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"TOUCH SCREEN" and "MOUSE" icons

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Well, well, well, after getting on for 3 years of use I have JUST discovered that the above icons on the main operating screen are moveable - or perhaps more correctly floating - buttons. I expect everyone else knew that :-(  They are, as Windows puts it, "always on top" so you can't tuck them behind anything to get more real estate, but you can put them in the white space at the top. R-

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You find Rog that other screens and bits and bobs are floating too - try minimising RM whilst a few of the other 'jobbies' are open, throttles, settings, help, etc. They seem to be independant of the main screen. Odd - ...to me anyhow...

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In a way RAF I'd expect "pop-up" windows (such as your describing) to be their own entity (if that is a good word) away from the main screen which, if not minimised, is still be available behind the one you are viewing. R-

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My problem Rog was I had asked RM to do something (can't remember what now - maybe a fault report) and that little pop up was hiding behind the main screen, so I twiddled my thumbs for ages before I found it lurking there.


Entity ...  is a good description.

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I'm with you entirely RAF, I have done the same thing myself more than once (which is doubly annoying - as I didn't remember after the first time) but did eventually catch on what was happening. Not sure I'd be much good as a boffin. :-) R-

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Maybe the absent minded professor then Rog...


Memory is a strange bed-fellow.

I gave up learning Greek because although I understood all the grammar I couldn't get the reams of vocabulary from short term into long term memory, so I don't know enough words to be able to hold a conversation.

Oddly though French I learnt donkies years ago I am not too bad at and I can even think in French and invent what I want to say from words I didn't know I had learnt.

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