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Lenz LS150

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I have been given three of these 6-output Accessory Decoders.


I have done a test and have operated three point motors.


I have three questions:


1. Besides using the AC accessory output of an R.965 controller is there something I can use as an alternative power source obtainable from my local hobby-electrical store (Jaycar for the Aussies) that I can just fasten under the layout?


2. Can I run a bus from the R.965 (or its replacement see 1 above) and solder wires from it to the AC transformer connections on each Lenz unit?


3. One of the ports of Lenz unit I tested appears to be sending 2 commands to the point motor. One buzz and the point changes and then a second buzz. Should I be concerned about this in case it decreases the point motor's life?

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Looking at the online Lenz LS150 manual here. Page 7 of the manual is very specific about the requirements for the AC input transformer. The key specifications it states are:


  1. Not more than 16 vac.
  2. Preferably not more than 45VA (this equates to 3 amps at 15 vac). Adding a series Radio Shack 10 ohm protection resister if more than 45VA. The Radio Shack web page states the resistor is 1/2 watt.
  3. Recommends an 'Atlas Generator' as the preferred AC input supply device. No idea what the Atlas availability would be in OZ, but have provided a link to the product to aid further research.


Looking at the Lenz manual the solenoid point motor output of the decoder is AC and totally dependant upon the power input of the AC input connection. Thus, there can't be any CDU built in to the decoder. I suggest that for long term reliable point motor operation, the final AC input supply chosen needs to be as close to the Lenz recommended 45VA value as possible.


Item 2 in your question list - Yes, but make sure you have adequate wire sizing as all the point operating current will be carried by this BUS.


Item 3 in your question list - no real comment, but I think it unlikely it will do any harm. The Hornby RM control system (that your post signature footer states you have) sends multiple point control commands when throwing a point by default anyway.


On a personal note: I don't like the idea of throwing solenoid point motors with AC as doing that generates an annoying buzz as well as the throwing click. I find the associated buzz very irritating.

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Further to my reply above. Out of curiosity I did some more Internet research regarding the Atlas Generator. Its part number is 335. It is part of the Atlas Master Commander DCC System. I also found the Lenz LS150 decoder is a re-badged Atlas one. Absolutely identical in every way, just Lenz specific screen printing on the case. This probably accounts for the Lenz documentation recommending the Atlas Generator. So far, I have been unable to identify any orderable supplies of the Atlas Generator outside of the USA. It retails for about $35 to $42 USD.

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   Thank you Chrissaf.


I will look into an alternative PS.


The buzz I mention only occurred when I added a second R8014 to the third output and only when switching that motor. Will swap another motor to that output and do further testing to see if it's unique to that configuration.

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The buzz I mention only occurred when I added a second R8014 to the third output and only when switching that motor.


Assuming the buzz you are referring to is the second buzz on the third output. Maybe, just maybe the LS150 is responding adversely to the additional current load of the second R8014 being attached to that port in parallel with the first. Try moving that second R8014 onto other ports (so that other ports have two motors in parallel) and see if the second buzz moves about with the parallel motor location.


What I am thinking here as an explanation is that the AC power supply that you are using for testing, is dropping its output voltage (due to the extra current load of the second parallel solenoid motor) and that the sudden drop in voltage is somehow triggering the LS150 to fire again. Thus an AC power supply of a higher current rating than that being used in the test environment may not exhibit this behaviour (e.g the 45VA one).


I would be surprised in the Aux output of the R965 being used for testing was able to supply more than 1 amp, probably less. This would equate to approx a 15VA rating for the transformer.



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We're there any death adders in the box with the decoders when you were given them CS?


 Short answer, Fishy, no but there is wild Australian connection.


A whole lot of mainly Rocco DCC 'stuff' was donated to the FNQMRC by Bush Tucker Man who had some maunfacturer come and replace his layout and he had no need and someone in the group was contacted by him or a firiend of a friend of him. I found three LS150s and recognised them as Accessory decoders and three LK100s which had marked in pen loop A, loop B and reversing loop so got those as well.

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That's a find although can't imagine you will have a layout needing 3 RLMs.  My point was the LS150s might come back to bite you such that you wished you went with something else at a cost, given you may need some specific extra power supply with wiring etc where any number of others run from track voltage.

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Chrissaf sorry but I didn't make my self clear. I tested with a mix of R8014s and an R8243.


The first port had an 8214, the second an 8243 and then I added another 8014. I swapped another 8014 to port 3 and put the buzzer onto port 4. The first two motors are quiet but ports 3 &4 buzzing.


I am at the stage of flipping the 8' x 4' 'practice' layout on it'd side and installing the bus to attach the track droppers to plus one 8247 and installing the LS150s with their own short bus for the 'Yard' and Engine sheds.


Will report back by the weekend probably to relate my progress.

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