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Laptop with Railmaster Failing, Backup help please

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Hi The old laptop currently assigned to RM is on the blink, I want to save the data in RM of my Layout, I have already copied the Hornby RM Folder, will this contain my Layout details etc or are there other files elsewhere?

I know I cannot run RM on 2 PC's but if it crashes all my data goes with it.

Not sure where the data files and anything associated is held. I have not changed any settings in RM.


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Page 132 of the RM manual tells you the names of the files that contain your own specific data and information relating to your specific RM configuration. These are the files that you need to back-up. Additionally, maybe worthwhile saving 'Railmaster.ini' too. All these files are in the Railmaster program folder. Since you have already copied the RM folder, you should already have them all, as RM does not store customised files elsewhere. It is only the files in this list that need to be copied over to a new machine. DO NOT copy the whole saved RM folder onto a new PC machine. You will need to install RM afresh on any new machine by running the 'setup.exe' file as administrator (Win 7 & 8) downloaded from this site (top of the forum RailMaster section), then copy over only the listed files. Of course also installing the Elite/eLink driver onto the new PC as well.


Remember if the intention is to reload RM on to a new replacement PC. It is important to de-activate your RM account first from within your previous RM installation. There is a clickable link for doing this in the RM program - See Page 131 of the current RM manual for details. If you intend to replace your failing laptop with a new one, you should consider doing this de-activation before your current laptop fails completely. If you don't do this, trying to activate the new RM installation on a new PC will throw up a duplicate activation key error. HRMS will think you are trying to use a pirated copy. I would suspect that the activation key is held somewhere in the Windows registry as an encrypted entry to prevent someone from just simply copying the key onto another machine. Hence why you have to de-activate on the old first, then re-activate on the new.


If the intention is to reload Windows onto the existing laptop hardware (clean install) and subsequent software rebuild (i.e the laptop hardware isn't faulty, just a software issue). Then from RM perspective, this is still deemed a fresh PC install. You will still need to de-activate RM key first before formatting your hard disk, so that you can re-install RM as a new installation.


If you can't de-activate from your end for any reason. Then 'Plan B' is to contact HRMS with your RM Key code and ask them to de-activate on their servers on your behalf.

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Thank you so much Chrissaf, that is so clear even I understand!

I am hoping to resolve laptop issue, it seems the mouse freezes in the taskbar so I am hopeful It isn't quite the end.

I will probably let it run it's course and in the event it dies will do as you suggest and contact HRMS.

I will open the RM files just to check the right files are there, thanks again for your clear reply.

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Just remember, that the backed up files are only as good as the last backup date. If you make any permanent alterations to your RM set up. Add a new loco for example, change a DCC address, modify your track plan etc. Then you will need to re-copy your back up files to capture any changes made.


PS - Just for info. RailMaster ProPack has an inbuilt backup feature that creates all these backup files for you via the click of a button.


Not for my benefit, but maybe someone else has seen your Laptop mouse issue before and might like to comment. So perhaps you could provide some further details:


For example:


  1. What version of Windows?
  2. Does the mouse freeze remain permanent i.e you are forced to power off to recover?
  3. Even though the mouse has frozen, does the keyboard still work?
  4. Have you fully patched the laptop with ALL outstanding Windows Updates?
  5. How would you assess the general health of your laptop, is it slow for example?
  6. Are there any other symptoms that do not seem normal other than mouse freezing?
  7. Do you get any MS Blue Screen error failures? If you don't know what I mean by this question then you probably haven't had any.
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Thanks so far will all your help. Here is where I am now.


I have dug out ann old laptop which was rebuilt with Windows 8 and has very little else installed so it runs swiftly, it connects to internet so I am proposing assigning it to Railmaster and internet only. I have successfully installed RM trial version, I think it connects to e-link, am I correct in thinking this will not let me upload the data  of my layout etc saved on memory stick to RM until it is the full version with ProPack.

I am loathe to close down RM and deactivate key on the dying PC with the data on it until I know that it is safely saved. The memory stick will not open the files I want at present on the new laptop. I can only run old PC on Safe Mode and I am having trouble accessing much of RM in that mode.


All this has been caused by an update to Windows on the old laptop causing the mouse to freeze etc.

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If an update from Microsoft has caused a single issue or even a few then one option is to do a system restore - thus taking your laptop back to a date prior to that update being installed and back to 'normal'.


Removing the hard drive and copying files directly from that to the new laptop will work better than any USB stick if you have trouble with one of those.


To add to chrissaf's points above the freezing of the mouse may be caused by a number of reasons. Yes, an update may cause an issue but is not usually the first thing to go wrong on its own. Do you have just one program protecting your laptop? Maybe a download of those I mention on my Help Site (see top thread in this forum - RailMaster Help Site) may just catch something you shouldn't have. A simple piece of spyware or malware will try hard to stop updates from installing or even getting a web conection and so could have corrupted a file or two. Check those out and scan for those. Hardware can be slowed down too if a malicious piece of software is on the machine and you don't know it's there.


Another thing you may or may not be aware of is the processor overheating. Does the laptop feel hotter than normal on the top of its casing? Forget the underneath... if so try and repaste with new thermal compound and it will make a huge difference. Also clean out any dust while you do the last operation. Of course, you may already be aware of all this and you may be right about the update but I thought I would point this out even for others who MAY have similar-ish problems.


I would try the system restore though at first if you think it was simply an update and then clean the system of spayware, malware and virusses or trojans with the software I recommend.


Hope this helps....

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The trouble is I have tried a system restore and it says no restore points.

Yest it was quite hot on the top while running, McAfee Anti Virus is running on the laptop.

The main issue seems that as soon as I try to start in normal mode it freezes and Safe Mode seems very restricted in what it will permit.

Sorry guys and thanks for all the help just not sure which way will get me out of this.

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I am loathe to close down RM and deactivate key on the dying PC with the data on it until I know that it is safely saved. The memory stick will not open the files I want at present on the new laptop.


Geo, just some points of clarification. If you de-activate RM on the old PC using the within program feature. All you are doing is reverting the installation back to RM running in evaluation mode on that machine. I would be surprised if doing that, deleted the files you need. So you shouldn't lose access to them. The now downgraded 'evaluation' version of RM probably now can't open the files as their configured contents will probably exceed the configuration supported by RM in evaluation mode (or if it can open them, not be able to use them). In English what I am trying to say is. Let's say for example on the authorised machine before you started having problems you had created a track plan with 10 sets of points and a loco database with 6 locos. This now exceeds the configuration supported by RM in 'evaluation' mode.


No you don't need ProPack, just copy the files documented in the manual manually into the RM program folder. I was just pointing out that ProPack has an inbuilt backup feature to make it easier to do this for people who are technophobes.


I would however, try and resolve the USB stick not being read by the other PC first, as if you can't access your saved files you are stuffed. You used the term 'open files' on new laptop when talking about memory stick. Did you literally mean 'open files' as in looking at the file contents OR did you mean you can't SEE the files in Windows Explorer i.e your other PC doesn't recognise the USB memory stick when you plug it in the USB port. When you plug the USB memory stick in the new PC, does plug 'n' play kick in and load the driver. This usually happens the first time a new previously unseen stick is connected. OR did you mean, you copied the files into the RM 'evaluation mode' program folder on the new PC and you now can't see your configurations when you run RM on that machine. If you mean this last option then see comment in earlier paragraph.


Reverting PC with 'Windows Restore' is fine as a short term fix, but I would think that the next time Windows Update is run, Microsoft will try to re-install the offending update. Of course there is always the possibility that MS have fixed the update file in the meantime if it had become a subsequently known issue OR if the original update installation was corrupted in some way and a fresh install of the update doesn't reinstate the problem.

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Geo, you put in a restore date, you want, yourself. Just go back 3/4 days. If you look at updates, you can tell it not to automatically install them, and do it yourself. That way, you dont need to install the problem one. Thats what i did. john

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Hi John, I am just going to manually set a system restore date, thanks for the tip, not sure if it will work in safe mode though. I will indeed convert to the refurb laptop if I can get the track plans out of old one, I fully understand that my memeory stick will provide the trial RM with too much info and as such not allow an upload of the data. The laptop did recognize the memory stick with the files showing, just could not open them.

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Geo. forget about opening the files, just copy them into the RM folder on the laptop you are using now and overwrite any found to be duplicates.  All you have to do is de-activate on the old machine and re-activate on the new.  If you can't de-activate on the old, ask HRMS to do it for you then you can activate the new and all of the data will be there.  You certainly don't need ProPack to do this successfully via your USB stick.


And you can do this de-activation/re-activation as many times as you like to as many machines as you like, remembering only one can be activated at any one time.

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I am loathe to close down RM and deactivate key on the dying PC with the data on it until I know that it is safely saved. The memory stick will not open the files I want at present on the new laptop.


... reverting the installation back to RM running in evaluation mode on that machine ...


 As long as it is still within the evaluation period, which is 90 days I think.


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That's correct, 90 days, after which when you open RM it gives you the option of buying/activating or it just shuts down.


But all of that is separate to saving the files.  There is nothing special about doing that as they are ordinary Windows files.  Now they are on a USB stick from the dying laptop, they can be copied into an installed version of RM anytime anywhere and they will be available when the program is opened.

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Thanks Fishy, Chrissaf, Yelrow, RDS and everyone. Here is where I have got to with this, I am hoping to get son-in-law to action system restore on old laptop at weekend as a last ditch attempt to salvage everything, and will also get him to check memory stick to see if he thinks I have captured the layout files. If it restores then hopefully job done and I can deactivate and move everything to dedicated laptop. If not then I will just deactivate and with the info I have I can start the layout plan again as I have all the point codes listed which I need. There are no loocs attached to RM anyway or routes etc just point codes and of course the mimic plan. I will just need to locate the activation code and also the Propack code I bought.

Th enew laptop is amazingly quicker than the old one which it will replace, hoefully if i leave it just for emails and RM it will stay clean and fast.

I have now retired from work, tackled and dealt with a large aount of outstanding jobs so before long I an spend days on my layout, I have built a large under layout fiddle yard that needs point motors and decoders fitted then I will endeavour to explore more of RM features.

This is the link for anyone interested in my project.


Just another quick question, is there a button to click on the Forum to save me logging in each time?

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Since you have openly stated that this is your first layout and you are a complete novice, I just throw this comment into the pot just in case it is something you have not considered. Your layout has some quite complicated 'reverse loops' in it. An example of a 'reverse loop' is the track section on the upper level shown in your posted photo, where the track loops back onto itself. Are you aware that reverse loops need special consideration with regard to wiring and track power polarity switching.


Electrically isolated track sections are required in conjunction with either manual track power switcing OR automatic track power switching via RLMs (Reverse Loop Modules). The upper level RL is fairly straight forward, but the lower level RLs are going to be more complicated to resolve as they share common track sections. Reverse loops are something that need to be planned into your layout construction at an early stage as retro-grades after the event could be problematic i.e fitting insulated joiners into already laid track.


The Hornby R8238 RLM is £39.25 RRP. Other RLM brands are available.


See this link for more info. The example RLM configurations on this external site represent both types of RLs that you have in your layout design.


If you need to discuss RLs in greater detail, may I suggest that you start a new topic in the DCC section rather than hijack your own post on the end of this RailMaster topic.

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Further to my post above. After reviewing your link to your layout again. I now realise that my RL comment related to a very early stage of your layout construction. Having read your other forum post in more depth I see that the layout is up and running and significantly developed past the early stages indicated in the posted photographs. I note from from the link to your dedicated Geominster web site that you resolved your RL design using Brian Lambert's site (my 'for more info' link in last post).


My previous comment is still worthwhile leaving on this forum for the benefit of others reading, should they be contemplating undertaking a similar layout design.


PS - Your carpentry background really shows through in the quality of the finished baseboard and helix.


Hope you don't mind, but I post here the link to your Geominster web site for the benefit of others to see your excellent handiwork.

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Thanks Chrissaf, I posted the link to the first page so anyone interested could start at chapter one, my fault maybe I should explained better, yes the layout is fully functional, But does have a few gremlins which hopefully I can resolve now I have more time. RM is brilliant for my operational purposes and I am sure you appreciate my anxiousness to retain the working plan despite dying laptop. I have resigned myself to redrawung it now but have found a printed plan including point numbers to copy. However if it is saved then that will be a. Bonus, hopefully this can be resolved over the weekend with intervention from more pc savvy family members. Thanks again for your interest and help and also posting the direct link to Geominster.

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As it is primarily the track mimic with point assignments you want to transfer to the new PC. The file you need from your memory stick is "your track plan name.PLN" where "your track plan name" is as the text suggests, the name of your track plan you gave it when it was saved in track plan designer.


"resource.MDB" contains information relating to any locos that you may have been set up in RM, but if I have understood correctly from the other forum site posts you have made, that you are only using RM for the operation of points and that your locos are controlled from a different DCC controller system (I think I spotted a PowerCab NCE). Therefore you MAY not need this "resource.MDB" file. It is possible however that the DCC Accessory decoders that you are using for point control might be considered a 'resource' by RM and be referenced in this file too. So best copy this one over as well just to be sure. But the "your track plan name.PLN" file is the key one you need.


Assuming you have no programs or loco groups configured. Unlikely if you have no locos configured either, then the two files above (in bold) are all you need to save and copy over to the RM program folder on the new PC - over writing any existing RM installed versions.


Hope this helps...


PS - would one of the gremlins be the sudden loss of power when your loco came into the station at the end of the driver's eye view video. I think this was just as it crossed over a point.

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PS Geo,

Please post back on Monday if the file and 'activation key' transfer to the new PC went well over the weekend. We all like to hear a story with a happy ending.


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Update. Managed to get the RM code via laptop in Safe Mode, the laptop still freezes in normal mode so I started via Safe Mode and networking which adter a while connected with deactivation but both times failed at the last fence. Hoping son-in-law can do a system restore so I can complete deactivation.


I did discover the activation section in new laptop but where do I find the Propack key it is asking for?


And when I get it working where do I load the plan files I hope I have salvaged please?


Thanks, Geo.

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I did discover the activation section in new laptop but where do I find the Propack key it is asking for?


The ProPack key code itself should have been e-mailed to you when you purchased it. If you haven't previously purchased the ProPack unlock code, then this action is un-neccessary and you are chasing a red-herring. The ProPack code is NOT the same as activating RailMaster. RailMaster activation and ProPack upgrade are something completely different. Assuming you bought RM as part of a RM with eLink pack. The RM activation code is the code printed on the label stuck to the inside of the RM CD pagaging (for the sake of clarity the CD Activation code does NOT get entered in the ProPack unlock code box on the Loco Detection tab). Entering the CD activation code is covered in the RM manual on pages 129 and 130. This action WILL fail if the de-activation on the old PC has not been done first.


HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) sometimes monitor their e-mail out of normal hours. If you can't deactivate from within your old PC then send your CD Activation Key code in an e-mail message to HRMS explaining the situation and asking them to de-activate for you directly on their servers. The HRMS e-mail address is  support@rail-master.com making sure you include the hyphen between rail & master. Or just click the 'mailto' link above and see if your e-mail application opens.


If it is genuinely a ProPack unlock code that you have purchased that you want to enter, then follow the instructions below. Note; RM first needs to be activated with the CD activation key BEFORE trying to enter the optional ProPack unlock code.


To enter ProPack unlock code......


  1. Open RailMaster.
  2. Click System Settings (top row far left hand side icon in RM)
  3. Click Loco Detection tab.
  4. Enter ProPack key in Enter ProPack unlock code box near bottom of tab.
  5. Click Key symbol to right hand side of code box.


And when I get it working where do I load the plan files I hope I have salvaged please?


Geo, you are obviously struggling with some concepts here. Can I suggest you let your son-in-law read my previous post (the one at the top of this page). If those instructions are followed then your track plans will appear, as if by magic, in RM. There is no loading required as you put it. The files mentioned in the previous post above just get copied into the new PC in the RailMaster program folder. In Windows 8 this will be C:/Program Files (x86)/RailMaster

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Much easier to find your activation code than finding an old CD box - open the RM Help screen and there it is.


Also don't have to wait for a system restore to deactivate either - just email HRMS at support@rail-master.com and ask them to do it for you.  You'll need to explain to them why most probably.

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