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Railmaster problem?

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Since RM isn't compatible with Select. You must have RM connected to a different controller i.e Elite or e-link. You will need to provide a little bit more detail about what you have, what is connected to what, and also very important the DCC address used for your point(s). If using RM with e-link, then you can't have the output of e-link and Select connected to the SAME electrical circuit, therefore logic dictates that you are using an Elite controller with RM that IS compatible with Select as an additional Elite Walkabout controller. Or is it that you originally had a Select controller, then upgraded to RM & e-link and assumed that you just needed to use the SAME point addresses in RM that you had previously configured using the Select.


Answer these questions and give the added requested detail and I am confident of providing a solution. I have a good idea what the problem is, but need the additional requested information to confirm my theory.

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Apologies it is the elite controller I am using , I looked at a you tube video and seen that you have to include a start up number ,I put in the same as port number and just tried it , I have some success ,but I point at a point on railmaster and another point on the track operates . I am getting more puzzled every attempt .

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OK, Sparkman so the reference to Select is an error. In which case, my proposed solution has just been blown out of the water as it related to issues with the Hornby Select.


Based upon your revised statement in last reply "I point at a point on railmaster and another point on the track operates". Then I am fairly certain that your Elite has been set to 'Classic' mode in error. The 'Elite' needs to be set to 'Standard' mode [see page 67 of your Elite user guide manual]. When the Elite is incorrectly set in 'Classic' mode there is an off-set of 3 in the point addressing scheme. For example, you click point address 1 in RM, but point 4 will operate instead, This off-set does not happen when Elite is in 'Standard' mode. I feel sure this is your issue and solution.


Note, the Elite mode selection needs to be done using the Elite buttons and knobs as per the instructions on page 67.


So, refer to page 67 of the manual and ensure the Elite is in 'Standard' mode, then try operating your points again and report back findings.


Regarding your comment "I looked at a you tube video and seen that you have to include a start up number" I think that may be a misunderstanding. When configuring the accessory decoder there is an option to specify a 'start-up' POSITION i.e. switch left or switch right, but I have never come across a reference to a 'start-up' number.

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Follow up to post above (Edit window expired).

Sparkman, watch your Elite LCD display when you power it up. The operating mode 'Standard' or 'Classic' is briefly displayed on Elite LCD screen during power-up self test.


If your Elite display shows it already is in 'Standard' mode. Then you better try addressing your accessory decoders (I'm assuming R8247) again from within RM and double checking the addresses against the points shown on your track plan. Remember, the R8247 needs to be connected to your Elite programming output not the main track output when you are configuring port addresses.

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I have popped up to the layout to try to change to standard mode but looking in manual it only goes to page 51 with no mention of how to change it , can you clarify please . Manual on website is the same .

regards a tiring modeller 

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Looking at website it looks as if my version of elite is outdated , I have tried to carry out instructions as per page of a manual I have found on web which has more pages than mine , and there is no mode program . It has train o , clock etc but no mode setting .I presume somehow I can update my elite to another version .please clarify 

regards . 

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Now I'm confused. V1.0 infers the controller is a 'Select' not an 'Elite', but if it was a 'Select' then that can't physically connect to your PC. Are you sure it isn't an e-link? If it is genuinely an 'Elite' then V1.0 is a very old firmware version. Does it have two rotory control knobs?


If it has two, then that is a really old Elite with ancient firmware, where did you get it from and how long ago? The current version is 1.41. If it definitely is an Elite with V1.0 firmware, then that will need to be upgraded before continuing to try and reslove your problem. I believe pre V1.41 firmware had lots of issues .


Download for Elite 1.41 manual is here. This Elite manual has 74 pages (look at the page number embedded in the displayed page text, not the page number referenced in the Acrobat Reader top status bar.)


You can upgrade the firmware yourself, all the files and instructions are here on the Hornby website, or you can ask Hornby to do it. It is a free upgrade service where you just pay the outgoing postal charges. Personally, I would get Hornby to do it, there are many instances on the forum where the Elite firmware upgrade has been problematic for some users.


EDIT: I spent so much time typing this reply, You added a few more replies during my absence. I'll leave this reply as written as it still answers your supplementary questions.


Elite V1.41 upgrade files are here. You can try it yourself, then ask Hornby to do it if the upgrade fails.

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Further update. On the Firmware download page I provided a link to, Ignore the very top link saying it is the instructions for updating firmware. This link retrieves the wrong document. Fortunately the correct document is contained in the Firmware ZIP file further down the page.

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Just to add. Upgrading your Elite Firmware to V1.41 will probably resolve your points issue as well, as the Elite should default after the upgrade to operate in 'Standard' mode.

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Just a couple of things for you to look at and check sparkman:


With the upgrade, you obviously already have the driver installed as you have been operating it with RM, but do double-check with Device Manager you have the com port correct in the upgrade.  Now, do follow the instructions meticulously.   Make sure you do all of the unplugging and replugging while holding buttons and delaying for the required times so you put the Elite into upgrade mode in the first place.  It should work in all versions of Windows, I did mine with 7, but some computer configurations do refuse to do it, for reasons that are unclear.  Do try more than once, mine worked the second time.  Do try with another computer if the first doesn't work, can't imagine you can't find one that will do it.  Last resort, HCC has a free service, contact them.


Now you say your decoders are programmed 1-4,5-8,9-12.  But you also say your programmed them with Select, so that isn't possible?  With Select you have to start at 60?  So do you really have your point numbers correct?


Finally, when you get it sorted out, suggest you don't use addresses 1-4, change that one to 13-16.  The reason is decoders have this habit of resetting themselves from time to time, often after you've had a short, even momentary, on the layout.  If that happens and you go to change one of 1-4, there will now be the one you want to change plus the one on the reset decoder that will change. Avoid 1-4 and this can't happen.

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I thank you both for your time etc for helping me with my problem . I bought the elite about 18 months ago from eBay . I wondered why it was going reasonably cheap .  It's definitely an elite with 2 knobs and I have the manual with only 51 pages . I have only just purchased the RM pro pack . I have spent a lot of time doing my track scenery etc . 

I will have a go at updating later ,and will let you know the result . If it goes pear shaped I will probably sell it and buy a elink .

thanks again 

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Personally, I wouldn't do that (sell Elite and buy eLink). That would be a 'from the frying pan to the fire' scenario. Elite and RM is by far the best combination from the Hornby controller range. Even if you find doing the Elite upgrade fails, you can always get Hornby to do it for you for free (except sending P&P costs). Stick with the Elite, once you have got it working you won't regret it.

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Well lads I can't believe it after hours of Trying to get it working ,with your help I have finally got It all working . I downloaded version 1.41 has you suggested ,I am using an old computer with XP installed and followed instructions and low and behold at start up points started clicking and all now work from Rm . I tell you a big smile appeared on my face . And also saved me some money and trouble . A Big thank- you to you both 


note there didn't,t seem any information anywhere to say that it wouldn't,t work with the old version ,or if there was I missed it . Thanks again sparkman 

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I am really, really happy for you, excellent news and I mean that most sincerely. I think the reason, your Elite upgrade went so smoothly is probably because you are using an old XP machine. Nearly, everybody on here is in agreement that XP PCs give the least amount of hassle and problems with Hornby software products. Probably because XP was the current supported MS Windows operating system at the time of RM launch and I believe RM was written specifically for it. This includes the Elite PC drivers and firmware upgrade software.


My Elite was bought in 2013 and was supplied with the current 1.41 release. Your Elite was V1.0 so probably dates back to Hornby's very first initial release. Probably earlier than when this forum came into existence. After such a long time frame, it is not surprising that you can find no written evidence of reported V1.0 issues.


Yet another member issue successfully resolved. Thank you for feeding back the outcome.




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