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Next revision or update

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Julius 27th...

Augustus 17th...

Septimius 26th...

...see what I did there guys?


I think its to do with the last day of the month according to the Roman Calendar which only had 355 days over 10 months - something to do with Ides and Kalends - and even days being unlucky or something.

Then Julius Caesar came along and added extra days to the end of the month to give us a 365 day year before the Gregorian calendar was adopted with its leap year, etc.

So complicated - no wonder the Roman Empire failed - nobody had a clue what day it was.



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I've had the same e-mail :-)

I'm hoping the delay is because the next version will be released in conjunction with Loco Detection and they're currenty working on teasing out the final bugs. But perhaps I'm just being too hopefull...

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How about a proper driver for Windows 10 - just three weeks to go to this being released now !

I'm running things - Elink and Elite - under Windows XP at the moment just so it works

When can we move on into 2015 ??

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I use Win7 SP1 and have never had any problems, but I use a desktop PC, not a laptop.

I'm not expecting any problems if/when I move to Win10.

The Win7/8/8.1 problems seem to be confined to various types of laptops...

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As has been said on here, before, why would anyone on windows 7, even think about moving to windows 10, especially, before the inevitable bugs have been discovered, let alone fixed. Windows XP, runs RM, better than anything else, and a dedicated laptop, would ensure perfection. Me , i am a windows 7 fixture, not even prepared to consider windows 10, although, its free. john

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I have transferred my RailMaster to a HP Slate 2 tablet with Windows 7 (works a treat), but still have the trial version on my laptop.

I plan to upgrade the laptop to Windows 10 to see how things go, and then consider if it's worth the risk on the tablet.

At the moment the tablet and my Android handheld are working so well, i don't want to risk spoiling it. 

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I don't know what the fixation is about worrying whether or not RM will work on anything but XP... RM works fine on any laptop/PC/tablet or whatever if it is configured correctly whether or not you use Win XP/7 or 8/8.1.

Really, it is down to system configuration as has been shown by myself several times on here and even HRMS when they take remote access of systems with so called issues.

Anyone wanting to upgarde to Win 10 shouldn't have any issues. It's gonna be a virtual rewrite of Win 8 with a tad of 7 thrown in plus a few new add-ons like the new browser that replaces Explorer. I will be upgrading my tablet from 8.1 to Win 10 and testing the Elite, eLink and RM at different points so I can report back here as stated in a previous thread.

The results will also appear on my Help Site for all to note. There are some scared bunnies out there... dunno why.

Win XP was a techies dream eventually but started off very poor. Win 7 is next best in that sense but has certain restrictions that, however, can be overcome. Win 8 is just too slow and far too restrictive and unresponsive. Win 8.1 had slight improvements but not much... hate the tiles rubbish and the 'light' apps! Win Me? Forget it!!!!

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Just for those who have read and don't know what I meant above by Win Me... it was a Microsoft release of their operating system between Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows XP called Windows ME or more accurately, Windows Millenium Edition.

It was simply awful, no drivers, no software specifically written for it and no effort behind it to make it work by Microsoft! It was soon scrapped in favour of XP although it was released as a pre-cursor to XP anyway. Vendors like Epson and other hardware manufacturers had a bad time with the Windows .dll files etc. and just wouldn't write drivers for their components until at least six months after its release but they were few and far between.

It was even worse for motherboard manufacturers who just wouldn't entertain it and so much hardware fitted or cabled to a mobo would simply cause the OS to crash all the time. Horrific!!!

Now THAT WAS an operating system that WOULD have probs with RM!!!! Your loco's would have been sitting at the station laughing their boilers or pistons off when you turned the dial or pressed a button for the train to start moving... :-)

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Fishy, the xp reference did not  originally come from me, who does not have it, but came from a long HRMS, comment some time ago. It has long been recognised that RM, performs best on Windows xp. As i have never had RM, with XP, i could not possibly comment. john

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After months of health issues and hospital visits, with several family members, that unfortunately led to two funerals, one last Friday and one yesterday... I called in here to catch up, hopefully hoping it would cheer me up.


Sadly except for an informative post by AC... I am reading the same old stuff!


Topic 'Next revision or update?'

HRMS an update from yourselves would be much appreciated, 26 March was the last update I am sure you know this. You did around that time say that another update sorting out outstanding issues shouldn't be long. It is almost four months since the last update.


We look forward to hearing from you

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RM is written in a program which is quite old in Windows terms and will not be upgraded too much, if at all, in future years. Thus there are restrictions to its capabilities and when more and more complex routines are added to any program then those very programs will get more complicated to sort if issues keep arising.

One reason for using the programming language they do is to keep costs down as using a more modern and efficient tool will cost more to administer.

So each update will have to be very carefully checked and rechecked on all platforms to conform to their standards.

This is also one reason why the program (RM) will run almost without hassle on any version of Windows so far with little or no trouble because the programming language was written by Microsoft.

Anyway... there is more to it than that but that at least gives you an insight, although small, into how this works.

To go through it it all properly would require a manual and I don't have the time to do that.... so don't ask me guys... I need some time to make a cuppa, have a chat with family and friends, play my favourite sport, play with my trains (when layout is done it will be better), sleep and watch a tad of TV (about an hour a week!).

As PJ is wondering... where IS that update anyway? Hopefully not too far down the astral path... :-)

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Hello Ray


Maybe, but nearly 4 months without an update, after saying they hoped to sort the issues and prepare another update soon is I think a long while. 1/3 of a year with not even a reply it seems?


A polite update to say, we are working on, this and that, but it is taking longer than we expected due to the complexity of the items would surely help. They could also say, Windows 10 is available later this month, we do not expect any issues.


This was discussed last year, as people get fed up and dispondent, thinking HRMS are not doing anything, we know they are but a polite update wouldn't go amiss.  


It appears, as with most hobbies, trains are not on the top of everyones agenda, summer months in UK, (but not everywhere in the world), it seems quieter on here, but that doesn't mean there should be no update surely. There are still the enthusiastic guys on here.

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RM is written in a program which is quite old in Windows terms and will not be upgraded too much, if at all, in future years. Thus there are restrictions to its capabilities and when more and more complex routines are added to any program then those very programs will get more complicated to sort if issues keep arising.

One reason for using the programming language they do is to keep costs down as using a more modern and efficient tool will cost more to administer.

So each update will have to be very carefully checked and rechecked on all platforms to conform to their standards.

This is also one reason why the program (RM) will run almost without hassle on any version of Windows so far with little or no trouble because the programming language was written by Microsoft.

Anyway... there is more to it than that but that at least gives you an insight, although small, into how this works.

To go through it it all properly would require a manual and I don't have the time to do that.... so don't ask me guys... I need some time to make a cuppa, have a chat with family and friends, play my favourite sport, play with my trains (when layout is done it will be better), sleep and watch a tad of TV (about an hour a week!).

As PJ is wondering... where IS that update anyway? Hopefully not too far down the astral path... :-)



Hello AC


You watch about as much TV as I do?


But drink more tea  ;o)  (I drink coffee LOL)


I agree with what you say with RM, the gear box is ok, it is the add on's.  Signals were added last November and the back down the line sequence is still not working as it should, despite HRMS saying it should be easy to set up. They have had detailed reports to help them but nearly nine months now and still nothing, not even a reply.


This is not a moan, I have had to much to deal with and won't get my layout back down until the middle of August, it is just a little memory jogger to HRMS to say, hi we are still here, what is happening, what can we expect and hopefully when.


I will pass this thread to Adam to pass to HRMS and see if we get a polite reply and update.


Thanks again AC



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PJ, hi, sorry to hear of all your probs, are you still able to recognise your locos. Had probs as well, with heather recovering from prolapse op. Had to learn about Washing Machine, recognition. Hoover signals, and what the red light on the iron means. Trains abandoned for nurses cap. john

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Hi John,


Terrible period, my auntie had cancer, my father in law a rough end, in and out of hospital five times before the last period which was a slow five weeks plus. Visiting twice day throughout. Almost a 1000 miles and we are only live just over 5  miles from the hospital. Totally draining. My wifes dad had vascular dementia, her mum alzheimers. A nightmare throughout and now trying to hold things together for her mum.


Enough of that nurse yelrow. Sorry to hear about your wife, I do hope she is ok now. It is amazing John, all that technology you mention there and you never mentioned Windows 8 once ;o) You were obvioulsy working in the right direction not loco detection.;o)  I hope your wife got her appliances back in the same condition you started using them.


A red light on an iron! What aspect came next ;-)


Keep smiling John, thanks for making me laugh.

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Hi all,


I have heard back from HRMS and an update is imminent. While I can't give an exact date it should be a matter of days before it's added for automatic download.


Wahay, Admin...


Just in time... the other members were seriously considering laying back with month's worth of supplies of tea and biscuits instead of running trains.


So now we'll see if my date was correct... 27th July.... probably not!


But at least we have renewed hope guys... :-)


My tablet is beside itself with excitement... lol

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