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Reset points on startup

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My points always used to reset when I started Railmaster but for no reason this no longer happens, I have made no changes.

I could always hear each of the points click as the program set them then the blue arrows would appear, now the blue arrows just appear without any of the points being reset to the start positions leaving some points the wrong way, this is causing havoc with my programs.

Any ideas as to what has gone wrong would be greatly appreciated.

By the way I have tried reinstalling Railmaster to no avail.


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Go into the .ini file and change the 'points set at startup' line, save it then go back and put it back to the correct setting and save it again. Don't know why but it seems to work.

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Sorry if you took my suggested words literally  - you have the correct line - I just couldn't remember the exact wording without opening up the other PC with RM on it, so just planted the suggestion for you to work out yourself, which you did in the end.

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Changing Ask to Set Points doesn't change whether they are set or not, it asks first if set to 1 and just does it if set to zero. Interesting what RAF says about changing it then changing it back though - a bug?


Have you you double checked that the Set Points box is ticked next to your default layout in the RM Setup screen?  I know you said nothing changed but worth a look?

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The other thing to note Ian is that having made changes to things in RM it often pays to then shut it down and restart (just RM not the pc/laptop) so that all the changes can definitely be made effective. Most changes work on the fly, but if they seem flaky for any reason this is a proven recommended practice both by the forum and HRMS.

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Thanks for the response Fishman, yes the Set Points box is ticked, RM actually does the process of setting the points but no message gets to the Elite to actually fire each point motor in order as used to happen.

Once all the blue indicator lines have been placed on the track plan the points all work as they should when I click the buttons.

I also thought of a bug so reinstalled RM using the link on this site but if the bug is in the .pln file that will not help, the next thing to do is redraw my whole plan from scratch, not something I want to ever have to do again!!

The way I am getting around this is to set all my points correctly before I shut down after a session so when I start up any programs I wont have a disaster by the points being in the wrong directions.

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Do your programs not select each point to its correct route as part of the sequence Ian.


Also if you report this as a bug then you can ask HRMS for their email so you can attach your plan file for their review and they may be better able to see the problem.

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... the next thing to do is redraw my whole plan from scratch ...

I cannot imagine that making any difference whatsoever.  I would certainly not even consider that option.



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the next thing to do is redraw my whole plan from scratch, not something I want to ever have to do again!!

Instead of redrawing your layout, why not try setting your default layout to one of the Hornby supplied plans. Try to find one which has points numbered the same as some of yours. Sorry I mis-edited and ended up in the yellow....

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