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Zoom settings incorrect on my layout after installing PRO

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Prior to installing RM PRO I had designed and saved my layout in 75% zoom.

All red/green point buttons,point numbers and labels,route blue markers were

correct and saved as my startup layout.

However after installing PRO the layout looked correct but in 100% mode.

If I select my layout in the bottom of the design mode it shows 75% correctly

but on clicking the green save tick I am told the plan already exists, I select overwrite my layout still comes up as 100% but there are bow shaped markers all over the place.

I have to exit RM and restart,my unblemmished layout is shown but still in 100%.

All system settings i.e. startup track name and the set points box is ticked.

Has anybody had this problem?


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Prior to installing RM PRO I had designed and saved my layout in 75% zoom.

All red/green point buttons,point numbers and labels,route blue markers were

correct and saved as my startup layout.

However after installing PRO the layout looked correct but in 100% mode.

If I select my layout in the bottom of the design mode it shows 75% correctly

but on clicking the green save tick I am told the plan already exists, I select overwrite my layout still comes up as 100% but there are bow shaped markers all over the place.

I have to exit RM and restart,my unblemmished layout is shown but still in 100%.

All system settings i.e. startup track name and the set points box is ticked.

Has anybody had this problem?


Hi Jug,

You can't fix your layout to a particular zoom level in the layout designer. The zoom level when you are in the layout designer is just to change it for that layout editing session. When your layout is re-displayed on the main screen, the zoom level there controls how you view it on the main screen. I believe one of the ProPack features is that RM will remember the current zoom level when you closedown RM, and it will use that level when you restart it.


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Prior to installing RM PRO I had designed and saved my layout in 75% zoom.

All red/green point buttons,point numbers and labels,route blue markers were

correct and saved as my startup layout.

However after installing PRO the layout looked correct but in 100% mode.

If I select my layout in the bottom of the design mode it shows 75% correctly

but on clicking the green save tick I am told the plan already exists, I select overwrite my layout still comes up as 100% but there are bow shaped markers all over the place.

I have to exit RM and restart,my unblemmished layout is shown but still in 100%.

All system settings i.e. startup track name and the set points box is ticked.

Has anybody had this problem?


Hi Jug,

You can't fix your layout to a particular zoom level in the layout designer. The zoom level when you are in the layout designer is just to change it for that layout editing session. When your layout is re-displayed on the main screen, the zoom level there controls how you view it on the main screen. I believe one of the ProPack features is that RM will remember the current zoom level when you closedown RM, and it will use that level when you restart it.



 Hi Ray

I have managed to save my layout by following your instructions.

Strange that the zoom selector that appeared in the top corner above touch screen button has never appeared before.

I selected zoom 75% saved and restarted and bingo all is now correct.

My next job is to setup operating  a two screen scheme using a TV on the wall showing my layout mimic and my PC monitor showing the loco setup.

I have through Windows managed to extend the display between the two with the mouse working ok but I am at a loss as to I can split the two.

Am I correct in thinking that it can be done using a handheld tablet,if so why not another display.

Thanks for your help, another little problem sorted.



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