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Loco stopped running


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Hi one of my locos is refusing to run. Every time the wheels touch the track the hornby select flashes which usually tells me that one of the other trains is not on the track properly. However I still have the same problem when everything else is took off the track. Could it be dirty wheels? If so what is the best cleaning method? Or could it be something else? Ta

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So, presumably the Select is telling you there is a short? Sounds as though your loco may have picked up something conductive on the way around your layout (track pin, loose piece of wire etc.) which is now causing this issue. Have a close look underneath and maybe even take the body shell off and look inside. R-

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Thanks for the advice. The guy who sold it me is coming over Friday to sell me some stuff. Il get him to have a look And let you know if your right. Think you might be as nothing else will run if I put the faulty loco on any section of track.

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If not around the wheels, then follow the pickup wires to the decoder and see if something might be touching something it shouldn't be.  Including the decoder pushed too far into the socket and shorting underneath.  But you'll have to take the body off to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats good Wayne - at least he has fixed it for you.

Your gear thingy that touches the wheels is probably the power pickups, but some models do have gears on the wheels.

Out of interest which model is it that was faulty - which R-number? .

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Thats good Wayne - at least he has fixed it for you.

Your gear thingy that touches the wheels is probably the power pickups, but some models do have gears on the wheels.

Out of interest which model is it that was faulty - which R-number? .

lner 8473 is the number on the side of the loco. Is that what you mean?



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No what we are looking for is the Catalogue number - Hornby models are R and 4 numbers, Bachmann are 32- and more numbers, etc. It will be on the box or you may be able to find out by researching the internet.

The number you have given is the loco running number when it was in service as a prototype with LNER.

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