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72xx slow running and blew decoder


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I recently took delivery of a new Hornby R3225 72xx 2-8-2


As always I ran this in on DC before fitting a decoder, and ran beautifully, but the maximum speed seemed to be about 40mph (I have a 'speed wagon' scale speed device)


So I just assumed this was the way the loco had been designed, and went ahead and fitted a Hattons 8 pin decoder. All was fine, until the loco just stopped and the decoder failed with a puff of smoke.


Ran again on DC, all OK, so fitted another decoder. So far so good...but... I am worried. Decoders make awfully expensive fuses!


Anyone else had issues with this loco?

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I beleive both R3225 72xx 2-8-2 and the R3222 42xx 2-8-0T which I have were designed with scale speed in mind and thus are geared for a top speed of about 45MPH which is the true max speed for the loco. Having a low top speed makes for good low speed operation too. If you loco runs fine on DC then I suspect you had a faulty DCC decoder. If it's new I'd return the decoder under warrenty.

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Correct Poliss. At a tenner I used to think they were a bargain, at the moment not so sure, but have to say it's been run in for an hour each direction and then 30 mins at max speed and, so far (touch wood) all is fine. So maybe (hopefully) just a faulty decoder. Not woirth the hassle of sending back as I live in Germany.

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Michael, I blew up a Hattons decoder in my "early learning" days of DCC. It was caused by a short circuit. Decoders in general and, I believe, Hattons in particular do not like short circuits. Whisch is why I am very careful when installing them these days! Could that have been the problem?

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I don't think so, was plugged in and was taped safely out of the way while I test ran it with the body off. I'm thinking faulty decoder. Unusual, because I have used a lot of the Hattons decoders and been very happy with them. All seems well now, it's been running a few hours with the body on, and runs beautifully, even though it is geared a tad too low and can't achieve a scale speed of 45mph.......

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Michael, does the 72xx have power pickups on the trailing wheels as well as on the 8 main driving wheels? Nothing to do with you decoder blowing, just interested. I had to fit a decoder with keep-alive to my 42xx because with only pickups on the 8 drivers it stalled on some of my insu-frog points when running at very low speed. I'm thinking of getting a 72xx and it would be nice not to have to use such an expensive decoder.

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WTD - I've checked all the pickups and all are working fine,thanks for the suggestion. The stalling problem used to occur where I have 5 sets of points one after another, 4 Hornby, 1 Peco but all insufrog settrack because I don't have enough room to use Peco streamline points there. The 2-8-0 stalled sometimes but my 'blue box' 0-6-0 was far worse and stalled most times when either were running at speed-step 5. At higher speeds both were fine. Now with stay-alives, both run at speed-step 3 without ever stalling. Maybe i'm just unlucky - or just rubbish at laying points :-)

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Michael, i've just speed-tested my 2-8-0 and max speed is 41-42mph at speedstep 127, so perhaps geared just a little low but I prefer to run my locos slower rather than faster so pulling 10+ wagons at 35mph cruise looks really good.

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As i understand it these locos, particually the 42xx, were designed for hauling heavy freight over short distances and the maximum permitted speed for pulling un-braked wagons was 30mph so there is no problem running them at scale speeds. I like the fact it is geared low because it makes it smother at really low speeds when shunting etc.

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