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Programmable Buttons Problem

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I have set up programmable buttons for my locos. All works okay except "Hogwarts Castle". Pressing this button does nothing. I have deleted and set it up again several times, checked to see if I can see anything different in the loco set up from the others. Position of the button makes no doifference. I have emailed HRMS who are investigating but no result yet. Any of you computer wizards out there got any ideas?

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I have set up programmable buttons for my locos. All works okay except "Hogwarts Castle". Pressing this button does nothing. I have deleted and set it up again several times, checked to see if I can see anything different in the loco set up from the others. Position of the button makes no doifference. I have emailed HRMS who are investigating but no result yet. Any of you computer wizards out there got any ideas?


 Go to the Railmaster folder and right-click on the file ProgButtons.dat. Select "edit" and this should open the file in Notepad. Notice anything which doesn't look quite right? I've just created a button bar with 3 locos on it and this is what my file looks like:-


LOCO:Class 25~0018 Class 25 Green

LOCO:Class 45~0:0

LOCO:Class 40~0017 Class 40 'Empress of Canada' BR green


The 2nd entry for the Class 45 has been corrupted. I've had this before with buttons set up to run programs, rather than open loco windows, and I'm pretty sure I reported it. Oh how I wish I had kept a log of everything I've reported :-)





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Here is the loco list:

LOCO:48XX 4819~4819  0-4-2T Class 48xx GWR greenLOCO:CAERPHILLY CASTLE 4073~4073  4-6-0 'Caerphilly' Castle cl. GWR greenLOCO:3803~3803  2-8-0 Class 3800 GWR greenLOCO:61XX 5154~5154  2-6-2T Prairie Class 61xx GWR greenLOCO:COLLETT GOODS 3205~3205  0-6-0 Collett GoodsLOCO:5764~5764  0-6-0PT Class 57xx Pannier Tank GWRLOCO:TURNTABLE~0099  TurntableLOCO:BRADLEY MANOR 7802~7802  4-6-0 Bradley Manor GWR GreenLOCO:HOGWARTS CASTLE~5972  4-6-0 Hogwarts Castle

It is currently last but before I deleted and added again it was in the middle. Cannot see any corruption .



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Hog and the TT are the only ones listed with LOCO:NAME~number, whereas the others are all LOCO:NAME number~number

Does this have any significance?

I'm presuming the concatenation of each loco entry without spacing between them is just presentation and they should be tabulated per Ray's example.


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Not how I expected list to appear. Part before ~ entered as description by me, part after~ taken by RM from loco list . How the first part is entered makes no difference and appears on button face. Second part is how RM identifies loco which loco button refers too.



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LOCO:48XX 4819~4819  0-4-2T Class 48xx GWR green       LOCO:CAERPHILLY CASTLE 4073~4073  4-6-0 'Caerphilly' Castle cl. GWR green                                                                                            LOCO:3803~3803  2-8-0 Class 3800 GWR green                                   LOCO:61XX 5154~5154  2-6-2T Prairie Class 61xx GWR green                       LOCO:COLLETT GOODS 3205~3205  0-6-0 Collett Goods      LOCO:5764~5764  0-6-0PT Class 57xx Pannier Tank GWR   LOCO:TURNTABLE~0099  Turntable                                           LOCO:BRADLEY MANOR 7802~7802  4-6-0 Bradley Manor GWR Green LOCO:HOGWARTS CASTLE~5972  4-6-0 Hogwarts Castle

Hope this better!

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