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Laptop with Railmaster Failing, Backup help please

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I have the activation code of original RM, unsure where Propack code is but should find it.

Fishy how long do they take to deactivate via a request please?

And Chris, yes I am scared of PC stuff so I will leave till son-in-law arrives, thanks Everyone and I will keep you updated.

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If you have lost your ProPack upgrade e-mail. The one that contained a purchased ProPack unlock code. Then I would think Hornby Customer Service (Sales) should be able to arrange for a duplicate mail to be sent if they have your purchase records on file. But they won't be about until Monday now. ProPack is a minor issue for the time being. The first thing to conentrate on is getting the new PC RM activated and the track plans showing in RM. ProPack can come later.

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Agree Chris, except the plan is large and has several diagonal points which depend on Propack.

Cannot check right now but is the code for Propack likely to be on the old laptop where it has to be entered?

And I will try and trace the email where I purchased it also.

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The honest answer Geo is I don't know as I don't use ProPack, but looking at the box where it is entered (Loco Detection Tab in System Settings). It is possible it might be visible there. After all, as Fishy pointed out, the RM activation code is visible in the Help window. You should, I would think, still be able to open RM in 'Safe Mode' with just enough functionality to open the Settings window and take a look.


Whilst writing this, in answer to your question aimed at Fishy regarding HRMS response time scales. This is variable. It can range from minutes (even when out of hours) to 48 hours. HRMS is not actually part of Hornby. They are in very simplistic terms a Hornby sub-contractor. They are a software company contracted by Hornby to develop and support RailMaster. Hornby Customer Services on the other hand operate purely weekdays. One exception to that rule is Adam. Adam is the Hornby forum administrator and he sometimes does things on the forum out of hours, and a very helpful chap he is too.

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Part success, found the Propack code so all set, I think I will try to go proper route tomorrow if I get it working then simple, if not then HRMS it will be with all required data to hand. Feeling more positive all riund now, you guys have given me invaluable encouragement. cheers.

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Geo, well done. Lesson to be learned for everyone.....write down codes and keep them safe somewhere for future emergencies.


Do hope that son-in-law can sort out the de-activation for you tomorrow.

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You stated the laptop earlier is getting hot on top and I would guess it will be heating up either on the palm rest or just under the keyboard. If this is so then all the restarts, updates and system restores will NOT help.

What you have to do in this case is take the laptop apart and clean out the dust away from the copper fins where the hot air from the processor is supposed to be dissipated from the machine either on the side or the rear. You must also remove the heatsink from the processor and then reapply fresh thermal compound to the processor after cleaning the old and probably by now dry compound away from the processor itself and the metal or copper heatsink which sits above the processor.

Once those jobs are done and the laptop is put back together you wil notice a huge difference in performance.

If the laptop is more than two years old it should be serviced in this way anyway to keep it fresh. I always do mine once a year and have no bother with this kind of fault although I do fix loads of these per year in my business. If the laptop is used regularly you will be shocked to see how much dust builds up in them and is trapped by the fins thus trapping the heat and drying out the thermal pad placed by the manufacturer.

If you are unsure how to do this just place the make and model of the machine here and I, or another member, will point you to a service diagram which shows you how to do the job yourself. Bear in mind not all manufacturers allow service diagrams to be put on the web for copyright reasons. Just a simple test of putting your hand to the side of the machine (or the rear if the exit holes for the ehat are there) will let you know how much heat is getting away. The more heat the better (in a sense on this test alone) as if it pushes out little heat this is further evidence the system needs clearing out as above.

An overheating system will slow things down and could also stop program installs, updates and even boot up processes can be stalled or delayed.

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One final thought from me. Since your old PC RailMaster installation was ProPack. Then get your son-in-law to have a look at the RM manual page 135 relating to within program 'back-up' feature. This may still work in 'safe mode' and be a doubly sure way of ensuring you capture exactly the right files and settings to transfer to the new PC once the activation and Propack codes have been entered and accepted.

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Thanks Chris,  I have just checked memory stick in the new laptop with the RM evaluation installed and all the data is on the stick ready. So will see what happens later but I do have all the key codes and data neatly stored ready to transfer. We will see if we can do the deactivate or call on Hornby to do it, either way it all seems promising. Will report later.

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Thaks Fishy, old laptop just will not last long enough to deactivate so I have just sent email to HRMS with the necessary codes and why I need them deactivated, hopefully they can do this and I can get new laptop connected, it seems so much faster than old one anyway.

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You could try using your RailMaster Activation key and see if it works. There is always the possibility HRMS have performed your de-activation request but not thought to send you a confirmation e-mail of the fact. From memory I think they normally state wait 48 hours for a support request response, although they usually react in shorter timescales than that.

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 Hi Chris, literally just done the application from within trial programme and while doing it got a reply to yesterdays email telling me to do what I had been doing ! All up and running a sproper version now. Just one final question, as I have my track plans on memory stick where/how do I bring them into the programme please?

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As it is primarily the track mimic with point assignments you want to transfer to the new PC. The file you need from your memory stick is "your track plan name.PLN" where "your track plan name" is as the text suggests, the name of your track plan you gave it when it was saved in track plan designer.


"resource.MDB" contains information relating to any locos that you may have been set up in RM, but if I have understood correctly from the other forum site posts you have made, that you are only using RM for the operation of points and that your locos are controlled from a different DCC controller system (I think I spotted a PowerCab NCE). Therefore you MAY not need this "resource.MDB" file. It is possible however that the DCC Accessory decoders that you are using for point control might be considered a 'resource' by RM and be referenced in this file too. So best copy this one over as well just to be sure. But the "your track plan name.PLN" file is the key one you need.


Assuming you have no programs or loco groups configured. Unlikely if you have no locos configured either, then the two files above (in bold) are all you need to save and copy over to the RM program folder on the new PC - over writing any existing RM installed versions.



As per my previous reply, quoted above, just copy the two files shown in bold above into your C:/Program Files (x86)/Railmaster folder on the new PC using Windows Explorer. This assumes that as well as your RM Activation key you have also successfully entered your ProPack key as instructed in the earlier post on Page 3. The resource.MDB file will be existing so windows will ask you if you want to replace it, choose YES.


Then open RailMaster and everything should be back to normal.

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I see that you didn't wait for my reply. No matter.....glad you got it all sorted in the end.


As you have found out....it really isn't rocket science if you follow a logical plan of action.


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  Thanks Chris, most is back to normal except it says setting points but there is no clicking and it immediately goes to the mimic and if I change points there is no point change only the mimic alters. And I still have the Loco section on view on the plan which I did not have previously. Otherwise delighted to have got this far.

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Did you copy the resources.mdb file over as well, did you get a message asking you if you wanted to replace the existing file, did you choose yes. Might be worthwhile copying this file over again from your memory stick just to be sure.


You might have to go into track designer and just methodically go through all your point configurations, check the settings and resave them for them to take effect.

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Just had a thought. What you described i.e. mimic goes through the action of setting points (no clicking) and goes straight to mimic. Is exactly what I get if I fire up RM with my Elite controller either turned off or not connected.


When you installed RM on the new replacement laptop did you install the eLink driver. In RM does the controller icon in the top right hand corner go Green and show that controller is recognised and connected. If it doesn't, then that is your problem.


If you did install the eLink driver, but it is showing up as not connected, then review the contents of the getting started with RailMaster locked post - click here to see it.

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 Success is now complete Chris, had to set to COM 5 not 3 that caught all the point settings so everything is now functioning and also sussed how to lose loco screen by setting to zero in setting and now cracked how to get my mimic showing the entire fiddle yard and Geominster layout at once, as adding a programmable button by changing a and y values the mimic moves accordingly, I have a minus 5 to get it well to the left which then captures the full width of the two plans in one go. Going to quit for now whilst winning. The new laptop is so quick by comparison to the old one. Thank you all for your support in times of stress as I felt all was lost, especially Chris and Fishy. One very happy Geo here :-)

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Brilliant news Geo...........goes to show team work really does pay off if you give it a chance. Having two-way dialogue in near real time helps a lot too.

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