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Turntable Schematic

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Greetings, i have revised my layout, relocating Turntable, and re connected. It is 022, and when i click on loco list, it moves forward and aft a treat, as it also does with Elite. So, as train crosses and back, motor and decoder are fine. What does not happen, as it did before, is when you click on TT, on schematic, although, , plus one, etc, come up, TT, does not move from screen. So numbers work, but not motor. How do i sort it. Funnily enough, i belive it was Ray, before, that was unaware this happened, so, if he is reading this and sorted, perhaps he will enlighten me. john

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Greetings, i have revised my layout, relocating Turntable, and re connected. It is 022, and when i click on loco list, it moves forward and aft a treat, as it also does with Elite. So, as train crosses and back, motor and decoder are fine. What does not happen, as it did before, is when you click on TT, on schematic, although, , plus one, etc, come up, TT, does not move from screen. So numbers work, but not motor. How do i sort it. Funnily enough, i belive it was Ray, before, that was unaware this happened, so, if he is reading this and sorted, perhaps he will enlighten me. john

  Hi John,

I'm in Spain at mo. If you mean the tt bridge on the screen icon, although I got it to move, the number of positions did not match the number of roads on the Hornby tt so I don't pay attention to the position shown on the screen.

Does the actual tt move when you click the tt icon?


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Ray, hi how the other half live. Wont move from schematic, but fine as  loco, no 22. Moves with elite, or using the mouse, but not when you click on it, on screen. Twas fine, fore i moved it. john


Did you just move it on the schematic or did you delete it and insert a new one? If the latter, you may have forgotten to put its address back in. When the turntable moves as a loco, does it pause at each track like the Hornby one does?






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Ray, hi, i deleated it,  from schematic, but not from RM, where it remains, as loco 22. It works with mouse from there, and also from elite, but before, when i clicked the screen, it moved. As a thought, do i have to power up other roads for this to happen. I did not delete it, as thought it might be ok. I altered existing schematic, so took it out, as i did the points. Another mistake, perhaps. john

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Ray, hi, i deleated it,  from schematic, but not from RM, where it remains, as loco 22. It works with mouse from there, and also from elite, but before, when i clicked the screen, it moved. As a thought, do i have to power up other roads for this to happen. I did not delete it, as thought it might be ok. I altered existing schematic, so took it out, as i did the points. Another mistake, perhaps. john

Hi John,

I am not sure what you mean by "power up other roads". Also,  at first you say you deleted it, but later you say "I did not delete it". So I am a little confused...




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Hi, Ray, no, works fine from loco 22, eg decoder allocated number, but not from schematic. Minus 1, etc appear, when you click in either direction, but TT, stays static. When i say power up other roads, before when i had 18 exits, each one was powered, rail to rail, to allow locos to move , up and down. Now i have re located, only have 4 exits, and at moment, only roads joining bridge are live. Solution, may be, to power up other 2 exits. john

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Hi, Ray, no, works fine from loco 22, eg decoder allocated number, but not from schematic. Minus 1, etc appear, when you click in either direction, but TT, stays static. When i say power up other roads, before when i had 18 exits, each one was powered, rail to rail, to allow locos to move , up and down. Now i have re located, only have 4 exits, and at moment, only roads joining bridge are live. Solution, may be, to power up other 2 exits. john

Hi John,

In the Layout Designer, do you see the TT's address when you right-click on its icon?




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This is a question for HRMS. While assisting John to get his turntable working in Railmaster, I was about to point him in the direction of pages 91-92 of the guide, where it describes the entries needed for a turntable in the Railmaster.ini file. It occurred to me that these entries should not be in the Railmaster.ini file, and furthermore the entries for Tipper and Conveyor shouldn't be in there either. Why? What happens if you have a large layout which has room for two turntables? Do they both run at the same speed and take the same amount of time to move from one track to the next? I am convinced that these values should be included in the configuration of individual items on the track diagram, not in the INI file.


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Hello John,

The number of roads you have "Powered up" to the turntable should have no bearing on whether the TT icon on your schematic works or not. My feeling is that you don't have address 22 configured in the TT icon in the schematic.


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Ray, hi, so how do i configer. Sorry to be late in reply, but heather in hospital for Prolapse, and domestic role now in force. john

Hi John,

Sorry to hear about Heather. 

If you go into Layout Designer and right-click on the turntable icon, you will see a small configuration window appear. Leave the type as Loco Decoder and set the port/id to 22. The Startup position refers to where you want the bridge to appear on the icon when RM starts up - it doesn't actually cause the tt to rotate to that position.

There are other items which you may need to set but it involves editing the Railmaster.ini file. Pages 91-92 of the latest Railmaster guide may help, but if you get stuck, let me know.

Please pass on my best wishes to Heather.


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Ray, hi, thanks. Problems start once she comes home. Not allowed to do anything for a month. Ideal time, with 3 acres, to have to take on Womanly  chores as well. Looks like trains and sleep, will suffer. Difficult time now, what with grass cutting, and watering veggies. France turns into a dust bowel, this time of year, and lot of time spent watering. Will try your solution asap. john

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Hi John, Best wishes to Heather but please hurry up with that watering because I am really looking forward to the solution to your TT id issue (even though I sold my own TT a few weeks ago and I am currently reconfiguring my layout with 3 additional long sidings)

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  • 3 months later...

Hi perfectionist, can I start by suggesting you are usually better off starting off a new topic with a new thread with a relevant descriptive title rather than adding to an old.  In this instance where you have piggy-backed on John's topic, some of us will remember that he has an unusual brand of TT which took an amount of discussion some time ago to help him get it going.


However, putting that aside for now, the first thing we need to know to assist you is what type of TT you have, the different brands working quite differently.  I am going to assume for the purposes of an initial answer though that it is a Hornby R070. I  It would be good if you can confirm or otherwise.


The R070 design is quite old and has not been designed for DCC operation.  Converting it to DCC is a challenge for a start, but there has been lots of discussion on that over the years.  A search of the forums on TT or turntable should turn up heaps. And my first suggestion is to not butcher it as Hornby suggest by removing the contacts at the end of the bridge.


The next thing is that the only way to run the motor is with a loco decoder and so you must set it up in RM initially as a loco, there is no alternative.  Then if you read Ray's advice above, he tells you how to go about configuring it in Layout Design from there, including where to find that in the RM manual.  Have you checked his advice and does it work for you?  If not, what happens that is not working?

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Fishy, i dont think the make of TT matters.They all have to be set up as locos. The main interesting point that ray and i discussed, was that when i clicked on my TT, on screen, it moved, either way, which was great. It also stopped at each exit. Since re locating it, it no longer does that, simply moves  with the mouse, the same as a loco. So. to configure other than as a loco,  i have not achieved that. Mine is CV22. john

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John, not all set up as locos.  Take the Heijan one for a start,  works with an accessory decoder.  But true for yours and Hornby.  And the fact you and Ray were discussing the particular icon issue, not the loco/non loco issue, is why I suggested a new thread would have been better.  Always better not to confuse more than one topic in one thread.

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