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Programming a route only without loco control.

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Before embarking on my first attempt at setting a route programme I thought best to ask here. I have read through the manual and see that if I were to run a loco and set point, signal etc as it progressed then I could record that programme and replay it.

My query is, RM only controls my point settings and probably one day the signals.

Can I therefore create a programme to just set the route, switching points ahead of the loco controlled by my NCE Powercab?

Would the best way to create the programme be to just trace the proposed route, changing points in sequence as required and allowing time for the loco to get to them?



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I don't use RM programs, but it seems fairly obvious to me that if you are controlling your Locos with your NCE PowerCab, RM would be completely oblivious to their presence as there is NO DCC feedback from the Loco OR NCE P.Cab back into RM. RM can ONLY know about and record what is happening from within RM itself.


Not only that, but as it is the NCE P.Cab that is connected to the track. Then I would assume that the RM/eLink is connected to a completely separate accessory Bus for the points and signals. Thus there is NO electrical path either between the Locos and RM.


So Yes, you can (should) be able to create a program by recording just point and signal events in isolation. I include the word 'should' because there are users on here that are heavily into creating RM programs and they might have a different view.

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Hi geochoice

I have created routes and programs within RailMaster.  I use the Elite with my RailMaster, so not quite the same set up as you have.  I do not have any signals.  You can set points either in a RailMaster PROGRAM, or by creating a ROUTE, that will then appear as a drop down box on your layout.


As Chris says above, I also assume you have your points connected through e-link.  To use the program method, just do exactly as you have said but it appears that the Loco will not be controlled from your program if you are controlling it from a different controller.  Just set RailMaster to record and switch your points by clicking on them on the RailMaster layout and the timings will then all be recorded and you can re-run the program from the Program down down boxes.


To use the ROUTE method, (my personal preference).  Go into The design Layout screen and select your layout from the drop down box.  Then right click on any point that you want to include in your route and give the route a name in the route part of the point display.  You will need to click on the arrow that comes up next to your route name to show whether you want to switch right or left.  Repeat this for any other points that you require for the same route except that for each 2nd and subsequent point you chose, you select the route name from the drop down box, rather than having to type it in.


I don't know whether HRMS have fixed the problem I raised a few months ago but you need to ensure that you pick a unique name for each route and don't use even part of the same name again, otherwise RailMaster gets confused (or at least it did a while ago but may now have been fixed).  What I mean by that is that I had a Route called 'Loop 1' and then I added a new route called 'Loop 1 to Loop 2'  This confused RailMaster but by changing the second route to 'Loop1 to Loop2' the problem went away. (I removed the spaces)


I hope this makes sense and is enough to get you started, after that it is just a matter of experimenting to get the solution that suits you best.


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RDS and Chris, many thanks for that advice, I will try and create a route this afternoon and evening, hopefully now I understand a lot more it will be a success, this RM is a great programme, even better once I start to understand and use parts of it !

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...  this RM is a great programme ...

I agree, it is very powerful.  I should have added that the ROUTE method only works if you are happy for all points to change as soon as you click on the route button.  If you want to stagger the timings at all, you will need to use the first method (programming) that I described.



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I have Propack and I wanted to print  a copy of my layout on the current screen, so that I can work out a programme fro the route I wish to set and according to manual. click print button, fine but where is it?

Looked everywhere but not visible.

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RDS, when I go to set the Route on my trackplan, click the point as you suggest, give it a name and set the direction, is there supposed to be a button to save or does it save just when I close the box? Have tried this but when I go to programme button, route it is not listed as a dropdown option. Probably me as it usually is.

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... is there supposed to be a button to save ...

Yes, click the 'tick' symbol at the bottom right of the Layout Design window.  It will ask you if you want to overwrite existing layout.  Answer yes (tick) to overwrite or type in a new name to save a new layout.



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Printing track plan layout is a ProPack only feature - see manual page 98. The manual shows what the print plan icon looks like, but doesn't definitively state where it is to be found. I would think you will find it when you have the 'track plan designer' application part of RM open - probably somewhere around the edge of the open track designer window. Possibly near the save track plan icons. The reason I say this, is because page 98 is the last page of the RM 'track plan designer' section of the RM manual. It is therefore logical to deduce that printing track plans is a track plan designer feature. This is only a guess based on logic on my part as I do not have ProPack installed.


You didn't say where you have looked for the printing button, but I suspect you have been looking at the RM screen when in normal RM operating mode. i.e when you can click on points & signals and operate them.


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In that case need to be patient and wait for a ProPack user to come back and answer. Failing that, use the RM reporting function from the RM help window and ask HRMS to point you in the right direction. i.e similar process to your de-activation request. You never know, you might have uncovered a missing print button bug introduced as a result of last RM update that nobody else has noticed yet.


PS - where was it then, on old laptop before it died and passed away?

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From memory Chris, yes was on old laptop and was near to the bottom left of the planning screen if I recall rightly.

also having trouble as RDS suggests, progamming a route, I click the point, name the route in little box, check green or red direction then nothing at that time to save just an option to close the box, do same with next couple of points except use already named route, when finished, there seems to be no option to change the name if the olan, just overwrite or don't save. It is me, I am sure of it, never was pc compatible just keep trying.

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I will have a look at my Pro pack version later tonight for you. (I never print the layout)

The alternative would to do a screen dump and then print that



 Thanks RDS I am not sure the Propack is fully active although the angled points seem to operate ok. I think I will contact HRMS anyway.

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Thanks Ray, I have no idea where mine has gone them.

I am beginning to wonder if you do in fact have the Pro Pack loaded.  I have 2 versions of RailMaster, the basic and the Pro and it therefore easy to see the differences, some of which are:.

1) When you load up the Pro version it says Pro across the splash screen that displays as RailMaster is loading.

2) With the Pro version you have extra functions available when right clicking on a point control in the Design Layout screen, for example the resulting point window is twice as wide and includes an extra drop down to run a Program, another Drop down to specify Point type and a large area on the right of the Point window to specify other points and Signals that can be set to operate at the same time.

3) As Ray says, the Print icon is at the bottom left corner in the Red area of the Layout Design window, just to the left of the Layout drop down and directly underneath the 'Remove selected element' icon.  It is very obvious.




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Thanks everyone for your input.

When I go to System Settings there are only two sections, General & Loco Detection.

There is no code in the Propack unlock code so when I enter the code it waits to connect then reads already registered.

It asks me if I want to request a code to activate but the one I received from HRMS a few days ago reads back already activated, Should I deactivate the whole thing again? Or do you think that when I deactivated old original broken laptop the Propack code did not get deactivated?

There is also a box Master Terminal IP Address which is blank

When I clicked on the desktop to open the programme it just started without the banner etc just please wait checking for updates .... then connecting to elink ...

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