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Elite update 1.42


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2e0, to answer your Elite/eLink question, for a start you can only have one controller on any one circuit.  To use both, you either have to split everything into 2 power districts using a power booster, or split into separate track and accessory buses. 


Separate districts has the advantages that a short on one leaves the other operating and you also have twice as much power.


Separate track and accessory buses have a marginal power advantage if you want to change many points at the same time and run many locos then too.


As you can see, the advantages accrue only with large layouts. Modest layouts will have little advantage.  This was the basis on which I told john to put his eLink in the bottom drawer and stick with Elite, else he was in for a big wiring job to separate his buses for minimal advantage.  


However, if you have yet to wire your points, and given you already have both controllers, you could consider using both. As I said, the advantage is minimal, if anything at all, but your choice.


Just remember that your points only use power when the motors are operating and, if something like an 8247 or ADS8 decoder, they contain CDUs so don't use much on recharge so very little effect on power for locos.  Not the case with Switchpilot though, it has no CDU so uses significant power when operating, but only affects locos if powered from the track rather than the recommended separate supply. 

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Teed, why the change, how many points do you have. These are not cheap. john



I'm not changing the points (about 12ish) just the motors. I don't like the loud thump and the board shaking (slight exageration), when you throw the Peco solenoids. I't can't be good for the blades to crash together so violently. So I'm going for a quiet prototypical  solution. Lots of work but TBH I enjoy the building side more than playing trains (while I can!).


Sorry about the typos, on my second Southern Comfort ;-)

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2eOD, followed same route, XP PRO, being the best. Dont agree about windows 7.  9 was never going to happen, they still feel guity about 8. Good luck with 10,  remember this post, when all goes belly up. john

Just to clarify... MS didn't jump to Win 10 just because they felt guilty about Win 8. On their own promo vids on their own site they tell you they just wanted a new and fresh start with the numbering sequence jumping from what they describe as a non descript version 9 to a more rounded and fresh number of 10.

This is to give the impression of a newer operating system and a new move to something far superior and much fresher in their eyes.

What that means to us is a few extra bits and bobs that technology will be able to use and also new bugs etc... lol

One of the new things is there is NO Internet Explorer anymore. It's gone to make its maker, is no more, has ceased to be etc. etc. It has been replaced with Project Spartan which even now has a new name itself... Microsoft Edge. This incorporates things like Cortana (already available on Windows Phones for example).

A very good reason for MS to offer a free upgrade for one year after release is so that more folk take it on at the outset. They were extremely upset at Windows 8 and its successor Windows 8.1 not being taken up by businesses, particularly in the UK, and the general public. In the US it took off in business. Here though we are much further behind and still using Small Business Server technology which is far better than the brute called Windows Server 2012 which is just sooooo slow.

I use Small Business Server 2011 at home for business purposes and it's just fine. Business here is just getting over the demise of SBS 2003 and an update to SBS 2008 of which 2011 is a newer version based on the 2008 engine.

Anyway... I digress. How did we get from the original thread to this lot again? Sigh... :-) lol



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Dont agrree, about windows 10. The man who launched windows 8, was fired within days, and initially, windows 7 users were going to have to pay about £80, to update. This has now disappeared, and update for the likes of me, is free, for limited time. Why would anybody running windows 7, wish to move to untried new windows, certainly, until bugs are out, say 12 months.. I can understand all vista, and windows 8 people, queuing up, to get out.  They admit they chose 10, to distance themselves from the  problems of 8. But, this is their  business, trying to increase sales. They are hoping for some windows 7 converts, to write glowing reports, to boost sales. hence the carrot. Not for me i am afraid, very happy with windows 7. john

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The initial requirements for upgraders at the time of that fellow's departure and what is on offer now is not really relevant John.

I won't be upigrading at all. Why would I move from a sturdy Windows 7 to a souped up version of the same rubbish? I have to keep in mind that Win10 may not be suitable for a small business server I run at home and some others for businesses around my area.

As a techie running my own business - on one machine I will have little choice if I am to keep up to date with that OS. But using it is a totally different matter. I can see good points and bad. But, let's just say I did upgrade I wouldn't be waiting for a service pack. Nor would I wait too long after release. It depends upon your hardware and software configs and so advising some users is a waste of time unless it is dreadfully poor and warrants a place in the bin!!

It is very true about the update from Win 8 to 10 and there never was a W9 version... never. Anyway... nuff said.

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Having mulled over doing upgrade decided to do it.  Followed instructions to the letter including the admin bit and all seemed to be going well until the end of upgrade when got upgrade failed instead of the hoped finish.  Now I have lost my elite as it will not show anything other than what you get when you start the upgarde procedure.  Have unplugged etc but to no joy.  Any ideas please.   thanks Malcolm

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Malcolm, It would help if you would post what version of Windows you are using for the upgrade, and whether you have access to a PC running XP or Vista if you are using Win 7/8x. The Elite upgrade seems to work best on XP / Vista machines. But see comment further down regarding Win 8x


It would appear that you have 'bricked' the Elite. Unfortunately there are no buttons you can push to recover from this. The only recovery is to run the updater successfully on a working PC configuration. I am using Win 8.1 and 'bricked' my Elite performing the firmware upgrade. In my case, I borrowed a neighbours old XP desktop and recovered my Elite running the Elite updater on that. It is now successfully at version 1.42


If using Win 8x and no access to earlier Windows versions, then have a look at Augustus Caesar's post on page 7 of this thread and also Tomaso60's post on page 9 of this thread. On page 7, AC outlined a procedure for updating using Win 8x and Tom's post on page 9 confirmed that AC's method worked for him also on Win 8x

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Chrissaf   Thanks very much for that response.  Very helpful.  Yes I am using windows 8.1 and did the upgrade very reluctantly as Hornby and so some degree Railmaster do not seem to perform as well as they should with this OS.  I must have missed the posts you referred to but have spoken to Hornby and they suggested I send back to them.   I do not have easy access to another computer not running windows 8 so decided this was my best option.   Once again thanks very much indeed.  Malcolm+

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I attempted to update to 1.42 with a windoze 8.1 laptop and my elite is now a brick, no display and flashing green light.

How do I fix this. I have no access to an xp computer at this time and sending to Hornby from Australia is a little impracticable

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a_b if following all the helps on the forum to upgrade/unbrick your elite doesn't work you could post it to me in FNQ. It would cost you the price of 2 x 500g satchels (adequate bubble wrap up to the 500g might be a concern or one Aust. Post B1 box and postage each way (because I can reuse the box to send it back). I have successfully upgraded two without bricking. You could ask admin for my contact details if you want to try this.

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Surely it would be possible given todays technology for hornby to produce/ load as they do for RM, an automatic update, given the location of many members. I have not attempted to update mine, with my windows 7 machine, as there is no certainty of success. Should mine fail, i could fall back on elink, but many cant, and the cost of postage / delays in returning from Australia, make it difficult. john

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Unfortunately John you have to put the Elite into rewrite mode manually with the big red button to set the ball rolling, but if they can do it with eLink from within RM why not Elite.

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RM didn't exist when Elite was designed so you have no choice but to put it in upgrade mode (what RAF calls rewrite mode) with the delays as you connect it as per the instructions, then run the upgrade file.  It's not a problem with 7, I've upgraded mine from 1.3 to 1.4 then 1.41 using 7. Haven't got to 1.42 yet as it is packed away.  It's only been a problem with 8 before AC figured out the correct driver at page 6 of this thread. 

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