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DCC Peppercorn Bon Accord.


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Hi, this loco came with Majestic set, and has been ok up to now. It now refuses to move, no sound from motor. Before i go any further, perhaps the Brains Trust can offer suggestions, as how to proceed. thanks, john. Loco 60154

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Check it hasn't reverted to address 3 John.

If the decoder is set to allow DCC try a PP3 9v battery directly on the wheels to check motor is OK.

Also check no fluff in the wheel pickups.

If it was ok before then I suspect a wire has come off indoors.

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Hi I to have the same the majestic set, and had problems with the Bon Accord, I found that the track pickups were not making good contact with the back of the wheel set all the time ( the wheels have a small lateral movement which the pickups did not track). I disassembled the unit and cleaned and adjusted the pickups (bent them slightly) so they made contact all of the time.

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Cas ir, many thanks, will look at.  Raf, 96. Need to  wire up prog track, again, then can check out. Just changed circuit, to encorporate, all layouts together. Now like a wedding cake, lower tier, DC, first tier, DCC, then 3 rail tier, tt tier, finally N gauge. Means i can operate from one place, and run up to 21 tracks, happy days. john

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With a quad decker keyboard like that John and 21 tracks you should have been a church organ player.

No need to set up the prog track again - just try it on DC and see if it works - if not then go to plan B to check the CV.

Sounds as if it could well be the well known wheel pickup problem though.

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RAF 96, greetings, all back to normal now.  CV had changed from 012, to 02, interesting, and i cleaned up wheels etc. I have come across locos reverting to 03, before, but not 02, and it is my oldest DCC loco. curious. john

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