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reading CVS


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Hi, just taken delivery of new TTS tornado, which i tried on dc, to loosen, up, and its fine. Put  on DCC, just to try, nothing, although sounds are fine. Put on prog track to check cv, with following result. Chip is hornby, 048, cvs 1-4 read fine. 5and 6, are un-obtainable, 7/8, read fine. All others un- obtainable. Any ideas folks, as returning ut, is pricey, and you clever guys, may have a solution. john. Just to eliminate my prog track, tried 2 other locos, that were fine. john

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Whenever I've had trouble reading loco CVs. I've found that unplugging my normal DCC track wires from the back of the Elite, just leaving the 'programming' track connected has provided a workaround solution. It may work for you, it may not. Worth a try.


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Fishman, I'm getting concerned for you. This is the third time recently you've not fully read the post. This is most unlike you. You're usually reflective about what you write before writing it.


John said "which i tried on dc, to loosen, up, and its fine. Put  on DCC, just to try, nothing, although sounds are fine". John's says his TTS loco isn't running on DCC, just the sounds.

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Hi John

Before returning the loco, its always worth trying a decoder reset.

TTS information is scant and no manuals are available of the Hornby site AFAIK  so you will have to read the leaflet for the decoder to check what CV and value resets it, but often a reset is CV8 enter a value of 8. This returns the decoder to its default CV settings including address number of 3.

Certainly well worth a try, as nothing can be lost by doing it and perhaps something gained!

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The only TTS decoder manual that I'm aware of is for Duke of Gloucester. I think the decoder is generic for all steam locos.

You can't read CVs 5 and 6 because they're not supported. Could you read CV2? There's no mention of that being supported in the manual. Writing 5 to CV8 resets the sound.

The manual for Duke of Gloucester can be found here.


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TTS chips should read in RM as Hornby TTS John and the CV listing should reflect the TTS set. If not then RM probably hasn't got it in their database yet. Worth giving them a tickle about it before getting into warranty mode.


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Hi, all, reading the chip is not the problem, its only that 1234, 7and 8, read. All the others are not able to be read. CV8, to 8, changes nothing. I did try re- numbering it, eg 037. Result, it moved a centimeter, then revd like an aircraft at takeoff. Will no longer run on dc, either.  sounds, work a treat, its as though something is slipping. john

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Hi, all, reading the chip is not the problem, its only that 1234, 7and 8, read. All the others are not able to be read. CV8, to 8, changes nothing. I did try re- numbering it, eg 037. Result, it moved a centimeter, then revd like an aircraft at takeoff. Will no longer run on dc, either.  sounds, work a treat, its as though something is slipping. john

Hi John,

My understanding of how CVs should be read in RM is as follows (please someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong) :-

The first CVs it should read are 7 and 8, and it compares these (the version and manufacturer code) to its database of decoders. If it finds a match in the database, it then knows which of the CVs are supported by this decoder, and it should only try to read those CVs which are supported. So, as someone else has pointed out, the TTS decoder doesn't support CV5 or CV6 so RM should be ignoring them. Obviously, if the decoder version/manufactured codes are NOT in the decoder database, then RM has no choice than to try to read every CV requested by the user, with an error message being displayed for each CV not supported. I think also that if a decoder is recognised, and one or two CVs used by that decoder are not the default standard usage or "manufacturer unique", then RM will change the description of that CV in its decoder database for this decoder.

Having said all that, I don't think RM always bothers to look at CV7 and 8 - is this a fault? Also, RM doesn't seem to store away the CVs it has read, so that they can be re-displayed next time that loco's CVs are examined - is this another fault?




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John, your last post seems to indicate a possible mechanical fault, and you said it worked on DC for a start, but now not?  That's further indication it may be mechanical.


But just checking the decoder further, I'm assuming there is a leaflet with it that has lots of detail on the decoder?  If not, someone gave you the link to download it on the previous page of this thread.  Anyway, I'd be trying 2 things before sending it back.  First, you have 2 running algorithms set by either 0 or 1 in CV150, default 0.  Try setting it to 1 and see if that changes things.  Also, you do know the loco sits without moving default for 2.5 seconds after you ask it to move, while the initial sound sequence gets going?  That's in Cv201, so you could play with that and see if any difference.  That last is a long shot, not mentioned by anyone previously but many have said there had to change CV150 to make theirs behave.

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