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Set Points on start up.

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Good Morning All

I have the latest version installed and have purchased the Pro Pack and am running on 64bit Windows 7.

Even though I have the set points "tick" in the settings the points dont "set" as I want them to on start up.

I have full administrative rights and have re-installed Railmaster to ensure that it is installed to run as administator.

I have also tried to change the "ini" file by setting "0" to "1" but when I try and save the change it says "access is denied" ??

What am I doing wrong or missing.

Great forum and many thanks for anticipated assistance.




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 Hi HT, One thing comes to mind and that is - Have you set the start-up directions in your plan designer i.e. right click on the point buttons and set whether you require it to be left or right, also you have to set the port number that operates that point.  This has to be done with all points.

  Hope that helps, Kev

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The reason you can't amend the file HiTT is you haven't got permissions set right on your machine - its not a Railmaster thing its a User thing. You have to go into Control Panel / Users and look for where you have full rights to read, wrtie, edit, etc.

A workaround is save the .ini file as (save-as) something else after you have amended it (e.g. HTT.ini), then delete the original .ini file, then rename your version back to the original name.

If you make a mistake or it all goes wrong, just delete the .ini file and RM will generate a new default .ini file next time you start RM.

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I had the same problem - you need to add the order in which you want the points to be set. in the popup when configuring the point, to the left of where you choose the left/right direction is a text box - enter a number in there. 

Personally i started top left and then added 1 for each point clockwise. The manual says if you have any with the same index it will do them in the order you defined the points so i guess you could set them all to 1 if you're not bothered.

Plus make sure the 'set points' is defined in the settings but sounds like you've already done that.

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... points firing at startup is a ProPack only thing just in case any AmPack people fancy trying it.

I have 2 copies of RM, a Pro version on the laptop that controls my layout, and the other one on a Desktop that I am experimenting with Networking, that is just the standard version.  Even the standard version has a check box in the settings screen, just to the right of the 'Start up Track' text box, called 'Set Points', so I do not think setting points on start up is limited to Pro Pack.  (Come to think of it, I do seem to remember it always being there, before I upgraded to Pro pack)



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RDS - Agree there is a set points tick box but I believe ProPack allows you to organise the actual firing order whereas AmPack only fires them in the order you first planted them on the track plan.

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RAF96 - I have just checked both versions.  Yes you are right.  In the layout design screen, when you right click on a point, the Pro pack version has an additional box into which you put a number from 1 upwards, to define the order of points setting, or not at all if you enter zero.

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If you have defined to set points on startup in Am Pack and you upgrade to Pro Pack, it says you have to go and specifically set the order as has been said above.


On the ini file, copy it somewhere convenient, change it with Notepad then copy it back.  Best to save the one in the RM folder with another name if you can after copying, then if you make a mistake you can always get the original back.

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Hi all please some HELP I am just about at my wits end as I have my e link all set and working my points all on my plan and all wired in but just HOW do I make them work ? Any & all help,in plain good old fashioned terms please ,ie join black wire to black terminal, would be really gratefull as old guy trying to compete with modern technology as my old points were all manual ones.


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To clarify Robert:

You have placed your points and their associated red/green buttons on your trackplan and when you click the buttons they work the points on the plan as indicated by the blue/grey line moving from straight to branch. So far so good. Now on to the hardware side of things.


Which point motors are you usin?

These point motors must be wired to accessory decoders which in turn are connected either to the track or to your your controller TRACK terminals. 

Firstly though you have to designate an address for your points when you are setting them up and you do this by connecting the accessory decoder(s) in turn first to a Programming track or the PROG terminals on your controller and following the instructions in you rcontroller manual for setting up accessory decoders.

If you do not have accessory decoders then you need to buy some - usually 1 decoder will handle 4 points, but you can get them that do more - a bigger subject to explore.


This address must then be associated with each point on your plan by entering design mode and right clicking on each point and entering the address for the port it is connected to on the accessory decoder.


All should then work both on screen and on track.

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