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Have I just stumbled upon the obvious flaw in this project?

I read the forum posts here and was musing about a couple of historic kits I would like to see come back and have just realised that there is no way I can create pre-orders for them, we are currently stuck with the two different types of birds that are currently on offer on the Airfix site - and I'm certainly not rushing to vote for either of those...

Come on Hornby - gove us a list of what's really in the art of the possible so that we can have a proper crack at deciding what we want and voting for it!

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I think what 'they' are doing is generating interest seeing what folk would like to see released then checking the tooling bank to see if the mould is viable.  Sort of Co creation which is a 'buzz concept' in the Marketing world.

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After my initial rush of enthusiasm, I quickly came to the conclusion that this was not a well thought-out idea - even a cynical one - which has succeeded only in raising false hope amongst the sincere fans of old Airfix. As has been mentioned above, there has been no post requesting the two 1:1 scale birds and yet mysteriously they are gaining support. From whom? Airfix central? I wonder if these birds are all they actually have and they're just drumming up sales for them. But don't let me get too cynical. ;)

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There is no post requesting the birds because they were the first two subjects Airfix put up, decided BEFORE the forum was created. The concept is just over 24 hours old, yet already people are condemning it?


The birds were chosen because the tooling was availabe

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1.  It's market research.

2.  Yes Airfix could have put the available tools to the vote.

3.  If the tools are not available the initative could still be good market research to determine what could be the subject of a new tool.

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