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08 diesel: Moving sounds to different functions


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I have a Hornby 08 diesel and have been moving the sound effects to different function buttons to get all my locos the same sound/same button.

I have a problem with the "diesel notch up sound" on F8. I have managed to move the sound to F5, but can not get rid of it from F8.  Every CV along mapping line 14 (F8)  now has a value of 000, yet the sound is still there when F8 is pressed.

The diesel notch up effect is not in a sound slot ie. CVO, CVP, CVQ, slots 2 - 24, but was in CVC 467 & CVN 477 both with a value of 16.

I have been told that this could be caused by another mapping line effecting the behaviour of F8. 

Has anyone else experienced this?


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