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Point Motor Control


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I am new to the hobby and have just connected up my first point motor to a decoder. It works fine when I test the system but I cannot find the screen that allows me to put the point address onto the railmaster screen.

I have R8247 Decoder, R8243 point, Railmaster and elink

Please can anyone help 

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Open your track plan in Design mode - my icon is a Triangle. Place your point on the plan along with buttons and right click a button and assign your decoder port number to it.

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C2, try using the green reply button down at the bottom, as I am doing, instead of mucking around with the blue button then editing your reply into what the other poster said.  Far simpler for you and easier for everyone else to see what you are saying. 


And I assume your problem is solved by what RAF said?

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To the right of the actual reply box green reply button it now says, "*Please ensure your reply is typed into the white box". Should help.


Well so it does. Doesn't seem to work though, still heaps of yellow replies, if you manage to find them. 



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So perhaps the blue reply button should have a relevant warning message against it as well, although I wouldn't have thought that was particularly necessary. At the moment, if you want to reply to a post, rather than just write a new message, you press the blue reply button under that post, which sends you to the reply screen and you get the message then about where to reply, certainly before you press the green button with the said advice written against it. 

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But as we know, if you happen to backspace and delete the place to start in the white area, you can now only reply in the yellow despite the warning. 


While editing in in the yellow area is a useful feature as you can get rid of unwanted detail in there and just leave what you want to reply to, this is also what causes the problem. It would be better if the yellow area was locked IMHO.

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I'll have to sleep on that, Fishy. Now, where's my night cap, the one you put on your head that is? I can't find it and I'm just wondering whether I ate it in my sleep last night. My pillow is still there, so I couldn't have had a dream about eating a big marsh mallow, could I?

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Hi I trained as an electrician  41 Entry joined 20 Sept 60, St Athan


 My best mate (and best man at my wedding) was probably in your entry but maybe 39th/40th - a geordie called George Arthur Young also a rigger. Never seen him for almost 50 years.


@rest of you chaps

I find it easier to reply using the green button and copy and paste in any text from before that I want to talk to, then highlight it and hit the quote (") button above the edit box.

Or you can type in and quote any text like this... 

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