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venice simplon express running in reverse


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During a run with to test track engine suddenly stopped and ran backwards. Stopping the train and putting in reverse the train ran forward. Has anyone had this happen to them,I've tried other engines changing codes and all others work fine.Changing engine

codes does not alter anything. I,ve checked that there are no electrical contacts in the engine
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This is mainly caused by loss of the DCC signal or a corrupt/poor quality DCC signal.
The decoder either gets a unrecognisable signal or a poor wave form and thinks its a dc power feed and acts as though its on dc. Whichever the way the decoder

received its last data stream will be the way it tries to move using the poor wave form until eventually it moves onto aclean piece of track or the data stream is better.

The best way to help prevent this is....Ensure all rails are spotlessly clean.

Ensure all pick-up wheels have spotlessly clean wheel treads. Ensure any rear of wheel wipers are making continual contact onto the rear of the wheels and that the inside faces of these wipers and the wheels rear face where the wiper run are all clean too.

Keep all rail joiners (Fishplates) tight onto their rails.
If you have a DCC bus, then adding Terminator Filters to the ends of all the bus wires will help clean up any poor quality data streams sent from the DCC system.
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A capacitor and resistor wired together in series and then connected across the wire ends of a DCC bus. One filter is used at every bus pair of wires ends.

You can obtian them ready made from suppliers like Bromsgrove Models Link.... https://clarahost.clara.net/www.bromsgrovemodels.co.uk/search.htm?mode=0&term=Bus%20terminator&maxPrice=-1&categoryId=null

make your own. Details to make your own are shown here.... http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/DCC.htm#Basics Scroll down a little to locate the article.
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You initially should ensure the following are all 100% correct before fitting Terminator Filters....
The rails are spotlessly clean.
The locos wheel treads are spotlessly clean.
The locos rear of wheel pick-up wipers have clean faces where

they rub on the wheels. The rear of the wheels are clean where the wipers touch and also that the wipers remain in continuous contact with the wheels even when the wheels move across the loco.
All rail metal joiners (fishplates) are tight onto the rails

they connect together. This is very important where the metal joiners are the sole means of transfering power and data rail to rail.
The connection from the DCC console to the rails is secure and making good connection.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi, This question is addressed to the experts on this forum, and should be of interest to other DCC users. With regard to 'Terminator Filters'. It is known that the removal of suppression capacitors from power connectors (Hornby supply specific DCC power

connectors without capacitors) are advisable for DCC operation, as the capacitor can filter out the DCC signal. So why introduce an additional capacitor across the DCC bus main? Also, if having a track circuit, (the predomonant track configuration) should

the busmain not be a circuit (ring)? After all. the advantage of the busmain is to provive a low resistance power supply, in parallel with the track electrical connections. Electrically, the track circuits are already in a ring connection, so why not the busmain?
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