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Are you asking for sounds to come from TTS locos as a timed event - i.e. part of a program or can you not get TTS locos to make any sound using the function buttons.

If the first question then you need to read the RM manual about inserting loco sounds into a program - i.e. by selecting the loco, then in the action column select the F-number of the sound(s) you want to play.

If the second question then you need to read the RM manual about how to allocate basic sound functions in the loco setup screen.

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First of all you have to set up the loco in RM - see manual page 34


Then you use the RM on-screen 'sound on/off' button on the loco throttle that now appears after you have set up the loco as above - see manual page 46


If this is unsuccessful, then just confirm that you can turn the sound on and off using the F1 function on your Elite. If that works OK, then you have probably done something wrong in setting it up in RM.


EDIT: Once again Rob beats me to it.....

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Thats easy then Wayne - if you have done programs before then its just a case of nominating a loco and picking the function(s).

Be carefull with your timings though to allow each sound to play out before asking for the next one as some sounds play for much longer than others.

Also if you switch a toggled function on you have to then switch it off again in a program.

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 ok at the moment iam just trying to get sounds from loco. having some success but not sure about the sound menu in RM.

there is FO to F16 but within each one ther are only eight sounds if that makes sense.So where are the other eight sounds?

Or how do i access them?

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 ok at the moment iam just trying to get sounds from loco. having some success but not sure about the sound menu in RM.

there is FO to F16 but within each one ther are only eight sounds if that makes sense.So where are the other eight sounds?

Or how do i access them?

 Click on the small loco throttle window so that it opens up the large throttle window for this loco. Then on the bottom edge of this window there is a downward pointing arrow. Click on this and the window will expand downwards to show 16 functions.


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 ok afterthat last post i can see more sounds than i first thought just some are different. For instance there is no chime whistle short two which should be f4. also some others not there or different? Just saw your post after this one Ray-thanks

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Open up the loco configuration window and select the loco. I think you can do this without closing down the large throttle window you have just opened. You should then be able to compare what is configured with what appears in the throttle side-by-side.


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Ray, you can actually use up to 26 functions on RM. After clicking on the red downward arrow mentioned by you to access up to 16 functions, you can then drag on the number pad with the mouse or finger for even more. Drag up to go down and down to go back up. Set out in RM instructions as from page 46, if I have the latest version.

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It means you can only tick 6 functions to show on your small throttle, but as seen above on the large throttle you should if you do it properly be able to see them all.


I've ticked many more than 6, sometimes with a warning and sometimes not, so I've snagged it to HRMS in the past that what I asked for and what I saw were not always the same, so it remains to be seen if the next update completely sorts this one out.


Earlier in this thread Wayne I asked if you were having trouble getting sounds to operate in programs or just as normal manual sounds. You said in response to that it was just timed events, now you are telling us you are having problems with the basic setup.


The answers to each and every one of your questions (this one and the very many more you have asked in the past) are all in the manual(s). All you have to do is read these books and apply those instructions, but it would appear that instead you keep asking the forum to guide you step by step, in which case learning is going to take you forever.

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Well I read the instructions and if I don't quite understand them then I ask on here. So either way it will take me a long time. Also my goal is for the timed sounds as I said but as I could not manage that straight off I settled for basics.

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Also my goal is for the timed sounds.


Wayne, reading between the lines of your posts. I may be wrong, but I suspect your goal is to have a situation where you control your loco manually but have sounds taken care of for you by RM in the background. In other words you focus on driving the loco forward and backward, stopping and starting, but sounds just happen in the background on timed intervals without you having to do anything specific.


One of you more experienced users of RM programs will need to comment on whether the above is feasible. I think probably not, but I have not yet experimented with programs to be able to say one way or the other.


In other words is it possible to manually drive a loco whilst at the same time the loco ID is part of a running program?

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Reading this thread, starting with Wayne being unsure about his question I think, then others not quite knowing how to answer, I can understand that everyone is a little confused.


Looking back, it seems to me Wayne is just asking "how do TTS locos' sounds work in RM?"


May I ask a question in return - do you have a TTS loco at this stage Wayne or are you just trying to find out about them?  If you have one, you know it comes with an extensive instruction leaflet.  If you don't, go to the Downloads section of this site, find the leaflet for one, any one if you can't find the one for the loco you are thinking about, and if you are thinking steam get a steam one (I know Duke of Gloucester is there, I have downloaded it myself) or if thinking diesel get a diesel one.


In the leaflet, read past all the running CV stuff, that should all just work out of the box (possible exception is motor running algorithm at CV153), and get to the section on the 17 sound functions you have.  This tells you what sounds are on what functions and whether they are toggle functions (on/off) or continuous (run once activated until you switch them off).


Now getting to RM, you've had some general advice on functions here, including that there isn't a 6 function limit, just that the initial display list only runs to 6, then you use the down arrow to find the rest.  But isn't all of this unnecessary for TTS, surely the setup is just a simple matter of entering the R number for your loco to find it in the list of locos and all the functions will automatically be there and correctly defined?  There should be no reason for more setting up.  Now I know the latest TTS locos are yet to appear in the RM loco list but, if this is the case, put in your setup one that is already there and a steam one if your loco is steam or diesel if diesel.  Again, if the loco name is wrong is wrong, you will need to edit it but all the functions should be correct.


Does that make things a little clearer Wayne?  Beyond that, I suggest turning to the functions section of the RM manual to understand how to set them up from scratch.  I know you've been looking at function setup as you mention limits on the different descriptions available, but with the correct loco entered, this shouldn't be a problem.


Does that help, or am I into hat talking through again?

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