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Track Plan size

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Sorry if this information is somewhere in here already, but I am unable to find it. My track plan has started to come up at 100% on launch of RM. Up until today it started at 100% but when all points and signals were set it dropped to 75% (which is what I wanted). I can't remember how I did that now. I thought I could save it at 75% in designer mode and that would be how it fires up, but no. What do I need to do chaps? R-

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There  is no connection between the zoom  level used in the Design window and that in the main window. Railmaster remembers the zoom level in use in the main window when it closes down, then it restores that level when it restarts after setting points and signals.


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OK - never mind. Elsewhere in this thread I posted a picture of my track plan - showing the mis-aligned blue point direction indicators and lots of "bow ties". What I didn't realise was that there was a drop down menu in the top left hand corner that sets the track plan size on the screen (it was hidden behind the mouse part of the mouse -v- touch screen icon) that does what I need. This corrupt display stayed like it despite closing down and launching RM several times, but has now sorted itself out. Time for a glass I think. R-

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Rog - very odd that those bow-tie artifacts were persistent after shutdown/restart(s) of RM.

They are just remnants seen in many CAD type applications because the screen hasn't yet fully redrawn. Although they don't always appear a  restart would redraw the screen.

A pity there isn't a redraw button in RM to refresh the screen after making alts to preclude the need for the restart.

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Thanks for that RAF96. Although it doesn't look great the layout still works correctly. I think the idea of a "refresh" option within the operating window is a good idea. Is that in "desirable features" do you know? That is now such a long thread I have lost track. R-

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showing the mis-aligned blue point direction indicators

 I reported this as a fault many moons ago, but as far as I remember, it wasn't fixed. I got it if I started RM then switched a point or two, then changed the zoom level. At that time, I had the "set points at start up" switched off. Since setting this on, I haven't experienced it.

Here is a link to the thread I raised at the time:-



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Thanks Ray - I have "set points at start up" switched on. I think this is a screen refresh/re-draw issue that just took a bit more "refreshing" than previously. Fired up this morning and blue lines are correctly aligned and the bow ties have gone. R-

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Thanks Ray - I have "set points at start up" switched on. I think this is a screen refresh/re-draw issue that just took a bit more "refreshing" than previously. Fired up this morning and blue lines are correctly aligned and the bow ties have gone. R-


 Now that I've seen the picture of your screen, the mis-alignment of the point indicators isn't by as much as I was having. In my case, after switching from 100% to 50% zoom, then switching a point, the straight portion of the blue indicator was being displayed using the x,y co-ordinates for 100% i.e. it was twice as far from the top-left corner as it should have been.

But I'm glad it's working ok for you now.



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