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Programming a route only without loco control.

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... there are only two sections, General & Loco Detection ... 

 The Pro version has 3 Tabs in the Systems Settings window.  There should also be one named 'Advanced'.  

The Master Terminal IP Address field should be blank.  As far as I am aware it is only used for Networking and even then, only on the Slave terminal.

 The Pro pack unlock code field is blank on my Pro pack version, even though it is activated.

You certainly have not got the Pro pack features so it does appear that the Pro pack code did not get re-activated.  I would try to de-activate it all again and then re-activate.  If that doesn't work, contact HRMS.

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Thanks Ray, as I suspected, however RM will not permit a reactivation as I have done so recently ie about 5 days ago. Says contact HRMS help which I did last night. I am beginning to get irritated about this as the whole purpose of deactivation last week was due to a broken laptop, the Propack Key sent back to me could not have been the right one else it would have activated.

I wonder how long this will take to get sorted?

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Thanks Ray, as I suspected, ....

I wonder how long this will take to get sorted?

You answer may not have been for me, but I am not Ray.

Normally, HRMS sort things out very quickly. Incidentally, do you think you have ever had Pro pack working?



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Sorry RDS thought you were Ray. Yes have had Propack working else I would not have had points across my Reverse Loop at a diagonal, nor would I have been able to print a plan of Geominster previously.

just do not know why it has not activated, in fact on reflection when I started the new Laptop when I activated RM I recall the different Propack window on start up, but not seen it since.

hopefully HRMS respond soon because the problem is bugging me. 

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Right, HRMS are not responding to email, or direct request from me regarding sorting out the transition from a dead laptop to a new one, I have got RM working of sorts but teh Propack is evasive. I am already registered??? Not on the new laptop despite getting the codes and entering.

How long would you expect they take to get back to me. A phone call first thing is my only next step.

I really did not expect this amount of time or trouble.

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Most unusual geo. did you get the immediate auto response from them. If not, your AV will be blocking you most likely. And if it is doing that, it will also be blocking your ProPack code getting through. 


Should this be the problem, go take a look at the content on AV in AC's separate site from the link in the top locked thread. 

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Hi Fishy , got auto response


"Dear RailMaster UserThank you for sending us your Help Request.This is a confirmation to let you know that we have received your request and will look into the issues you have raised as soon as possible.  We will endeavour to have a solution within the next two working days." received 28th June 2015.

I have emailed and also sent the help when activation key would not work. :-(

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A reply from HRMS advising me that Propack was ready to activate now means Propack is finally working on the refur bished dedicated RM laptop. Apparently there was a digit missing from my remitted code and they took a while to find me, I suppose an email to me would have provided the correct code but anyway all is now up and running, thanks.

The old broken laptop has been restored by son-in-law and placed in cupbaorad fro use when needed.

The missing print plan button has appeared now on the screen, as I have just amended my layout I now need to adjust the mimic to suit, too tired tonight to attempt such a task so maybe at the weekend, still not sure how to save a layout to a new name, will try and read manual and find it.

Thanks to all for your help, oh and incidentally RM connects 1st time to elink now whereas it used to take about 5 attempts.

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Perseverance pays off in the end………Geo


Saving track plans............page 97 of the RM manual (the downloadable V1.57 manual, that is).

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I can see where you create a new plan and save it, what I want to do is take an existing plan, if neccesary duplicate and then amend it and save so I have a plan that is correct and then I can work on an amendment and call it another name so When I am happy with it I can use either plan. If I just amend it and overwrite it I am changing the master plan each time ?

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I can see where you create a new plan and save it, what I want to do is take an existing plan, if neccesary duplicate and then amend it and save so I have a plan that is correct and then I can work on an amendment and call it another name so When I am happy with it I can use either plan. If I just amend it and overwrite it I am changing the master plan each time ?


What you need to do is:-

1. Go into the Layout Designer and open the existing plan you want to duplicate and amend.

2. Before doing anything else, overtype the name of the plan with the new name you want to give it, then click the green tick button to save it.

3. This has taken care of the "duplicate" part. Now do some changes to the plan and save it again using the green tick button. This time you will be warned that a plan of that name already exists. Just accept this and carry on.


The original named plan will still be there unchanged. If you now want the plan with the new name to be your default layout, you need to go into the system settings window and enter the new name there.




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An update, I have not been near RM for the past week for fear of rushing and ruining what I have already created and I needed to have confidence in the next stage which was to copy the current working layout in order to modify the copy but leaving the original intact just in case....

Well as you said earlier it is just a case of selecting the layout to modify and overtyping the layout name with a new name and then saving it, after that continue to alter it and save as progresses. This I must admit seemed strange as I am used to saving and being given an option of a new name, not the other way round, anyway it works and I am now well underway creating the new layout mimic with the fiddle yard adjacent and joined to it.

The print option as you rightly said also provides me with a printed layout.

So thank you all for your patience and help, it has been very much appreciated. :-)

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