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Slave PC

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Has anyone set up a slave PC yet? The main PC already had a static IP address ( which I've entered in the settings pop up on the slave PC but nothing happens or is obvious to say it's connected or not connected. The slave also already had a static IP too. 

The main PC is registered, with the pro pack. The slave is still trial edition (both are the same latest version). Do I need to activate the slave pc? I didn't want to do that and it then mess up the main one!!

nothing shows up on main PC to say the slave is trying to connect (Not sure if it should) and I've turned off the firewall on both to see if that was the problem. 

any help welcome. 



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Has anyone set up a slave PC yet? The main PC already had a static IP address ( which I've entered in the settings pop up on the slave PC but nothing happens or is obvious to say it's connected or not connected. The slave also already had a static IP too. 

The main PC is registered, with the pro pack. The slave is still trial edition (both are the same latest version). Do I need to activate the slave pc? I didn't want to do that and it then mess up the main one!!

nothing shows up on main PC to say the slave is trying to connect (Not sure if it should) and I've turned off the firewall on both to see if that was the problem. 

any help welcome. 






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Zues, it isn't done by having a single licence activated twice, you need 2 licences.  There is comprehensive coverage on pp29-30 of the RM manual.


Bradley, the obvious thing that should occur when the 2 computers have RM networked between them is that in the top right corner of the screen, there should be a networking icon showing on the slave instead of a controller.  Do you have this?

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Zues, it isn't done by having a single licence activated twice, you need 2 licences.  There is comprehensive coverage on pp29-30 of the RM manual.


Bradley, the obvious thing that should occur when the 2 computers have RM networked between them is that in the top right corner of the screen, there should be a networking icon showing on the slave instead of a controller.  Do you have this?


I know you need two licences, reading his post it apeared to me he was going to try and activate the slave PC using the same code, what made me think that was when he said he did not want to muck up the activation on the first PC by activating Railmaster on the second PC, or maybe i was having a senior moment.

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Has anyone set up a slave PC yet? The main PC already had a static IP address ( which I've entered in the settings pop up on the slave PC but nothing happens or is obvious to say it's connected or not connected. The slave also already had a static IP too. 

The main PC is registered, with the pro pack. The slave is still trial edition (both are the same latest version). Do I need to activate the slave pc? I didn't want to do that and it then mess up the main one!!

nothing shows up on main PC to say the slave is trying to connect (Not sure if it should) and I've turned off the firewall on both to see if that was the problem. 

any help welcome. 




Hi, When Railmaster runs up on your slave there should be a dialogue box appear telling you its trying to connect to the master terminal on the IP address that you entered in settings page, when its successfully conected the controller icon changes to a network icon and number one of the nine little green boxes at the bottom of the screen disappears.  On the master terminal number one box will flash every time a command is sent from the slave also if you click on the boxes a communication log page appears showing all the commands that has been sent from the slave.


Another thing you may have to do is change the 'Start TCP Port' setting in the Railmaster ini.file, This might be trial and error but mine was set at 80 and had to drop to 50 for my slave to connect to the master


Hope this is of help to you,  Kev

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Has anyone set up a slave PC yet? The main PC already had a static IP address ( which I've entered in the settings pop up on the slave PC but nothing happens or is obvious to say it's connected or not connected. The slave also already had a static IP too. 

The main PC is registered, with the pro pack. The slave is still trial edition (both are the same latest version). Do I need to activate the slave pc? I didn't want to do that and it then mess up the main one!!

nothing shows up on main PC to say the slave is trying to connect (Not sure if it should) and I've turned off the firewall on both to see if that was the problem. 

any help welcome. 




 If you say you have setup static IP's in Windows and the system is not communicating then I ask you if you have setup the same static IP's in the router you are using? If not you need to do that so the DHCP is not trying to offer up dynamic addresses to these systems. That will complete the correct procedure for static IP's on any system where this setup is required to run a master and slave system using RM. If the IP's are only setup as static on the computers then the job is only half done.


On my Help Site for RailMaster (link at top of this forum) I have a page for setting up static IP's correctly and also then a page to continue to this scenario for networking the system so a PC or laptop and tablet can be run together with RM as master and slave. I added these as Kev2583 was having difficulty in his setup with sounds not being utilised properly from the slave. I, myself, have difficulty getting lights to work on loco's!


Take a look at the setup and maybe come back and see what is different on yours apart from the obvious IP numbers used. Try and ignore the fact I use a Draytek router to describe setting IP's inside a router's interface as they are all principally the same type of setup apart from their look and design.


Your trial version will not make ANY difference to the setup as I tried mine in that scenario and get the same results when the software is registered so don't worry about that at all. As stated by Kev2583 you should, on the slave, place None where the Controller A asks for a controller type and the IP of the master in the relevant box on the slave also.


A network icon with two green overlapping monitors (like that of your network on the taskbar when connected) will appear when connections between the two computers are correct. If this does not show then communication between the two has NOT been made. That icon appears on the slave as Fishy, I believe, stated earlier where the icon appears on the master to say a connection has been made to the eLink unit. Also ensure on the master that Controller A is marked up as Hornby eLink.


Let us know how you get on.


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Hi Guys

Thanks for the helpful replies. 

Firstly, thanks for pointing out i'd ultimately need a 2nd licence for the slave pc - but i want to get it working in at least eval mode before i part with the extra cash.

It appears to have always been successfully connecting, the slave shows the networked icon (in place of the controller icon) and the number 1 at the bottom right has disappeared. I also notice the popup   'attempting to connect to master'. 

Next question is how do i actually select the layout? do i need to copy it from the master to the slave? when the slave opens it defaults to whatever is selected in the slave's 'start up layout' setting. I was hoping to see the master terminal's track plans in the dropdown on the slave but no joy. the only thing i can think is to copy to the layout to the slave and restart the application?

Thanks in advance


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If you read the other post re issues with communication between master and slave where function buttons are concerned you may just begin to think there is a general coomunicatio fault here.

I could be wrong in that the issue may be communications but while function buttons are not sending signals to change sounds or loco lights status then in that same way the track plans may not be picked up by the slave when the master should be transmitting ALL settings to the slave once connected.

If I were building software like this then that is how I would expect a networked slave unit to behave... to simply pick up all settings from the master. So we may have to see what the next update brings... a fix for all these problems at once? Maybe, especially if it IS down to a communications fault between master and slave.

Three of us, which includes myself, are awaiting news from HRMS re the issues outlined in the other post on here...


...so hopefully this will be part of the same solution. If it isn't then we may have to just manually select the plan or copy it over somehow in the hope that this kind of thing IS automatically picked up by the slave controller in a future update.

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