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Am i missing something? TTS Sounds in RM

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john, HRMS says all you have to do is connect to the Internet and RM will update automatically to include your loco with its functions. 


The steam 1 and 2 you were looking at has nothing to do with TTS locos, it's for Loksound!

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RailMaster is able to update certain things automatically ...

I am never able to update RailMaster when prompted to do so by the usual 'there is an update available' type message and I always have to download updates via Powerpos.  

If John (yelrow) the originator of this thread has not got the latest loco data it seems to suggest that he has not got the update either but that may be because (I think) he is not always connected to the Internet due to the location of his layout.  If that is the case, maybe the 'Current Version' notification at the top of the RailMaster section needs to take this type of update into account and advise us accordingly.

Having said all that, I still think that ANY update to software should be given a unique identifier for Configuration Control purposes, so all updates, however small, should have at least a new Revision number.  

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RDS, you are correct. I like you, have wasted inordinate time, totally without success, to try for latest update, via Powerpos, and have given up. I have now checked, on RM, which showed NO indication, of updating, but it HAS, installed the TTS, loco functions. Had it done so earlier, or notified us, about the Improved functions, a lot of this post could have been avoided, although, the contribution from HRMS, has been invaluable, as usual. I do think, that if they are relesing diddy improvements, it would greatly help, to know. john

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So John, it's done exactly what HRMS told us it would do - automatically download latest loco data in the background when RM opened and was connected to the Internet.


The other thing we should all know from lots of previous info is that HRMS progressively updates the loco database in RM as Hornby release new locos.  It doesn't happen instantaneously, but it does happen.  And I've certainly watched RM more than once doing background updates when first switched on.  If you watch, it tells you what it is doing.


I really don't get it that anyone thought a TTS loco correctly entered in RM would contain anything less than the total data relating to that loco, including function data.  To me that didn't make sense and was why I searched back to find people doing it the way it was intended.  Wasn't hard to find, just checked past TTS threads.

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RDS R 3285,   I connect to internet once a week, upstairs. Have had loco 6 months. It was not until Mark mentioned it last week, that this arose. So, it certainly was not there when it arrived.  It would be helpful, if when these little adjustments occur, we know. EG, windows updates every weds. If i knew that RM, was being tinkered with on a tuesday, each week, i could connect on a weds. john

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... R 3285 ...

John, I did some checks on your Loco using both versions of my RailMaster, (Standard & Pro).

1) On my Desktop PC, I loaded up my standard version and entered R3285.  It found the A4 Gadwell and loaded the relevant speeds but did not fill in any Functions.  I then pressed the 'Refresh' (2 arrows) icon and the following functions were loaded: F0 Not used, F1 Sound on/off, F2 Whistle (long), F3 Coupler, F4 Injector, F5 Coal on/off, F6 Shunt on/off, F7 Blowout, F8 Whistle (short), F9 Valve on/off, F10 - F25 Not used.


2) On my Layout Laptop, I loaded up my Pro version and entered R3285.  Again this version found the A4 Gadwell and loaded the relevant speeds but did not fill in any Functions.  I then pressed the 'Refresh' icon and the same functions were loaded as described in 1) above.  I then noticed that next to the Refresh icon that it had displayed "Steam 1".  Wondering whether this was just a Pro feature, I then returned to my Desktop (standard RailMaster version) and went through the same process again.


3) On my Desktop PC, I loaded up my Standard version and entered R3285.  Again this version found the A4 Gadwell but this time it loaded the relevant speeds AND all the Functions.  This time though, there were more functions as follows: F0 Not used, F1 Sound on/off, F2 Chime Long, F3 Chime Short 1, F4 Chime short 2, F5 Doors Slamming, F6 Wheel Slip, F7 Coal Shovel, F8 Blow Down, F9 Safety Valve, F10 Injector, F11 Cylinder Check, F12 Brake, F13 Blower, F14 Guard Whistle, F15 Coupler Crank, F16 Breakfast, F17 Chuffing Coasting, F18 - F25 Not used.

I guess that this is the full list of Functions for your Loco, which were automatically loaded (without pressing Refresh).  It seems that RailMaster updated itself either whilst shutting down the first time, or when starting up the second time.  I then returned to my Layout Laptop (Pro Version) and started it up.


4) On my Layout Laptop, I loaded up my Pro version and entered R3285.  Again this version found the A4 Gadwell but this time it also loaded the relevant speeds AND all the Functions as described in 3) above.


 In summary, both my RailMaster versions, standard and Pro now load up the full functions automatically as soon as the Loco is selected.  It appears that pressing the 'Refresh' icon just loads up a standard set of Steam 1 function (which are actually different to the correct set for the loco) but by closing RailMaster down and then re-starting it, an automatic update occured.

(I hope this helps because it took me ages typing it!!)



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RDS, Fascinating, thanks for your input, sorry about your  RSI( to much typing). As others have indicated, little improvements are sneaking in RM, which is a tad harder for me, given layout location. i now have 4 TTS locos fully functionned up, although one still wont chuff, and by using steamer  1, locksound also fine. Very noisy, so i am told. Makes our Bichon bark. john

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So the full list of functions are loaded for the Bichon too then john?


I have a Tenterfield Terrier (mini foxie) whose heading towards 16 and his functions aren't as reliable as they used to be.


For those who haven't noticed, when you start up RM, if you look in the dialogue box that shows what it is up to as it loads, it says if it is doing background updates.  As HRMS has said, no functionality changes this way but manual updates, locos etc.

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