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Point Setting

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When I set Railmaster pro to set all points during start up, the results are variable. Some set properly to the correct direction and others do not. This is not consistent and when starting again it could be different points that set correctly. It seems to me that the delay between setting each point is less than 1 sec and maybe this should be nearer to 2 or 3 sec to allow the capacitors to re charge. Is there any way that I can alter the delay in the programme provided. I can, of course, write my own program with a longer delay, but I should be able to use the facitily provided. 

Any ideas?

Dave A

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READ THE MANUAL - page 32.......relating to amending the railmaster.ini file.


Extract of manual page 32 pasted below (see line in bold):


"The default settings and descriptions are:-


Tipper speed=80 This sets the speed for the decoder chip running the tipper

Tipper timer=86.4 This is the number of seconds to run the tipper for a cycle

Turntable speed=40 This sets the speed for the decoder chip running the turntable

Turntable timer=19.30 This is the number of seconds to run the turntable

Points timer=0.75 No of seconds to pause between firing points rapidly

Conveyor speed =65 This sets the speed for the decoder chip running the conveyor

TCP start port=30 The IP starting port for networking/hand-helds

Check serial ports=1 Whether DCC controller ports are checked on start-up

Show upgrade button=0 Whether the upgrade...................................................."


Modify the "0.75" seconds entry to the number of seconds of delay you want.....use Notepad.exe to make the edit.

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Hi Davey,

You do not mention what sort of accessory decoders you are using, but it's a fair bet they are R8247s. If you have a few of these, then it may be possible to change the firing order to allow the CDU on each AD to recharge. For example, if you have four decoders with port addresses 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and 13-16, then if you set the firing order as follows, then you may be able to get away without editing the INI file:-

Port     Firing Order

  1                1

  2                5

  3                9

  4               13

  5                2

  6                6

  7               10

  8               14

  9                3

 10               7

 11              11

 12              15

 13               4

 14               8

 15              12

 16              16



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I am using DCC concepts point decoders but had a problem that one point wouldn't reset on start up. Having now read the above I have switched the starting position of the problem point with its neighbour and now all works okay.

ie:   23,24,25,26 now 23,25,24,26

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I am using DCC concepts point decoders but had a problem that one point wouldn't reset on start up. Having now read the above I have switched the starting position of the problem point with its neighbour and now all works okay.

ie:   23,24,25,26 now 23,25,24,26


 Are you using AD-S decoders Greg? If so I'm surprised as these decoders have a dedicated CDU for every port so shouldn't be a problem with waiting for capacitors to re-charge.


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Yes I am using AD-S decoders. I don't think the issue is with the decoders but a bug in Railmaster. I have reported this to HRMS but they have not come up with a solution. However for what ever reason swopping the order has sorted the issue.

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Hi Davey,

You do not mention what sort of accessory decoders you are using, but it's a fair bet they are R8247s. If you have a few of these, then it may be possible to change the firing order to allow the CDU on each AD to recharge. For example, if you have four decoders with port addresses 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 and 13-16, then if you set the firing order as follows, then you may be able to get away without editing the INI file:-

Port     Firing Order

  1                1

  2                5

  3                9

  4               13

  5                2

  6                6

  7               10

  8               14

  9                3

 10               7

 11              11

 12              15

 13               4

 14               8

 15              12

 16              16






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Hi Dave,

Did you mean to type something in your last post? Click the blue "Quote" button on this post, type your message in the white bit below the section with my message on a yellow background, then click the green "Reply" button.


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Nor is it necessary to use the whole quote, you can copy and paste some of the preceding post into the white area like this, 

It's not always necessary to use the "Quote" button.

Type your reply next like this and then highlight the quoted bit and click the 66 icon at the top of the reply box.

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Ray, Thanks to you and everyone who responded to my points setting problemwithin Railmaster.

Your suggestion of a "staggered"firinf order has worked like a charm. The process now repeats properly and so I can now depend on it.

Thanks again,


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