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hornby hst r2812


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Those are probably chalk marks on the pcb Chris -  the board and version number - x005r1 and the individual tag connection marks - the others.

Sptifire - logically the dummy bogie pickup wires would attach to the pcb at marks trk1 & trk2 or trkl & trkr, or similar, etc. Generally the red wire is left and the black wire is right, but some bogies are both wired black so you have to check with a meter which side they are from.

The connections are very basic with the wire being pushed onto the tag and the little rubber sleeve pushed on to hold it there - little wonder they fall off.

The other connections are for the motor (usually the pair at board centre) and power and switching for any directional lights).

If you trace the copper lines on the board you can usually work out what is for what.

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