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Tripping problem on sound fitted princess


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I purchased a sound fitted dcc princess loco on eBay. The sound chip is in the tender and the dcc chip in the loco. when I run the loco separately it works fine and if the tender is placed on the track it also produces all the sounds. But when coupled the engine keeps tripping. Any ideas?

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Seems to me as if the loco and tender are cross connceted. Check left wheels of loco are on same bit of electric string as the left wheels of the tender and vice versa.

Also if tender can produce sounds then it has its own decoder in addition to the one in the loco. I suggedt pulling it all apart and report back your findings.

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I agree with RAF.  Given the arrangement of decoders, the only wiring between tender and loco will be 2 wires connecting tender track pickups to loco track pickups.  And these wires must be reversed to what they should be and so shorting out the track when both are connected on the track.  Find a way, either in the plug joining tender and loco wiring, or at either end in either tender or loco (but not both) to swap them over and all will be fixed.  It doesn't matter whether you do the swap at the tender or loco end, it's not that one of them is wrong, just that they are different.

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If there is a connector in the wiring, can you put it together the opposite way around to what you are doing it now?  If so, that will fix it.  If not, or if the connection is made via those little metal fingers on the tender post, you may have to swap wires by soldering.  


But just a final thought, if done with tender post fingers, make sure they are not bent causing the short right there, in which case it will be just a matter of straightening them and no wiring to change.

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As always with a lot of questions posed on here it would really help to have the model R number, then we could look up the service sheet and see what the loco-tender link arrangement is.

Then it should be possible to give more specific and correct advice instead of best guessing the arrangements.

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