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Firmware 1.42 Loco Programming issues (n gauge)


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Hi Having upgraded my elite to the 1.42 firmware, I have discovered that the elite will no longer program any CV values, it will read them ok but not write to them, I tried several of my loco's all with Bachmann 36-558a 6 pin decoders fitted and could not change any of the addresses! 

I have now noew downgraded my elite to 1.41, and hey presto I can now program them without any issue. I did try to program a OO loco with a Hornby decoder before I down graded the firmware and that was succesful! 

Has as any one else had any issues similar to this with the new firmware? 

I will stick with V1.41, there's and old saying  "if it ain't broke don't fix it"



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Has as any one else had any issues similar to this with the new firmware?


I appreciate that this post doesn't particularly help your issue as I don't have any Bachmann 36-558a decoders on my layout, but I have just tried (successfully) changing the address of a Bachmann loco fitted with a Loksound V4 decoder using Elite 1.42 (via RM).


This would seem to indicate that not being able to write Loco ID CVs in 1.42 release is not a widespread bug affecting lots of different decoders. Rob (RAF) made some comment previously about 1.42 fixing a Bachmann decoder issue for some Bachmann brand decoders. Maybe (if that is true) that in fixing those that they have broken the ability to write to yours.


One step forward....two steps back, as they say.

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Rob (RAF) made some comment previously about 1.42 fixing a Bachmann decoder issue for some Bachmann brand decoders.


Those were 36-557's Chris...as you say maybe the new upgrade broke something that was OK previously. It has happened before  - i.e dummy car programming got 'broke' with v1.41 when it was fine up to then - subsequently re-fixed in v1.42.

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It would appear that in order to fix one issue they have broken something else! It's not a major problem for me as I have just gone back to the previous version, and everything on my n gauge and oo gauge layout now works ok. I appreciate they can't test everything and that the elite is mainly used on oo gauge layout's so maybe there is not a lot of checking on other gauges. I'm sure 1.43v will fix something and break someting else! :-)

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Poliss may have more to say but I don't believe there should be any difference between N and OO operation, it is the same NMRA spec apart from maximum track volts as far as I'm aware, and Elite doesn't exceed that.  This is the only reported failure of CV writing though, so maybe something subtle about the program output power with 1.42?  Did you happen to try that on the main rather than with program output?

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Poliss may have more to say but I don't believe there should be any difference between N and OO operation, it is the same NMRA spec apart from maximum track volts as far as I'm aware, and Elite doesn't exceed that.  This is the only reported failure of CV writing though, so maybe something subtle about the program output power with 1.42?  Did you happen to try that on the main rather than with program output?



 Hi Fish, to answer your question, yes I tried all, combinations, during my tests, on both my OO and N gauge layouts, and with separate programming tracks. As I said I could read any CV's and appear to got back the correct values. One thing I noted during the Writing of CV' s on the N gauge loco's was that they moved along the the programming track by about an 1" each time the red programming led was on, this did not occur when programming a OO loco, I tried putting a resistor across the track to increase the amount of current being drawn, but it did not make any difference. As soon as I reloaded 1.41 all problems went away. I will contact Hornby direct next week to see if they have any comments. My only thinking is thatas the majority of users of the elite operate it on OO maybe the testing on N gauge systems is not so comprehensive.

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Elite update was also tested with 36-558 ok according to HCC but what is difference with 558a decoder - maybe one runs DC & the other does not. Can't find spec on Bacchy site.



 Hi RAF, well I can only speak about what I found with my elite, the Bachmann decoder 'a' version does support DC operation. If I get chance over the weekend I will try to reload 1.42 again and see what happens. It is very strange. It is working ok with 1.41, so it' really not a big problem to me. I'll report back once I've tried 1.42 again.

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  • 11 months later...

I have had an interesting experience with the Bachmann 36-558A decoders. I could not change the id. of one in a DAPOL Class 66 with my Elite 1.42.


I thought I must have the chip the wrong way round. So back on the programming track and changed the id. to what I wanted. The Elite did not read the address giving xxx. Back on the main no go either.


Flipped the decoder again to how I originally had it. Back to the programming track and read the address ... and ... the address had changed to what I wrote when it was the wrong way round.


Now back on the main ... and ... it works.

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Could it be possible that you might have got the same results just by reversing the A & B wires on your 'Programming Track'.

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With everyone's indulgence, may I add my musings to this highly technical argument.


First, a decoder is a decoder is a decoder, totally, partially or not the the NMRA spec.


Second, same goes for a controller at its firmware version.


Third, neither decoder nor controller can tell the distance between the rails on the track to which they are connected.


Conclusion - this has nothing to do with scale or gauge, it is an issue with particular decoders, which happen to be Bachmann, and a controller at various firmware states, their clearly not total compliance with the NMRA spec and the interaction between them.  N doesn't come into it.


Finally as Chris has implied, put an 8-pin decoder in the wrong way around and all you are doing is the same as swapping the A and B wires with the resultant being a 180 degree change of phase and nothing else (ignoring function leads).  Given there is no phase reference, it makers no difference.

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I can confirm that after downgrade to 1.41 I can now program my BM 36-558 to another ID and also set non-zero acceleration and deceleration in CV3 and CV4.  If I find any issues, I guess I can always get a new 6 pin DCC chip for this locomotive and upgrade the Elite again...

Thanks for the help.   😀

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Well I can report that I am using three types of Bachmann decoders, 36-553, 36-557 & 36-558 and have not found any problems with using or programming them with Elite v1.42...........they are all NMRA compliant........HB

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My DCC controller does have a setting for N scale locos Fishy. They prefer 12 volts, not the 15 volts for 00 gauge motors. If you're models are n scale and your DCC controller doesn't have an N scale setting, then it's probably a wise move to use diodes between the controller and track to lower the voltage.

Instructions on how to do this can be found on the web.

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I agree with the posts on voltage above, in fact you might note I mentioned that in my first post on page 1 of this thread.


But we are talking about programming instructions being read and acted upon by a decoder, not volts arriving at the motor.  I would think it unlikely that the volts on which the DCC packet arrives is going to affect its being read without there being an issue with that packet as produced and the ability of the decoder to read it, noting that both the controller and decoders in question are reported as functional, just particular combinations not working.  And one of those combinations all 00.

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