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How do I fit a Smoke Unit to a DCC Loco?


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I take it that would be Wickford near Basildon, Essex. In that case I think we should ask Adam (Admin) to exchange our personal e-mail addresses so that we can exchange address details and discuss options. If in agreement, what I suggest you do is click the 'Report' button on this post. Put something in the 'comment box' to the effect that you want to exchange your e-mail adress with user Chrissaf - to which I agree. We can then have a private e-mail or phone call dialogue to pursue what I described as 'stage one' of your project.


Chrissaf (Chris)

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LU12 is not the Maplin part number, either! The part number is not printed on the item, it is the number on the packet it was in, the item number in the catalogue, or on the website. There are many hundreds of different relays, all with different connection patterns, and different current and voltage requirements. I suspect those values you posted are the current and voltage switching capability, not the coil voltage requirement of the relay.

The decoder is a Hornby R8215  or a  R8249 - which one? They are different! Don't guess!

When you start playing with electronics, you NEED a multi-meter. You cannot see electrons with your eyes, and you cannot see what they are doing, or where they are going!




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Hi Thanks for you help

LU12 is the only number I can fined. it did not have packaging I just went in to maplins. this is what I was told would be OK.

As for the decodes I have both  and again been told they do the same.Again with a multi meter I would not know what to do with it. I have some testers that show if power is there or not 

Again thanks for your help Shane

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I am away for two weeks. If all OK with you we can exchange emails and phone numbers when I get back



I'll leave the arrangements in your hands then, at your convenience. That is to say, you ask Adam (Admin) to initiate e-mail address exchange using the suggested process outlined in my last post when it is convenient to you. I'm thinking along the lines that I bring along a load of test gear, test-meters, scope, test bench power supply etc to your place and do the initial feasibility and bench test assessment with you. I would estimate it would take me 30-40 minutes journey time from home to your general location. All you need do is supply the tea & biscuits (smiley face).



PS - If you haven't got some already, could you ensure that you have a supply of smoke oil available on the day. That would help a lot for what I have in mind to do.

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but you have to let me pay for your time and fuel and toll 


Kind of you to offer Shane, but un-necessary. As a local resident, I get 50 FREE trips across Dartford Toll Crossing per annum. I've never used up more than 12 of these in any single year. As a retired person, I have plenty of FREE time on my hands to play with. I wouldn't be offering my services if I was expecting payment for them. The tea & biscuits will be payment enough. Besides, there is no guarantee I will be able to provide a solution, let's see what happens first. As for fuel, I rarely have to fill my tank more than four times a year. It's a large tank and I do low mileage, and as a diesel with one of those expensive particulate filters, giving it a longer run getting the engine up to working temperature will be doing me a favour.





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Hi Shagey, (Sorry for delay in reply), Yes you are correct pointing out that the early Triang (suethe) smoke units used the chassis connection, the smoke unit body inserted and connected to the chassis. The later, two wire units still have the smoke unit body as part of the circuit, but insulated, and wire connected to the body. Fitting the smoke unit with two wires will be to the aux wire and the blue common wire, a resistor in the feed will be required. For an older (Triang/Suethe) installation, with single wire and chassis connections, the resister will not be required. This is because the supply to the smoke unit becomes half wave rectification, (half power output).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

Back from holes had great time on NYMR and York railway museum Great.  Anyway lets get back to the Smoke unit and get them working. Chris if your offer still stands I would Like to take you up on it.

I have looked  wireing from Flashbang. I get the first bit 1 and 10 from decode.but then I lose it 3 and 4 for one pair of contacts and 7 and 8 for the other contacts. but what contacts to 3 and 4 and then to 7 and 8.

Again thank you all for your help in this


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I'm still here. Yes offer still stands. Ask admin to exchange private e-mail addresses as suggested in previous reply via the report button.


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No its not a problem. I've used the report feature many times to engage with dialogue with Adam in Admin. As long as you put your written request in the comment box. Although I have usually used this approach on a post for which I was the OP. In other words I have been 'reporting' my own post. Technically the report button is meant to highlight abuse, but as long as it is used responsibly for genuine reasons Adam has not objected to it being used for other aspects relating to any particular post. For example reporting that it is a duplicate and needs deleting, or it is in the wrong topic section and requesting it be moved.


Alternatively, if you would prefer not to use the report button then just e-mail Adam at "forum@hornby.com", make sure you send the e-mail from the e-mail account that you use to log into the forum so that he can confirm who you are, i.e. checking your mail address against the one in the log-in database. State your forum user name "shagey" and mine "chrissaf" in the mail requesting an exchange of contact mail addresses and all should be fine. Adam has previously stated that he is quite happy to facilitate contact between consenting parties. He has done it before for others. Hopefully at some future date this forum will have a PM (Private Message) feature that will make this kind of contact easier and self moderated by the users.




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Or you could just 'Like' the Hornby Facebook page, then you can message each other to your hearts content.



That assumes that I am on Facebook poliss, which I ain't. I'm not on Twitter either. In fact I am not on any social network site. And before someone else comes back with a comment that I'm on this one. I don't think of the Hornby forum as being a 'social network' in the same sense of Twit...and FB. In fact I am quite anti-social.........(smiley).


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Anti-"social networking" or anti-social. That IS the question Fishman. I'll leave you and others to make up your / their minds on that one.

The clue is in the series of ........... after "social".


PS - Still not sleepy yet, but hoping to get some sleep tonight. Third insomnia night on the trot so far.

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That brought a smile to my face Graskie.....I thought that very funny. Oh and happy birthday by the way. Same age as my sister......my MUCH OLDER sister.


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How about scanning an image of the article and posting it here........on second thoughts, better not.........not the best place to test out Hornby copyright infringement.

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HI all Cracked it smoke from smoke unit and not decoder works great worked on it all day done it in the end Thanks for all your help Guys Shane 


Glad you got it sorted Shane, so assume you won't be needing any further assistence from me then. What was the final solution in the end, how did you crack it.




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