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size is important

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I have now got my rail master working apparently it was allready active I don't know how I did it. Anyway its working now.

The reason Im on here now is can I have some more help, my lay out once put on to rail master screen will not fit even at 50% the wife has a tablet does any one know if I can put the lay out on that and keep the rest of the screen on my laptop.

Sorry to be so thick!

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Probably the best way is to go back to your layout design and reduce its size by removing superfluous straight pieces both horizontally and vertically. The layout on the screen is there just to give you a view of the points and signals relative to each other. It doesn't have to the exact proportions of your actual layout.


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Hi 52train


RailMaster doesn't have to include all your layout size for size in proportion on screen. It is a Schematic image of your layout to help you run your trains from it not a proportional control centre.


First do as Ray has suggested, take out sections of track to reduce its size on screen. Points/turn outs will dictate the space they need but sidings do not need to be as long on screen as on the layout, reduce their length to try get as much or all of your layout showing on screen.


One point though as you reduce your layout on screen, read the RM Guide regarding points/turnouts and cross overs, subject to what you have in your layout these must be as mentioned in the Guide. For example, the heel of two turn outs cannot be put next to each other they need a straight track piece between them. They will not work if you don't.


So although shrinking your schematic layout to fit on screen is better for controlling your layout, there are some items that dictate the space they require. Read the Guide it can save you a lot of time later.



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