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How many twists per metre for DCC Power Bus?


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Hello John

My wife put the monitor in the loft, some where I cannot get to!  I knew she said she was to do something with it but as I said, I had pushed my luck getting another screen so took the easy option and didn't ask questions. 

I asked her earlier today and she said she planned to give it the grandchildren, they have a tower with windows 8.1 but the screen isn't to good. We will not be going down to Poole so they are coming to us, possibly April or more likely bank holiday in May.

Seems like it was a southern thing, of shall I say wife thing. Sorry


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No problems John

Thank you for enquiring it could have been just collecting dust.

Second in charge, who thinks she is boss, had a go at how much I was spending... we are on a fixed income now she said.  Bet that rings bells John  ;-)

Yes love I am coming. No not you John, I better obey it is my tea time.  ;o)

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@ Blackbird

Yes it is important we all keep to the Topic as much as possible but, what is reasonable has to be considered, especially when it is related to the topic although possibly not exactly as the topic heading.


For example, how many twists per metre to a DCC cable being the topic, it is therefore not wrong, I feel, to discuss other items related to it, for example, interference experienced on a monitor in close proximity to the DCC Bus. The two are related as the twists in the cable are to reduce this sort of problem that could effect, not just a monitor but also possible our decoders.


The problem, as I see it, I confirm, as I see it, is we have had issues on the forum and many topics have drifted pages off course. I am guilty for joining in these, it is so easy to do, hopefully we have all learned and things will level out and the dust settle. Thank you Adam for intervening. The problem now appears that there are people holding up an 'off side cards'!  This, in my view will not help and could also result in others getting upset and us returning to unnecessary replies and complaints surely we want to avoid these and move forward.


Lets us therefore accept flexibility within the topic, especially when it could be related in some way to the topic, but also accept occasionally something else may be discussed, off topic, even a joke, but so long as it is only a few statements and comes back on topic that should not be a problem. Below are Adam's comments made earlier today.


- Banter, jokes and chit-chat are more than welcome anywhere on the Forum as long as it doesn't completely de-rail the thread.

-  If you really want to make a post that could de-rail the thread you should create a new topic.

- Bear in mind that the safest way to post and not de-rail a thread with a joke is to simply wait till the OP has his answer then post.

- Of course there is no guide for this and it all comes down to personal judgement. 

- I truly hope that once this negativity has passed we can focus on the hobby.

Adam is the boss, these are his requests! We don't have to reply on a thread complaining it is off topic, Adam has said we can report what is considered unacceptable from the post or by email.

Not replying on the thread makes sense as it doesn't prompt a reply from another, but we also mustn't be seen to waste his time either.


The above are just my thoughts but, they also include Adam's requests for the use of the forum.


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  • 2 weeks later...

... I had a touch screen monitor  ...  but I have since gone back to a standard monitor.

Hi PJ,

I was surprised to read this.


I think it is down to what you are used to.

My first computer was a green screen from Tandy, even before the BBC micro, even before Windoss! I have always used keyboard and mouse, never got used to laptop finger pads, I always use a wireless mouse. The phone and tablet are the only item I use fingers and that is only because I have to.

Don't blame you. "There is nothing like a dame" (er, sorry -mouse). Tablets seem to be a backward step.



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  • 1 year later...


Easily done, but you have just added to a thread last updated just over a year ago in April 2015


I think we can assume that the original poster has probably resolved his problem by now.

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Not sure I'd use TV co-ax for a DCC bus given you could be having up to 4A flowing through it and I'm pretty certain 4A is way over anything you'd normally push over TV co-ax. My DCC bus is 10A figure-of-eight speaker cable, so no twists and I've never had a interference problem (so far)

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