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Gone Walkabout


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The Select Walkabout (R8235) seems to have disappeared from the Hornby website.

I have found this to be a cost-effective item, as I don't need the power supplies that come with the R8213s.

I hope that the Walkabout returns.

Please don't bother advising me that I'm better off with an Elite. I prefer the form factor of the Select and I use an NCE PowerCab for programming.

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Wrong cable, the R8236 is for a Hornby Booster when connecting it to an Elite / Select controller. The Select Walkabout cable is the R8266 (not listed either on the Hornby website but third party copies are available on e-bay). I only offer the correction information to stop someone ordering the wrong cable.


There are other posts on here regarding Select Walkabouts and the correct cable, with links to where the correct cable can be purchased.

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Chrisaff. that's interesting, because Hattons are advertsing it as such:




However; I did further research and as you said, was discussed poreviously!


This was posted by admin:


Hi all,


Apologies that I'm a bit late to this discussion.


As RAF96 says, the R8266 is for the Select Walkabout with the R8236 being for the Booster. Without going into the exact technical details (as I'm sure I couldn't do them justice), the R8236 was originally designed to work with both the Walkabout and Booster. However, in practice, the R8236 wasn't able to do this, at least not reliably. This led to the creation of the R8266.


Unfortunately, the difference between the two cables hasn't always been noted (such as in the 2015 catalogue) but you can be sure that the R8266 is for use with the Select Walkabout.

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Chrissaf. that's interesting, because Hattons are advertsing it as such:




It was mentioned in previous posts that Hattons and some others were quoting the R8236 in error. The confusion arises because Hornby ORIGINALLY shipped the R8236 with the Select Walkabout. It subsequently proved to not work, well at least not reliably. Hornby replaced the 'Walkabout R8236' with a new cable, the R8266. This is all documented in the other posts on the subject. The R8236 is a flat cable with the internal wires laid in parallel to one-another. The cable was found to be subject to interference causing the Walkabout function to fail. The R8266 is a twisted pair cable. Twisted pairs are deployed to reject interference. The way to tell the two cables apart is; the R8236 has a flat cross section, the R8266 is round. The R8266 (to the best of my knowledge) was never listed on the Hornby website as a separately orderable item, hence the third party market for the product for those users who having upgraded from Select to Elite want to convert their Selects to Walkabout use. 

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Obviously an error by Hattons. Unless Hornby have altered their leads in the last couple of weeks?


See here (and there are many other sites too) where the R8236 lead is clearly stated as Not Suitable for Walkabout..


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"It subsequently proved to not work, well at least not reliably." Obviously you are one of the lucky ones Michael.

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Well sorry to add to the confusion, I have the R8236 (flat) lead and it most certainly DOES work with my Elite and Select.

The point to note in the quote from Admin and Chris's post is 'reliably' - in certain scenarios.

You would have to trawl back into the original and long winded discussions to see which bit didn't reliably work.

I got it wrong once or twice then and I'm not going into detail here and getting it wrong again.



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Only Hornby Marketing could answer that accurately, our answers would be pure conjecture, but.....


Probably two things have resulted in Hornby making it unavailable for new order:


  • Lack of demand.
  • Select has limited functionality compared to the master controller (i.e Elite), lowest common denominator prevails. Thus my understanding is that using the Select as a Walkabout restricts what you can do with the master. Just one example, Select can only call up loco addresses in the 1 - 59 range, the master controller (i.e an Elite) can greatly exceed that limited range. So loco address 101, for example, can be called up on the master controller, but not accessible on the Walkabout as loco address is greater than 59. For a Walkabout to be truly useful, it needs to be able to mirror all the functionality of the master, not just a limited 'sub-set'.
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Good points, Chrissaf, but what you are missing is that the Select Walkabout has 2 uses other than as a slave for an Elite.

1. It functions as a slave for another Select. Select users can have more than one controller operating, positioned conveniently around their layouts.

2. Being identical to a Select (apart from not having its own power supply) the Select Walkabout is a cost effective option for those not needing the power supply.

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Being identical to a Select (apart from not having its own power supply) the Select Walkabout is a cost effective option for those not needing the power supply.


Which takes us back to the OP statement  on page 1 that he doesn't another PSU.

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