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Programme Button Selecting Problem

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Hi. I am running RM just to operate my track point settings etc.

I have two programme buttons which are set to display two different plans I have.

I have now done the plan for my Fiddle Yard which I want to assign a Programme Button but for some reason I cannot do this.

If I click the + to add a button I get to select plan loco etc, if I select plan I do not have a drop down menu to select the plan I want to assign, just a positioning setup.

When I go to the design plan grids I seem to have on all my plans a small rectangular box top right of the square grids, should there be something in it?

I have read manual but cannot seem to locate where I can select the plan to assign the Programme Button, done this before ages ago but right now does not seem to be possible.

PS using Pro Pack.

Help please.

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Geo, haven't used this but looking at the manual, it says exactly what you found.  The plan feature is supposed to be to select an area of a plan simply, hence you are given a coordinates box.


I have 2 thoughts for you though.  First, if you add a plan button while in design mode for the fiddle yard, does it then display the button and take you to the fiddle yard when you are operating in another plan?


Or just add the fiddle yard to you other schematics and use a button to take you to it within their schematics. 

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Geo, haven't used this but looking at the manual, it says exactly what you found.  The plan feature is supposed to be to select an area of a plan simply, hence you are given a coordinates box.


I have 2 thoughts for you though.  First, if you add a plan button while in design mode for the fiddle yard, does it then display the button and take you to the fiddle yard when you are operating in another plan?


Or just add the fiddle yard to you other schematics and use a button to take you to it within their schematics. 

Hi Fishy.

Ihave the fiddle yard saved in the plans section but cannot see anywhere to add it to the schematics apart from the drop down menu at the bottom which is where it has been saved.

I understand the button locating a segemnt of the plan by location, but if I recall I did manage to add a whole new plan previously, must have as I have two buttons showing but now if I add another and click plan in the options where it also says loco etc I do not get an option of plans to select, just a location to complete.

Thanks for the reply.




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The box I think you are talking about automatically lists anything you program to a floating button. It is scrollable in that the up/down arrows in the box make it larger or smaller vertically according to how much screen you wish to use.


As to the plan problem the manual says you can arrange for a program to move or zoom to an area of the current plan (hence the coordinates dialogue), but does not say you can change plans. I suppose the reason for this is RM would have to load all the associated files against that plan upon such a move to request.


Groups management would depend upon you already having designated locos to groups in the loco setup screen.

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So you are saying only one actual plan can be called up on the programme button but by positioning that plan then different segments can be viewed, this will be fine apart from the fact I just spent ages designing fiddle yard on a separate plan.

In order to work then I need to design the fiddle yard alongside the main layout and just use the programme button to put each segment into viewable position.

That would be OK I just assumed that the programme button accessed whatever plan I had in the memory.

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The only way you can call up a plan to the best of my knowledge is by designating it in the setup area as your startup plan. So yes the only way to do what you waant is to have it all on the same sheet - as long as it will fit within the max plan size, which is in the book somewhere.


I've often designed a new plan and wanted to give it a quick blast using my existing locos and points switching but I had to do the setup thing - bit of a pest.

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All sorted now, took a while but I now have the main layout plan alongside the Fiddle Yard plan and two programme buttons, one assigned to each plan I want to see, so effectively the programme button puts one on the left of screen and the other on the right. Fine by me and now all I need to is assign 45 sets of point decoders. Oh but they also need fitting :-(

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All sorted now, took a while but I now have the main layout plan alongside the Fiddle Yard plan and two programme buttons, one assigned to each plan I want to see, so effectively the programme button puts one on the left of screen and the other on the right. Fine by me and now all I need to is assign 45 sets of point decoders. Oh but they also need fitting :-(

How did you work out the x,y co-ordinates - was it by trial and error? I think I added an item in the Desirable Features thread that the current x,y co-ordinates are displayed somewhere on the main screen to make it easier to setup a button as you have done, but also for use in the MOVE command in a program.




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All sorted now, took a while but I now have the main layout plan alongside the Fiddle Yard plan and two programme buttons, one assigned to each plan I want to see, so effectively the programme button puts one on the left of screen and the other on the right. Fine by me and now all I need to is assign 45 sets of point decoders. Oh but they also need fitting :-(

How did you work out the x,y co-ordinates - was it by trial and error? I think I added an item in the Desirable Features thread that the current x,y co-ordinates are displayed somewhere on the main screen to make it easier to setup a button as you have done, but also for use in the MOVE command in a program.



 Yes Ray, trial and error but after setting the new Fiddle Yard plan adjacent to the Geominster Layout plan I opened a new Programme button, selected plan and dragged it as far right as I could so it displayed left side of screen,saved it, then opened another new Programme button, selected plan and dragged it as far as I could to the left so Fiddle Yard was fully viewable and then saved it.

The results are here in my Forum Thread although not yet completed.


Hopefully that is OK to post here. Thanks for all the encouragement.




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Also Geo,

For the benefit of all those that like to keep track of discussions, would you please stop writing your replies in the coloured area.  It is impossible to realise what you have written, compared to what you are replying to.  It is normally just 'new' members that do that.

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If you do get stuck in the yellow box, just use the back out arrow/button on your browser and start again.


 Unfortunately the reply window does not help matters because if the post you are replying to is a long post, then you have to deliberately move the slider bar on the right of the window to the bottom.  I would much prefer it if the cursor was placed at the bottom of the window, in the white area, ready for typing.


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I just tried hitting the blue reply button to see what happens and the cursor defaulted to just in front of the 1st character in the first yellow box, so I bombed out and went for the green reply instead.

As you say RDS the default cursor position should be in the white area and preferably a carriage return or two down.

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Geo - for the benefit of others doing the same thing - did the move coordinates match the plan square count or not.







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Hi Geo, hit Caps Lock and you will stop appearing to shout at us.  Or stop standing on the box and we won't notice anyway. 


And glad you can now display your layout district and fiddle county as you wish.  Don't forget to button up if the weather gets bad up your way.

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