember last setting - Correct


TEST-2 change all aspect so opposit they were initiall set

Re-start RM --- Result --- Train-Tech signals did not change, they remember last setting - Correct


Alter RM to SET points and signals on start up.

The above signals are set in RM as follows


RESULTS after a re-start of RM - 

Including in the following order 'Layout results' and 'Screen results' in this order

Add - RM set - Layout - Screen

145 - Stop ----- Green --- Green

150 - Clear ---- Red ------ Green


121 - Clear ---- Red ------ Green

155 - Stop ----- Green --- Green

157 - Stop ----- Green --- Green


All train-Tech signals programmed in learn mode from the aspect before Green

for 2 aspect this is naturally from the Red signal so that once clicked in RM it changes to Green.

I have tested with the decoder set to Train-Tech color light signal and with Hornby 8247 4 port decoder

NOTE: on the layout the aspects are reverse what they are set in RM?

Reverse polarity has been disabled in RM, by HRMS, reason unknown but they must have a good reason for it. If active it would correct the signal aspects on the layout but...

NOTE ALSO: all aspects on screen are Green regardless of what RM was set for them?

Reverse polarity cannot correct this issue.


*** I hope to test and report the second issue previous reported tomorrow.

HRMS please feel free to contact me anytime as you have previously, if you need access via my PC please feel free to contact me.


1 other issue NOT REPORTED BEFORE with 2 aspect signals

I have two separate sidings signals, simple 2 aspect signals show either red or white these have the same problems.

They are set using Lenz LS100 4 port decoder

Their address' are 117 and 118

Here are the results of the TEST for these signals following the same format.

Add - RM set - Layout - Screen

117 - Stop ----- Red ----- White 

118 - Stop ----- Red ----- White

The layout is as set in RM, RM is the opposite.

I report them now so they are listed but think Train-Tech signal/RM fix may fix these, we will have to see.

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Outstanding problems with RM


4x  4 Aspect Train-Tech signals, one at each corner of the oval track


The following ports were programmed in learn mode starting at YY so that when clicked it sets to Green

277--------------------------------  279

265 -------------------------------- 253


TEST-1   Stand alone

Each signal works correctly      R - Y - YY - G


TEST - 2   SETUP - Signal changing back down the line in sequence.

For the benefit of the test, Red was included in the sequence but, for anything greater than an 0-4-0 or 0-6-0 this would not be in the initial, back down, the line sequence. Red would change as a train passes it and the other signals will change after the tender or last carriage, wagon or guards van as passed the said signal.


Signals were programmed as follows: (example using one signal)

Signal Port 265 using addresses 265 & 266 set to R, G, R, G

Red - next signal back down the line - Yellow

Red - second signal back down the line - Yellow/Yellow

Red - third signal back down the line  - Green


Yellow - next signal back down the line - Yellow/Yellow

Yellow - second signal back down the line - Green

Yellow - third signal back down the line  - Green


Yellow/Yellow - next signal back down the line - Green

Yellow/Yellow - second signal back down the line - Green

Yellow/Yellow - third signal back down the line  - Green


With the same method of progamming to all 4 signals




ALL signals change correctly, back down the line, as they should. Until the loco has passed each signal once.


As the loco passes the first signal to start the second time round, the first signal should be red, the sequence of the 4 signals dictate the next should be red but, for some reason the signal jumps one aspect and shows yellow. 


This pattern follows for all 4 signal in the loop, each starting from Yellow. All signals down the line are correct from the Yellow so it is not the back down the line seqence that is incorrect it is the jump in the loop starting the next cycle of the 4 signals.


After the 4 signals in the 2nd loop change, all starting from Yellow instead of Red, the loco is ready to start the 3rd loop.  Interestingly the jump in the aspect happens again. So for the 4 signal in this loop all start at Yellow/Yellow.


After the 4 signals in the 3rd loop change (Yellow/Yellow), the loco starts the 4th loop and you again the signals jump one aspect to Green


The loco has now completed 4 loops, the signals changed correctly back down the line from the colour aspect it started from at the start of the loop. We were now ready to start the 5th loop of the oval, you guessed it, the aspect started again from Red, each loop stepped one aspect, each should have started at Red but toggled lopp by loop through the 4 aspects and back to Red.


Tomorrow I will test the 3 aspect signals the same way. I will not need to add all the step by step setup, stages and results. I am pretty sure the result for the 3 aspect signals did exactly same as the 4 aspect but using just R - Y - G.

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Outstanding problems with RM


4x  3 Aspect Train-Tech signals, one at each corner of the oval track

(Although 3 aspect would only need 3 of the 4 signals, for this test I thought it worth included 4 signals to see what happened with the extra signal)


The following ports were programmed in learn mode starting at Y so that when clicked it sets to Green

185 -------------------------------- 195

133 -------------------------------- 130


TEST-1   Stand alone

Each signal works correctly      R - Y - G


TEST - 2   SETUP - Signal changing back down the line in sequence.


TEST - 2   SETUP - Signal changing back down the line in sequence.

For the benefit of the test, Red was included in the sequence but, for anything greater than an 0-4-0 or 0-6-0 this would not be in the initial, back down, the line sequence. Red would change as a train passes it and the other signals will change after the tender or last carriage, wagon or guards van as passed the said signal.


Signals were programmed as follows: (example using one signal)


Signal Port 130 using addresses 130 & 131 set to R, G, G

Red - next signal back down the line - Yellow

Red - second signal back down the line  - Green


Yellow - next signal back down the line - Green

Yellow - second signal back down the line  - Green


With the same method of progamming to 'ALL 4 signals'




ALL 4 signals change correctly, back down the line, as they should. Until the loco has passed each signal once.


As the loco passes the first signal to start the second time round, the first signal should be red, the sequence of the 3 signals dictate the next should be red but, for some reason the signal jumps one aspect and shows yellow. 


This pattern follows for all 4 signal in the loop, each starting from Yellow. All signals down the line are correct from the Yellow so it is not the back down the line seqence that is incorrect it is the jump in the loop starting the next cycle of the 4 signals.


After the 4 signals in the 2nd loop change, all starting from Yellow instead of Red, the loco is ready to start the 3rd loop.  Interestingly the jump in the aspect happens again. So for the 4 signal in this loop all start at Green.


The loco has now completed 3 loops, the signals changed correctly back down the line from the colour aspect it started from at the start of the loop. We were now ready to start the 4th loop of the oval, you guessed it, the aspect started again from Red, each loop stepped one aspect, each should have started at Red but toggled loop by loop through the 3 aspects and back to Red. 


The 4th signal was not an issue as  the 3 aspect signals were only changing 2 aspects back from the signal passed. It is only when the loop starts again that the error occurs and the aspect jumps one stage.


With these isues now logged in detail we wait patiently for the fix. Meanwhile I will start to test the signals with programs but will only report back should a problem be found.


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Train-Tech 2 Aspect Signal

Initally I tested as follows.....

3 aspect signal on main line PLUS a 2 aspect home with feather for junction

The 3 Apsect signals works stand alone as as previously reported.

The 2 Aspect signal was set as follows.....

Signal Port 263

2 Aspect home + Route ®

Seq... 1 / 263 / Red and 2 / 263 / Green


Red - Point 20 - Red

Green - Point 20 - Green



2 Aspect signal with feather changes Red no feather, Green feather on - correct

BUT - the points Do Not change?



Having experienced the two aspect problems before, but 3 and 4 aspect worked correctly except for down the line I changes the two aspect with feather to a 3 Aspect signal, home with feather ®. (This signal only being for the feather)



The signals worked correctly on the Green and Red aspects (yellow was not programmed)

AND the points changed correctly as they should.


By using two signals for the signal and feather it has helped identify the problem.



The 3 aspect set in exactly the same way with a 3 aspect signal

The feather set in exactly the same way with a 2 aspect and feather

The result was the same as with the Train-Tech signals, it went through the procedure but did not change the points.

But when I changed the 2 aspect with feather to a 3 aspect with feather the Red and the Green worked and changed the points.

This is a different make signal CR Signals, and a different decoder Lenz 100 4 port decoder. The results were the same as stated above.


There is an issue with the CR Signal which was reported back in November/December, I will add this as a separate issue in a separate post so as to keep Train-Tech issues and CR Signal issues separate.

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Train-Tech signal do not do feather signals but as the test above gave the same result when using separate signals to act as feathers for Train-Tech signals and CR Signals with Lenz decoder, I decided to set all 6 feather signals on my layout the same way.


RESULT - exactly the same with all feather signals as stated in previous thread. Not working with 2 aspect signals but do work if changed to 3 aspect.


I add the next item as it is related, so that when HRMS looking into the fault and consider adding feather signals to RM this can also be considered.


To move to the next stage I then programmed two feather signals to change two points on a branch from an outer track to an inner track, or visa-versa, but this time for them to respond together.


Two points both set to port 16

Two feather signals set to ports 175 and 257


Test assuming the signals are on any aspect except Red.


Feather one side changes to Green, feather lights ON, both points set to branch to opposite track.

Feather other side changes to Green, feather lights is ON.


Feather one side changes to Red, feather lights OFF, both points set to straight.

Feather other side changes to Red, feather lights remain on. They should go off.

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CR SIGNALS, SIGNALS - setting sequence of Aspects!

Outstanding issue reported last November/December

I have several C R Signal, 3 aspect signals with feathers.


I appreciate this was early days.


The issue was discussed on the forum and numerous messages with HRMS.  Support was not aware of the signals or the SC1 decoder/signal controller at that time.  Support said they couldn't test the signals etc as they didn't have any of these. Discussions were held with the manufacturer and sample signals, decoder and contact information was sent to HRMS at the address they provided around December.


The general feedback for this decoder/signal controller is it is an excellent decoder with a lot of flexibility.

Controls 4x Two Aspect Signals • Controls 2x Three or Four Aspect Signals • Controls 2x Three Aspect Signals with Feather • Controls signals with multiple feathers • Controls Searchlight Signals • SPAD signals and level crossing features, etc.


The issue setting the sequence of the CR Signals, signal was reported but as an update I add it below.....



3 Aspect Home signal

Port 173

Decoder Lenz 100 4 port decoder


1 / 174 / G  -----  2 / 173 / G  -----  3 / 174 / R  -----  4 / 173 / R


THE ISSUE we couldn't solve.


Following discussions with Ray, this was the best we came up with, we couldn't get rid of the Click with no action.....


Click - Red

Click - Yellow


Click - Green

and this repeats back to red then same procedure


There has been no feed back for this issue.

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Another small item to report which links with the post above at

Posted at 13:26:59 Sat, 21 Mar 2015


Using a two aspect signal with feather to control a feather - as confirmed will not change points

Using a 3 Aspect signal in place of it does change the points


I also mentioned about one feather not switching off when used as two signals controlling two points to change from an outer track to an inner track.


To add to this the following.....

If a signal is set to Green, when RM re-starts the green aspect shows with the signal on. Correct.

If a signal is set to Red, when RM re-starts the Red aspect shows but the feather remains ON. Incorrect.


I appreciate RM is not programmed to work fully with feathers yet but, it does work to a point as discussed. These small items are mentioned so they can be considered hopefully reducing the number of issues later.


Thank you for your help, we look forward to fully functioning signals at your earliest convenience.


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I have just downloaded and installed v1.61 Rev 2, and I can't see any obvious changes. I quickly tested some of the faults which I mentioned earlier in this thread....

1. During startup, ALL signals are initialised, not just those which have a Startup position configured.

2. If a Railmaster program contains two or three "Chain program" commands, the execution clock (red numbers on a black background) starts 6 or 7 seconds into the running of the merged program, and in the next few seconds RM tries to obey very quickly all of those commands which should have been obeyed in those 6 or 7 seconds.

3. The Acceleration and Deceleration commands operate at different rates depending on how far into the program (timewise) they are executed.



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Signals: Train-Tech 2 Aspect Dual Head

Ports: Listed left to right 145/150 (eg as in Test-1 R/G or G/R)

A simple program was created with reasonable time gaps between instructions


0.50  -  Signal Port 145  -  Clear

0.60  -  Signal Port 150  -  Stop

2.00  -  Loco  -  forward to shunt

5.00  -  Signal Port 145 -  Stop (Note: Loco passes signal)

9.00  - Loco  -  Stop


Legend for items to follow


(Start) = means what the signals are set to before running the above program.

(Prog. Set) = first 2 lines of program above

(Loco Pass) =  line 4 of the program above


NOTE: the 1st Start - Prog. Sets - Loco pass are layout, the 2nd are RM screen


----------- 1st figures are Layout ---------- 2nd figures are Screen

Test ---- Start – Prog.Sets – Loco pass --- Start – Prog.Sets – Loco pass

Test 1 ---- R/G  ---  G/R  ------ R/R ----------- R/G ---  G/R  ------  R/R


This is saying...

(Start) = signals set before the program is run 145 = R and 150 = G

(Prog. Set) is first 2 lines in program which change aspects to 145 = G and 150 = R

Loco Pass is 4th line in program change 145 to Red


Then to the right we repeat the same stages as seen in RM 'on the screen'


This appeared to work, but only because it gave me what I expected as I deliberately set aspects to opposites first. Once I changed, the Aspect set, before the program started, it was a different picture.


----------- 1st figures are Layout ---------- 2nd figures are Screen

Test ---- Start – Prog.Sets – Loco pass --- Start – Prog.Sets – Loco pass

Test 1 ---- R/G  ---  G/R  ------ R/R ----------- R/G ---  G/R  ------  R/R

Test 2 ---- G/R  ---  R/G  ------ G/G ----------- G/R ---  R/G  ------  G/G >>> It has stepped to the next aspect – INCORRECT 


Test-2 is saying...

(Start) signals set before the program is run 145 = G and 150 = R

(Prog. Set) is first 2 lines in program which 'should' change aspects to 145 = G and 150 = R but they don’t they change to next aspect, they should be G/R they are R/G

(Loco Pass) is 4th line in program change 145 to Red again the one step aspect error, 145 should be R and it is G


To complete the picture 4 tests were carried out for the 4 variation of the aspects, the result followed in each test


Program data as quoted above was

0.50  -  Signal Port 145  -  Clear

0.60  -  Signal Port 150  -  Stop

2.00  -  Loco  -  forward to shunt

5.00  -  Signal Port 145 -  Stop (Note: Loco passes signal)

9.00  - Loco  -  Stop


Test ---- Start – Prog.Sets – Loco pass --- Start – Prog.Sets – Loco pass

Test 1 ---- R/G  ---  G/R  ------ R/R ----------- R/G ---  G/R  ------  R/R

Test 2 ---- G/R  ---  R/G  ------ G/G ----------- G/R ---  R/G  ------  G/G > step 1 aspect

Test 3 ---- R/R  ---  G/G  ------ R/G ----------- R/R  ---  G/G ------  R/G > step 1 aspect

Test 4 ---- G/G  ---  R/R  ------ G/R ----------- G/G  ---  R/R  ------ G/R  > step 1 aspect


All 4 Tests have done the same, the first test appeared correct as the aspects were set to start 1 step back. e.g. Test-1 Set R/G  then the program is run and request change to G/R etc.



Although this is another fault report I can confirm that on 17 March a fault was recorded on here that had been previous confirmed and it stated that when RM was started aspects were reversed, (2 aspect Train-Tech signals)  this appears to have been corrected. Thank you.


I have another set of tests on Train-Tech 2 aspect signals, which show results a different way, so as not to confuse the way this is detailed, with the way the next is detailed, I will make them two separate posts. Hopefully the information provided will help.

HRMS if there is anything you are unsure about please feel free to email me. It is one thing working on our own layouts and watching layout and then screen it is another explaining it so that each of us can understand what is trying to be described and how a fault effects the result on both the layout and the screen.

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TRAIN-TECH 2 Aspect signals (cont)

This Report takes all 5 of my 2 aspect signals to show another fault, hopefully by including these issues it will help HRMS find and fix the problems.


The 5 signals are set up as follows.

1 dual head, 2 aspect Train Tech signal - branch to sidings.

1 @ 2 aspect Train Tech signal for sidings no 3 (left hand of three signals as we look at them)

1 dual head, 2 aspect Train Tech signal for sidings numbers 2 and 1 (to the right of the signal to sidings 3)


Dual head 2 aspect signal at branch line = Ports 145 and 150

3x sidings signals = Ports 121 (single) 155 & 157 (dual head)


The signals in this and the previous post are programmed to the Train-Tech colour light signal decoder

The signals are programmed to show the following aspects at start up of RM.

Prog --------- 145=Stop/Red - 150=Clear/Green - 121=Clear/Green - 155=Stop/Red & 157=Stop/Red


Set on layout - Green --------------- Red ----------------------- Red --------------------- Green ------------------ Green

Set on screen - Green --------------- Red ----------------------- Red --------------------- Green ------------------ Green

>>> RESTART RM <<<

RESULT after re-start

Set on layout - Green --------------- Red ----------------------- Red --------------------- Green ------------------ Green (same)

Set on screen - Green -------------- Green ---------------------- Green --------------------- Green ------------------ Green (Error)


Set on layout --- Red -------------- Green ---------------------- Green --------------------- Red ------------------ Red

Set on screen --- Red -------------- Green ---------------------- Green --------------------- Red ------------------ Red

>>> RESTART RM <<<

RESULT after re-start

Set on layout  - Green --------------- Red ------------------------- Red ----------------------- Green ------------------ Green (Error)

Set on screen - Green -------------- Green ---------------------- Green --------------------- Green ------------------ Green (Error)


Tomorrow I will hopefully add a small schedule of the faults I have recorded on here andnote those which are fixed. Hopefully it will help HRMS, and hopefully it will also help RAF96, who kindly set this section up, to keep RM outstanding fault records in one area.

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Hopefully this will fit better intothe forum window


The signals in this and the previous post are programmed to the Train-Tech colour light signal decoder

The signals are programmed to show the following aspects at start up of RM.

Prog ----------- 145=Stop -- 150=Clear -- 121=Clear ---155=Stop& --- 157=Stop


Set on layout - Green --------- Red ------------ Red ---------- Green ---------- Green

Set on screen - Green -------- Red ------------ Red ---------- Green ---------- Green

>>> RESTART RM <<<

RESULT after re-start

Set on layout - Green --------- Red ------------ Red ----------- Green --------- Green (same)

Set on screen - Green ------- Green --------- Green --------- Green --------- Green (Error)


Set on layout --- Red --------- Green ---------- Green ----------- Red ------------ Red

Set on screen --- Red -------- Green ---------- Green ----------- Red ------------- Red

>>> RESTART RM <<<

RESULT after re-start

Set on layout  - Green --------- Red ------------ Red ------------- Green --------- Green (Error)

Set on screen - Green -------- Green ---------- Green ----------- Green --------- Green (Error)

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Outstanding faults tested after installing RM 1.61 Rev 2


FAULT - 0  >>> CORRECTED <<<

17 March - 17:56

Signals - T-T 2 Aspect - decoder set to T-T colour light signal 

Aspects on the layout opposite to what they should be


FAULT - 0  >>> CORRECTED <<<

17 March - 17:56

Signals - 2 Aspect sidings signals

Aspects on the layout opposite to what they should be


FAULT - 1 --- 18 March - 17:13

Signals - T-T 4x 4 Aspect signals - decoder set to T-T colour light signal 

Signals work stand alone, signals work back down the line for 1 full loop

As they start the next loop they step one aspect starting on yellow, next loop starting Yellow/Yellow, next loop starting Green, next loop starting Red again and continue with each loop


FAULT - 2 --- 19 March - 17:10

Signals - T-T 4x 3 Aspect signals - decoder set to T-T colour light signal 

Signals work stand alone, signals work back down the line for 1 full loop

Note 4 signals in the loop error only occurred when re-start the loop each time

As they start the next loop they step one aspect starting on yellow, next loop starting, next loop starting Green, next loop starting Red again and continue with each loop


FAULT - 3 --- 19 March - 17:10

Signals - T-T   2 Aspect signals with feather - decoder set to T-T colour light signal (This is a second signal set to control the feather)

Signal Red no feather, Signal Green feather on.

BUT the points don't change?

If I change the 2 aspect with feather for a 3 aspect with feather using just R & G the points also change.


FAULT - 4 --- 21 March - 13.26

Signals - T-T   2 Aspect signals with feather - decoder set to T-T colour light signal 

TEST 2 signals and 2 points to work together on a cross over.

Using a 3 aspect with feather as 2 aspect with feather not working.

Points change to branch - feather signal clicked to change them, lights on, opposite feather off, same whichever signal clicked.

Feather one side changes to Green, feather lights ON, both points set to branch to opposite track.

Feather other side changes to Green, feather lights is ON.


Feather one side changes to Red, feather lights OFF, both points set to straight.

Feather other side changes to Red, feather lights remain on. They should go off


FAULT - 5 --- 21 March - 13.54

CR SIGNALS 3 aspect (with feather) - decoder SC1

Signal aspect test (not feather)

Click Red

Click Yellow


Click Green

and repeats back to red and same again

Signal Sequence set up issue?????


FAULT - 6 --- 21 March - 14.10

T-T 3 aspect signals with feathers (used as mentioned previous as 2 aspect not working correctly


If signal aspect is set to Green, when RM restarts the green aspect shows with the signal on. Correct

If signal aspect is set to Red, when RM re-starts the Red aspect shows but the feather remains On. Incorrect.


FAULT - 7 --- 26 March - 20.08

T-T 2 aspect signals using a PROGRAM

There is an aspect step error, instead of obeying program command the signal steps to next aspect. If on Red changes Green, if on Green changes Red.


FAULT - 8 --- 26 March - 20.33

T-T 2 aspect signals additional faults

Problems with changing aspects after restarting RM but not on every aspect.

Signals not setting as programmed when RM is restarted even though the tick s in the box the set points and signals on re-start.


The above is just a schedule of faults I have reported.

HRMS please refer to the above along with the actual post which provides a lot more details. 

Dates and times of posts are added to help you they start around page 4 of this thread.

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