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Digitrax DN135D Decoder

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When i try to read the CV's of my 0-4-0 Midland Railway loco it asks for me to contact RM support and to send a PDF file. Once it has read them all it then says that CV 8 is unobtainable. Also when i run the loco it keeps stopping suddenly when it crosses over points. 


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Digitrax Manufacturer ID is 129.

Stalling on dead frog points can be caused by a few things. One is that the wheels are the wrong distance apart. Check the Back to Back distance between the wheels. Should be 14.5mm +/- 0.05mm.

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I've sent details to HRMS about errant decoders and nothing has changed in the latest revision.


My dodgy Hornby decoders still remain as unidentified and invoke the 'please send a pdf, etc' request.


So why bother.

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Since your loco is an 0-4-0 it presumably only has 4 electrical pick-ups (2 each side). If your point installations are not absolutely perfectly flat and spotlessly clean and your loco equally perfect then I'm afraid that power losses for that type of configuration will be common place. You have very few options open to you. The only one that has a good chance of consistent success would be to fit a 'stay alive' super capacitor to the loco decoder, but given the small loco size there may not be space inside for one. Google 'Stay Alive Capacitor' and/or 'Keep Alive Capacitor' as a starting point.


The principle of a 'stay alive' sometimes called 'keep alive' is to provide a second or two of power to the motor to keep it running until track power is restored by the loco moving past the power failure point.

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