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Repeated Point Switching

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Using railmaster and elink , having re-numbered points and updated layout, when switching some repeat the operation 2 or more times.This is usually if they have previously been utilised in pairs and now operate singular. This does not appear to happen if switched within the point set up screen. Has anyone else experienced this. My previous fix was to reproduce the screen layout from scratch.

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I had a similar experience to that and found that some of my points were set to operate others.  I needed to go into Layout Design and select each point individually to check. Or maybe on your layout it does not switch other points but just repeats the same ones again.  In this case, maybe the decoder is sending extra pulses.

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Using railmaster and elink , having re-numbered points and updated layout, when switching some repeat the operation 2 or more times.This is usually if they have previously been utilised in pairs and now operate singular. This does not appear to happen if switched within the point set up screen. Has anyone else experienced this. My previous fix was to reproduce the screen layout from scratch.


Could you clarify what you mean by this statement? When you click on a point on the RM main screen, you should hear two clicks from the point motor. If you have two points with the same address and you click one of them, you should hear 3 or maybe 4 clicks from the point motors.


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If you aren't sure whether you have duplicated the addresses of points, you can check this by using the program editor. After calling up the editor, on the blank line provided, under the "Resource" column, select the points icon. Then in the "Resource Name" column, open up the dropdown list of points. This list reflects all of the points you have defined in your track diagram and is sorted into address sequence. If you spot a pair with the same address e.g. 0003 on the picture below, then you have two points with this address in your layout, and clicking a point with this address on your main diagram will result in at least 3 pulses being sent to those points.



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Using railmaster and elink , having re-numbered points and updated layout, when switching some repeat the operation 2 or more times.This is usually if they have previously been utilised in pairs and now operate singular. This does not appear to happen if switched within the point set up screen. Has anyone else experienced this. My previous fix was to reproduce the screen layout from scratch.

Do you still have this problem or is it reolved?




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I am unable to check the point selection within edit under rescource as i have no program running therefore no rescource is available. It occurs on start up as thje points are set on initial condition and when the points are operated from the screen When removing points from a layout how is this done? And what are the rules for modifying point re-numbering. How can i check if i have two points with the same address from the software,. It is the same point operating 4 times all system points work to their correct addrerss..

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You don't have to have a program running to check per Ray's advice - you can see in his example it is starting as if for a new program with a blank program page. You have to be in  your trackplan though, else it wont find that list.

To remove a point - in Design mode select the dodgy point and its buttons and drag to the bin icon (as shown on my skin anyway).

Point renumber depends on if you have Pro pack activated or not - if so you can nominate the firing order on startup, else you cant. The actual number you give a point is up to you - you can even have multiple points with the same number, some of which may be hidden, which what we are trying to get you to locate by using the program resource/point drop down to list what is on you plan at the moment.

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I do wish Railmaster would do away with the second switching pulse, or at least give an option to switch it off. Using Hornby's R8247 Accessory decoder I find that the second (and third) pulse occurs before the unit has fully re-charged so if the point didn't switch on the first pulse its not going to switch on the second pulse anyway!

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Worth pointing out, in addition to the excellent advice on this topic already, that if you have a crossover where two point motors are wired into one decoder port, you will see that point number twice. R-

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I do wish Railmaster would do away with the second switching pulse, or at least give an option to switch it off. Using Hornby's R8247 Accessory decoder I find that the second (and third) pulse occurs before the unit has fully re-charged so if the point didn't switch on the first pulse its not going to switch on the second pulse anyway!

Hi Nick,

I fully agree. Strange thing is you don't get the second pulse when a point is operated by a program. Their argument is probably that if you want a second pulse, you can insert a second firing program line yourself, and have control of the delay between the two.




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Having now managed to locate the points rescource facility (i was clicking on the rescourcer icon ,not the empty line below) It indicates that i have more than one point with the same nomber.(The same point replicated?).

How do i correct this? and how do i prevent it happening?

Thank you to everyone for your help so far, my grandsons ? railway is 12 miles away which causes my delay.

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Having now managed to locate the points rescource facility (i was clicking on the rescourcer icon ,not the empty line below) It indicates that i have more than one point with the same nomber.(The same point replicated?).

How do i correct this? and how do i prevent it happening?

Thank you to everyone for your help so far, my grandsons ? railway is 12 miles away which causes my delay.

If you can't locate the duplicated points when you are in the layout design window, it could be that you have accidentally inserted a new pair of red/green buttons directly on top of an existing pair. To check this go to each point in turn, then click and drag either of the red/green buttons to one side, to see if there is another one underneath. If there is, then it is probably this hidden pair which have the duplicated address and needs to be deleted.

Does your grandson's pc not have internet access so that you can post on this forum while you are there?


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The reason for replying from home is that using an old xp laptop in the garage and have more state of the art at home. Also still busy on completing point display board for garage wall to allow easy visual point switching by bluetooth voice control. Therefore i achieve more by present method (assuming i solve the problem)

As above i have now located duplicate points in the design window and note that some have an added character before the point number ? The question now is how do i remove them. I had already tried removing the buttons from one point however there was only one showing  i will check the whole layout.

I have had this problem previously as i have developed the layout, and i believe i have been the cause by re-positioning (changing) point numbers on the layout screen. I know that i could fix it by re-building the layout on the computor from start. However i would like to fix it without or at least know the cause.

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I know that i could fix it by re-building the layout on the computor from start. 



 You dont have to re-build the entire layout fac. Just go around the layout moving point icons until you find sets with another set underneath, then delete one. If there are not too many then maybe take them all off and put them back on again. I can guarantee that you will rationalise the numbering yet further. Keep us posted. R-

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 Firstly i find it difficult to understand why the only review for point allocation is within the program writing facility? However on review i have found that if one clears all point entries from a layout those entries still appear within the program facility under point selection but with an additional character (not equall to?) between controller and port. I asssume the extra character relates to not in use.

Some of the layouts showed 4 entries against a particular point number (obviously where i had duplicated)

Rather than further diagnose cause of problems  i have deleted all non used layouts and now left with one where the points tally co- incide with the layout  with the exception of crossovers utilising the same drive and therefore having the same point number for operation.

I will now be removing and re-allocating point numbers to this layout for visual display reasons. I will report my findings. Also of note using xp on a laptop when i reduce the layout size in layout screen it takes ages and appears to make any changes more difficult if not impossible.(i am assuming this is due to the computor and xp)

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Having taken my layout and removed all point refrence there is now no point refrence within the edit screen. Having re-entered all my points on the layout screen, the edit screen gives all the point numbers in the correct order. All points work when switched.

However although the box is ticked the points no longer set up on initialisation of railmaster. T

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Thanks Nick, i had read this but not yet tried it, hopefully this should conclude my problems. Thanks to everyone who has commented and assisted. Hopefully i should have everything operating correctly for the school holidays.

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fac, once you've set the order, if you have problems with some points not initialising as expected its worth reading the thread 'Point Setting' (If you havent already done so) which should help solve that issue


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  • 5 weeks later...

On my system I am not getting the two pulses to points as some are getting. I only get one, whether is activation is from the Elite or from Railmaster. I am using Peco points. Maybe they are different?

What has disappeared on me though is the automatic point setting feature at startup. This seems to have disappeared no matter how I set the tick-box "Set points". I wonder if anyone else has noticed. This is not really a problem for me though because I have a program that sets all points to their default positions. In fact this is preferable since I do not have to wait to set all points every time Railmaster reboots. (I need to do this quite often since the points sometimes lose contact with Railmaster.)

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Hi John, you cannot hear two distinct pulses as they are in fairly rapid sucession and it does not make any difference what brand of point you are using. For the point setting at start up you seem to be in the right place but have you set the order of firing in the adjacent box? I believe if you don't set a number here RM will follow the number sequence of the decoders. You seem to be suggesting that this is not the case either, and not a problem for you. Is that correct? Lasty there is no way that RM should lose contact with any point motors. All I can think of here is that your point icons are not correctly placed or you somehow have an intermittent power or command connction. Have you checked the wiring? R-

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On my system I am not getting the two pulses to points as some are getting. I only get one, whether is activation is from the Elite or from Railmaster. I am using Peco points. Maybe they are different?

What has disappeared on me though is the automatic point setting feature at startup. This seems to have disappeared no matter how I set the tick-box "Set points". I wonder if anyone else has noticed. This is not really a problem for me though because I have a program that sets all points to their default positions. In fact this is preferable since I do not have to wait to set all points every time Railmaster reboots. (I need to do this quite often since the points sometimes lose contact with Railmaster.)

I think I am right in saying that you need the ProPack version of RM to set points at startup. If you do have this, then you need to set a value in the Startup Position field of each point which you WANT RM to set on startup. If you leave this field blank for certain points, then those points will NOT be set on startup. Adjacent to this field is a dropdown box indicating which way you want the points to be set. On my layout I specify startup positions for all of the points on the mainline, and I don't bother with all of those in sidings.


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