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Class 37 TTS possible fault


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Hello, I recently aquired the above brand new and moved into dcc through necessityas it won't work on dc.

Generally I am very pleased,however it does have a bit of an annoying habit of just sitting there with the brake release playing and not moving when the throttle is increased,turn off the sound and it moves off.

This happens erratically,and doesn't appear to be dirty track or rails related.

I am using a Fleischmann/Roco Multimaus controller.

Thanks for reading


Any thoughts?

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There are several things you can check.

How is the controller connected to the track? Are you using a power track or power clip and if so are they the DCC (digital) versions? The DC (analogue) versions will not work properly on DCC.

What software version is the Multimaus? It should be 1.02 or later. See section 3.7 of the manual on page 52 to find out how to check the version.

The loco should work on DC unless the DC function has been turned off in CV29. Although this is a good thing It may be a sign that other CVs have been changed. A reset might help. (You can safely turn DC operation off again after the reset.)

I suggest reading the TTS decoder manual for troubleshooting tips.

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A thing or two to consider:

1. Make sure your controller is set for 128 speed steps. This makes sure the decoder and the controller are speaking the same language.

2. TTS will control a loco motor on DC but not the sounds - this is clearly stated in the manual.

3. There is a CV (off hand can't remeber but its in the manual) which sets the delay before a loco starts - this is default at value 25 (2.5 seconds). The value range is 0 - 70 . 0 obviously sets the loco off whilst its still faffing about with the brakes and 70 plays brakes off twice before the loco moves. I have know the loco to sit there and drop the brakes several times - it has always been a dirty track or wheels. Once thoroughly cleaned it releases and goes every time. I've seen this often on steam and diesel TTS.

4. CV8 set to value 8 returns the whole decoder to factory defaults and CV8 to value 5 resets only the sounds.


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Thanks everyone for answering,just to clarify. I know the sounds don't work on dc,that's why I went dcc,The Accel/decell CVs are as fitted. The multimaus is brand new,but from Europe,but has the latest transformer,it came from a set,no idea what version it is.

I clean the track regularly and the wheels,might try the delay thing or sound reset,

I want to change the roof colour,but don't want to mess up any warranty if the sound unit was faulty.

One other thing is that the multimaus does not read the CVs,it makes up a value,so it is a bit hit and miss adjusting things,the fact that the loco doesn't do it all the time would suggest the CVs are as they should be.


Thanks again

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