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2 Controlled Runaways on RM but Perfect on Elite

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Graskie, changing ID isn't going to change your function setup.  Think about it, both ID and function data are held in CVs and separate CVs.  Changing one of them, or in this case 2, won't affect the others.  In fact, as was discussed in another recent thread, you can have a short and a long ID set up and switch between them just by changing CV29.  And given when you set up your long ID in the first place, you did it from default ID 03, when you change CV29 to short, it will be back on 03 with everything else intact.  Then when you have finished testing, change CV29 again, and it will all be back as it was before you started.

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Thanks again, all of you. Yes, I made it through the night and will therefore be able to continue haunting and taunting you.


Fishy, I realise that altering a loco's ID will not change its functions. I was really thinking of when I changed a previous loco's ID on RM a little while back. At that time you ended up with 2 entries of that loco on your RM list, the old and the new. You then had to delete the one you no longer wanted and all functions remained intact for the one that replaced it. Thinking that was still the case, I thought that, if it were, an alternative would be to delete the original and set up the new one, thus involving setting up all the functions again, something I obviously preferred not to waste time and effort on. However, I tried the former method and, much to my surprise, it did actually change the existing ID without setting up a new one, so there was no longer any need at all to resort to method two. It looks as if Hornby must have corrected that problem recently.


Anyway, I changed the ID to 3 and, slow PJ, there was no change. I did talk about a controlled runaway and should have added that RM can in fact run the loco at lower speeds but just the tweakiest of tweaks on the very bottom end of the control slider, rather than with the broader range sensitivity on the Elite. Anything higher and it goes mad.


I had another look at CV29 and also changed that to the default of 6 shown on my CV List for that Zimo loco chip, now that I had reset its ID to a short one. Again, no change.


It seems to be basically a matter of broadening the speed range on RM. Any more ideas?

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Remember the defsult of 6 gives you 128 speed steps for 2 but also enables DC running with the 4.


Seems to me you might be up for setting up custom speed curves/starting speed step/Vmax etc, all covered in the RM manual, which I assume you've lovingly printed out with lots of fancy gold bits around the edges and also know how to read.  They are all standard CVs so should work in your weird decoders.

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Hi Graskie


I don't recall you mentioning the value of CV5, 6 and 2.


When John loads his sound files, he also sets these CVs to a default which should be suitable for the loco.  Can you please have a look at these.  The Zimo defaults are 1 for all of them which equate to speed steps 255, 85 (1/3 of CV5) and 1 respectively.




P.S.  Been out today and still printing, so next chance to test myself will be Monday.  Apologies.


PPS What shoud files have you had loaded (which locos)?

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Remember the defsult of 6 gives you 128 speed steps for 2 but also enables DC running with the 4.


Seems to me you might be up for setting up custom speed curves/starting speed step/Vmax etc, all covered in the RM manual, which I assume you've lovingly printed out with lots of fancy gold bits around the edges and also know how to read.  They are all standard CVs so should work in your weird decoders.



Yes, you're quite right, Fishy. I actually failed to analyse the 6. I'm going to deduct 4 and reset the loco ID to my preferred 4 digit ID, thus giving a total of 34 again, which is where I came in.


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PJR_sloe, thanks for your further advice. I'm going to check out those ID's and let you know what they read.


The loco concerned is a Bachmann L&Y 0-6-0 3F. It has a Zimo MX648 decoder fitted and I notice that the CV table says "Configuration Values at shipping time." Could it be that they are the specific functions before adding the sound file?


I also have the following locos fitted with Zimo decoders, all of them with 2 for enhanced separate smoke:


Hornby 2-6-4T Fowler 4P Tank Loco

Hornby 4-6-2 Class A3 "The White Knight"

Bachmann 4-4-0 Class D11/2 "Edie Ochiltree" with the same problem

Bachmann 2-6-2T Standard Tank Loco



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Hi Graskie


When John loads a Sound Project onto the decoder, that project contains various CV settings in addition to the sound files so that speeds and other settings are pre-set for the particular loco; but those CVs may not be applicable to your make of loco.


I am probably totally wrong, but the sound project may be limiting the range of the speed steps to such an extent that one speed step makes a significant difference to the speed of the loco.  It's easy with the Elite to increase the speed by 1 step, but not so easy with RM.


The other thought I have just had is if you have re-used a loco ID within RM and you had programmed in speed timings which are totally wrong for your new loco/decoder.


I plan to be testing the Zimo decoders tomorrow; apologies for the delay, been rather busy this weekend...



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Eureka, PJR_slo! I've sorted it, thanks to you. I read CVs 2, 5 and 6 on my L& YR loco with my Elite late last night. They came out at 1, 0 and 0 respectively. I set the last 2 to 1 and that was it, quite a bit more graduated speed control on RM. I did the same with my "Edie Ogiltree" and sorted that as well. I'll now check my other Zimo decoders out. I had the same readings on my Standard Class tank loco but that's as far as I got last night. So, I'll probably need to change CVs 5 and 6 on that as well. I'll then check the others I have.


I'll obviously need to inform the guy I bought them from.

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Hi Graskie


I am very pleased to have been able to make a suggestion which appears to have worked!  I have a feeling that these CVs have been changed after leaving YouChoos; I have never had any set like that.


Dou you have the full Zimo decoder manual?  I have one on my desktop and it's quite amazing what these little decoders will do.  Manual here: http://www.zimo.at/web2010/documents/MX-KleineDecoder_E.pdf 



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That seems to be weird Graskie.  I haven't looked at the Zimo manual but have looked at the NMRA standards and those CVs are  Vstart, Vhigh and Vmid and the standard says of them in part:


- CV2 - the voltage for speed step 1.  You set it to the value that makes the motor just start to move so the loco starts on speed step 1 rather than a higher speed step 

- CV5 - the voltage that is used for the highest speed step.  So if you set this to 255, maximum volts are applied at the highest speed step.  If this is too fast for realistic operation of the loco, you set it lower

- Cv6 - same as Cv5 except the volts at the middle speed step.


But the thing is, it also says that if you have 5 and 6 set to 0 or 1, these CVs are not used.  It would seem to me that then it must operate using whatever speed table curve settings are in the decoder.  So although you say you've fixed it, the NMRA says the changes you've made should make no difference.  While this seems weird as I said, I suspect Zimo must be interpreting these CVs differently.  Which means back to the manual for the decoder.


Certainly glad you have it sorted.

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You sure can Graske.  It says that 1 on CV5 is flat out full volts the same as 255.  I'd be adjusting it to make the top speed the fastest you want to run it.  So if that occurs at half throttle, try putting 128 in there and see how it goes.  I'm sure you can figure it out from there, probably can without any input from me.  1 in CV6 is default, where Vmid is 1/3 Vmax, and you may not need to adjust it at all from there.

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Hi Graskie


Apologies, my link contained an additional space at the end.


Regarding the CVs, 0 is not a valid setting, whereas 1 in both 5 and 6 are the defaults.


As far as changing them, I have found that it's fine when using the Elite to control the locos, but RM has it's own views and assumes that CVs are set at default, hence the timings entry for third-party locos which limits the top speed from within RM.  If you set both (CV and within RM), then you get a loco which will not run very fast.



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