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Class 92 Lights Flicking now completely stopped


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I purchased a Class 92 Marco Polo last tuesday and fitted it with a DCC chip today. Just the basic Hornby one. I ran it for half an hour in each direction just like any other loco but half way through running it in the second direction the lights started to flicker. It's only one side of the train as the other side still runs compeltely fine. I've just tried again and now they've completely stopped on one side. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks a lot


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High James, welcome to the forums.


Can you try removing the decoder for a while and going back to DC to see if the lights still don't work?  I'm thinking either your loco or the decoder is faulty and needs to be returned.  The question is which.

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High James, welcome to the forums.


Can you try removing the decoder for a while and going back to DC to see if the lights still don't work?  I'm thinking either your loco or the decoder is faulty and needs to be returned.  The question is which.

Hey Fish Thanks for replying,

I've tried it back in DC and the lights flickered but stayed on. I then put it back into DCC and now there on again. I'm so confused to what the problem is. It's been running for about 10min now non-stop and seems to be fine.

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Might have just been a poor connection into the socket that you have now fixed by removing and replacing.  But if it recurs, take it back.

They've just gone again now all together. Can I open a query or something with Hornby even though I bought it from a major seller on ebay?

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