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TTS sound on Railmaster

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Can anyone clarify the labelling of the control buttons on Raimaster.

I have just perchased the Flying Scotsman  (great value), and although the sound functions comply with the data sheet on my Select, some are wrongly labelled on the RailMaster.

I tried to change the labels, but those listed do not give the necessary titles.

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WD, A point of clarification please. In your original post you have the text......


on my Select, some are wrongly labelled on the RailMaster.


Did you mean eLink / Elite? as Select isn't compatible with RailMaster.


Addition to my previous reply - might be worth reviewing this previous thread. It talks about TTS locos in RM and how to load the correct button names.

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Thanks for your replles. I will edit the titles manually. So it is the case that Railmaster does not load the Hornby locos with TTS correctly. Is this a just a limitation or an error?

I use the Select separately to the Railmaster/E-link. I find it more user friendly.

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WD, I would just direct your attention back to the link I provided in my last reply. If you look at Page 4, 6th post down by RDS. A full step by step description is given of how to get RM to correctly populate a TTS Loco function labels.


You could consider replacing the eLink with an Elite. That way you would get the power of RailMaster AND the user friendly knobs of the Elite in one integrated package. I say integrated, because in the Elite / RM combo, when you turn the throttle knobs on the Elite, the throttle sliders in RM move on screen in synchronisation. The Elite would also give you two knobs to twiddle instead of one. Just a thought.

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