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HST Directional Lighting


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I have an East Midlands livery HST (R2948) with directional lighting that is DCC Ready. I have fitted a Gaugemaster OMNI DCC 27 decoder in the drive unit and a E-Z Command 36-552 in the dummy car. 

I programmed both units on the programming track however the lights in the driving unit show red when forward, and white when in reverse. The dummy car have red lights in reverse and white in forward. (I'm using an Elite with Railmaster). 

I checked again the position of the orange wire and the number position and it appears correct in both units. 


Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can correct the lighting so it reverses correctly. I've reset both decoders back to manufacturer settings and programmed again at the same time but it has the same result.

I get the feeling I'm missing something but not sure what. Thanks for any advice. 

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I think you will need to swap around the normal direction of travel on the unit end that is showing wrong directions lights.

How you do this will depend on the DCC system being used.

It can be simply done (If you can adjust CVs) by increasing the value set into CV29  by 1.  If you can read the existing value set into CV29 then add one to whatever is read. Use this guide to give the correct new CV value to be entered... http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29%20calculator.htm

If your DCC system doesn't allow CVs to be adjusted (Select) it may offer the option to reverse normal direction of travel.  

Failing that, swap around the two motor wires which will reverse direction of travel and leave the lights then correct for movement direction.

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Resetting the direction of travel (CV29) will also reset your lights, so you will still have the same problem. You need to change the lighting direction CV’s 33 and 34.

CV 33 will be set to 01. Change it to 02   

CV34 will be set at 02. Change it to 01

This should fix your problem


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I've changed CVs 33 & 34 as suggested but it has made no difference.

CV29 = 2

CV33 = 2

CV34 = 1

And I've programmed again both units on the track, and the driving unit still has red lights going forward and white in reverse.

I could try a new decoder in the drive unit, but i hate opening them up all the time as I've had issues in the past where i've forced it and knocked the control panel/seats out and it was a task to get them back in. 

Thanks for your help, 


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Switching the motor connections may fix the drive car lighting logic, but the dummy car doesnt have that option, so it would be a swap of the yellow and white wires in there if the CV29 method hasn't worked at that end.

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Hooray, success ...... I changed the following CVs as per the instructions link above. I had seen the DCC27 pdf where it simply stated 'advanced instructions' but hadn't found any other docs.

CV49 from 0 to 16

CV50 from 16 to 0

And this has done the trick. I have the directional lights working correctly. There is also a section on dimming the lights which I might give a go at some point.

Thanks again for you advice.


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That's weird.  Good that duck has it sorted now but why do the default settings on the decoders get it wrong in the first place (remember duck told us he reset them)?  This is after all a basic system designed to get the lights right.  And given it is DCC ready, hard to imagine both power and dummy car are wired wrongly.

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Try explaining to a far off factory worker on 50p an hour that the pointy bit is forward on this bit, but the pointy bit is backwards on that bit. Murphy's Law is bound to kick in some of the time.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Harry's dad, not always best to add your new problem to an old thread, better to start your own.


Do you mean your problem is that both the red and white lights are on all of the time in both powered and dummy car?


Anyway, tells us more about which model you are talking about, was it DCC fitted new or DCC ready and you have added decoders and if so what decoders.  You might also find from the detail in this thread that we may soon be asking you if you have CV29 set to 128 speed steps as this is necessary for directional lighting to work.

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