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eLink and DCCconcepts Cobalt digital point motors


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Hello, while I'm waiting to move RailMaster off my old Windows XP laptop onto my new Toshiba laptop with Windows 8.1 I thought I would describe another problem which has arisen. We are building a 00-gauge layout about 25 feet by 8 feet with Peco track and points and about 50 DCCconcepts Cobalt digital point motors. The RM/eLink combination and new laptop have been purchased so that the layout can be driven via the computer. I wonder if there is anyone out there who has attempted this?

I got the eLink working correctly on a short piece of track with one loco and one Cobalt ip digital point motor. I then connected the eLink to the half-built layout, the point motors buzzed into life (the ip point motors are currently set to self-centre at power-up), the eLink light flashed off and on and restarted so, I thought, a short circuit! I will say at this point that we have seperate busses for track power and accessory power. So I check the circuit with my old ZTC 4-amp controller and all starts fine so there is no short circuit!

The eLink is being driven by the supplied one-amp power supply but nowhere on the eLink does it say what its maximum power input can be. Do we know what that is? The website suggests that the optional 4-amp supply can be used but that's not much good if the eLink itself cuts out at say half-an-amp.

I'm beginning to think the eLink is not fit for purpose for a proper layout. Would anyone like to comment?

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HiTony, I think we can say for a start that the eLink is fit for purpose on a "proper" layout, even if yours is larger than average.  In fact HRMS tell us they run their large test layout in eLink with the 1 Amp supply.


But you may have an issue with 50 decoders buzzing into life together on startup.  A quick look at the manual tells me that these draw no current on idle and 22mA when operating.  That's not much current each but 50 together is 1.1A are there you have a problem straight off on startup.


Also, the 1A can only handle 3-4 locos actually running at the same time and I suspect you will be wanting to run more?  So I think I would be looking at the 4A supply.  


Before doing that though, I would email HRMS from within the Help window of RM to see if they can see a problem, even the possibility of your eLink being faulty.

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Thanks for the suggestion that it might be the power supply that keeps cutting out. I will turn off the self-centre start-up facility on the motors and remove the start-up settings on the layout plan. I have sent a message to HRMS from within RM requesting the maximum power throughput of the eLink.

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Tony, just adding to Flashbang's, it is certainly not that a properly working eLink can't handle the current as it can handle 4A.  That is why I included the possibility of your eLink being faulty. 


Also, it was not that you needed to talk to HRMS about that, rather I wanted you to email them after you had initialised under your original startup conditions including the points initialising and eLink shutdown because emailing them that way sends them information about your layout and startup sequence it has just gone through.  So can I suggest you put it back the way it was and email them again.  That way you have a chance of knowing for sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to let you know, I purchased the Hornby 4amp power supply and now all my point motors warble into life. Thank you Fishman for your help. Now, I wonder if I can use my new laptop yet for RM? Has the USB problem been sorted?

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  • 4 weeks later...

To revert to this topic's heading, we are having some problems with our DCC Concepts digital ip point motors, powered by eLink (with Hornby 4amp supply) and RM and sometimes by a ZTC 511 controller (if the computer is not around). We also use the pushbutton facility. Some of the motors stop working after a while as if they have died. How many people use these point motors and does anybody else have that problem?

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To revert to this topic's heading, we are having some problems with our DCC Concepts digital ip point motors, powered by eLink (with Hornby 4amp supply) and RM and sometimes by a ZTC 511 controller (if the computer is not around). We also use the pushbutton facility. Some of the motors stop working after a while as if they have died. How many people use these point motors and does anybody else have that problem?


 I've been using both types of Digital Cobalts for a year, I've 12 originals and 2 IPs running through e-link/RM and they have never given me a problem. Sometimes in the early days of the layout they failed to throw but I discovered that was a computer based problem. I was using my everyday laptop connected to a home network and hence to the Internet. I found live updates, automatic mail reception etc, interfered with the smooth operation of the RM. I dusted off a ten year old laptop running on Vista, reset it to factory settings and removed all programmes other than Railmaster. I connected to an old BT hub I had and made a railway only network which I only connect to the Internet when I know an RM update is available, the result has been 'almost' faultless running. The reason why I mentioned this was because I thought it may pay you to dedicate your old computer to RM leaving everything connected at all times.


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To revert to this topic's heading, we are having some problems with our DCC Concepts digital ip point motors, powered by eLink (with Hornby 4amp supply) and RM and sometimes by a ZTC 511 controller (if the computer is not around). We also use the pushbutton facility. Some of the motors stop working after a while as if they have died. How many people use these point motors and does anybody else have that problem?


 I've been using both types of Digital Cobalts for a year, I've 12 originals and 2 IPs running through e-link/RM and they have never given me a problem. Sometimes in the early days of the layout they failed to throw but I discovered that was a computer based problem. I was using my everyday laptop connected to a home network and hence to the Internet. I found live updates, automatic mail reception etc, interfered with the smooth operation of the RM. I dusted off a ten year old laptop running on Vista, reset it to factory settings and removed all programmes other than Railmaster. I connected to an old BT hub I had and made a railway only network which I only connect to the Internet when I know an RM update is available, the result has been 'almost' faultless running. The reason why I mentioned this was because I thought it may pay you to dedicate your old computer to RM leaving everything connected at all times.



Thanks for that Colin and I'm glad your point-motors are problem-free. I do use an old laptop but it has personal stuff on it so I can't leave it with the railway at my friend's house. If I'm absent then the ZTC controller is used so perhaps it's that device that is causing the point-motor problems.


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Tony, can I suggest you email Richard at DCC Concepts and tell him exactly how you have been operating your Cobalts and now not working.  He is strong on his replacement under warranty policy and you will have no problem if they have actually died.  His email is on his website.

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Tony, can I suggest you email Richard at DCC Concepts and tell him exactly how you have been operating your Cobalts and now not working.  He is strong on his replacement under warranty policy and you will have no problem if they have actually died.  His email is on his website.


Thanks for that Fishmanoz; I already have.

In the meantime does anyone else on the forum use Cobalts?

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